Anyone used this TUYA LED strip controller with success?

I just bought one of these. It arrived today. Unfortunately it doesn't even seem to want to pair.

Frustratingly it came with no instructions. Only a QR code linking to the tuya smartphone app. I've guessed that pairing mode is entered by holding down the button about 10 seconds until the light starts to pulse. Pairing mode on my HE hub looks for the full 60 seconds but sees nothing!

I opened it up and the ZigBee module appears to be model "ZT3L" .. so perhaps different to some of the others mentioned.

Anyone got any ideas?

A few things I would try. (1) Move it closer to the HE and try again. (2) Try to pair with Hue Bridge if you happen to have one. (3) Try to pair with SmartThings hub if you happen to have one. (4) You might got a defective device and ask for replacement.

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