Anyone still using the OW-Server 1-Wire to Ethernet Server Drivers

Considering using this for temp/humidity sensors. Anyone still using it? If so, how's it working for you?

Which drivers are you referring to?

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These ...

@user2164 - you should probably tag @ckamps to find out if their drivers still work with current platform versions.

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Still works fine in my home. Pretty basic technology. Hence the lack of changes to the driver. Would be like trying to enhance a nail…

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Thanks for the quick reply. Glad to hear that it's still working. Looks like I will be placing an order.

I wish the sensors were cheaper. The EDS temp/humidity sensor is $68 + shipping. Do you know of any that are less expensive? I will probably need three, so I'm over $300.

Mine runs fine

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@ckamps Will your driver support the EDS temp/humidity/pressure/light sensor (OW-ENV-THPL)?

I placed an order for the OW-Server and the temp/humidity sensor, but the sensor is backordered with a two month lead time. EDS offered me the temp/humidity/pressure/light sensor for $10 over the price of the temp/humidity sensor.

I'm willing to accept their offer it that sensor will still work with your driver. I don't care if your driver can't do anything with the pressure/light data because it's of no value to me at this time. I just would like to make sure your driver will work with the temp/humidity data from that sensor.