I have 3-4 C-7 hubs and a single C-8 hub running
Since upgrading to .139 I have seen a marked increase in the database size on my hubs. On my main hub ~15Mb to 50Mb.
I have not checked any details specifically on lining up platform updates or any other changes, nor have I checked whether there are any adverse impacts as a result of this change in DB size (none that I can determine). This is more a general question about whether this is expected or something I even need to worry about.
Ok, cool, was hoping that was all it was. As long as it's expected, and not a bad thing. At the moment all it means is a bigger number on my Grafana dashboard.... Which I can live with. I could make a more inappropriate comment, but will refrain and leave that for other topics...
As @ogiewon said, db changes (significant size increases and lots of jumpting up and down in terms of db size) is typical of the new database engine. The new normal, as they say. (Like me?)
It was pretty scary at first, getting used to the new db behavior. Lots of "Oh Noes!" from us intially, but in spite of the increases and size jumpiness everything works fine, just as Victor said it would.
Except for all the references there to our secret organization that actually runs the world through mind control (and gets to choose the Flavor of the Month at all the ice cream shops). But yeah, aside from that it'd be OK to share.
I was getting an elevated load warning every time my main C7 hub was rebooted and then it would go away after about a minute. I just put a longer delay on my rule that runs after a power up and it is resolved. Something in the boot up definitely stays busy longer or maybe rules now start earlier in the boot sequence. Dunno.
My main rules hub jumped up to 90mb overnight or this morning. Would need to dig into it some more to find out what was happening, but not sure when I will get the time.... It has come back down to 43mb now, after a restart I did this morning (I did not select the DB option).