Anybody using a Sensibo?

@blink Is it possible for you to create a set of device and driver code with no debug logging?
I found that they flood my log every 10 seconds or so and it is not ideal.

Or maybe someone can suggest an easy way for me to turn the debugging off?

1 Like

I have the same. Agree would be great to suppress all the unnecessary logging.or have an easy option for this.

@tonysosw how is the performance for you. Do you find they respond ok? I have patchy response.

@Angus_M I haven't encountered any problem yet, all commands seems to be functional and my aircon responded accordingly

same here with my 2 gen1's - no issues

I've got Sky v2, (three of them), and no problem with performance.

But, for the lolz, I've just taken the App and Driver and wrapped the Logging functions so you can turn on/off logging.

In the driver code, you can switch it off per device on the device screen (info and debug), but this generally doesn't generate much in the way of messages.

See below for App code (which is very noisy), and you can turn on/off logging (This code has logging turned off by default)

NOTE: I'm a total novice at this, but it seems to work for me, and has made the logs way cleaner, so enjoy!

Driver Code
(Revised - see post #54)

1 Like

App Code

Change Lines 44-46 from false to true if you want to turn logging on.

 *  Sensibo Integration for Hubitat
 *  Copyright 2015 Eric Gosselin
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

    name: "Sensibo Integration",
    namespace: "EricG66",
    author: "Eric Gosselin",
    description: "Connect your Sensibo Pod to Hubitat.",
    category: "Green Living",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "",
    iconX3Url: "",
    singleInstance: true) 

    appSetting "apikey"

preferences {
	page(name: "SelectAPIKey", title: "API Key", content: "setAPIKey", nextPage: "deviceList", install: false, uninstall: true)
	page(name: "deviceList", title: "Sensibo", content:"SensiboPodList", install:true, uninstall: true)
    page(name: "timePage")
    page(name: "timePageEvent")


def getServerUrl() { "" }
def getapikey() { apiKey }
//def version() { "SmartThingsv1.5" }

// if you want logging, set these true, else false 
def debugLog() { return false }
def traceLog() { return false }

public static String version() { return "SmartThingsv1.6" }

private def displayDebugLog(message) {
	if (debugLog() == true) log.debug "${message}"

private def displayTraceLog(message) {
	if (traceLog() == true) log.trace  "${message}"

def setAPIKey()
	displayTraceLog( "setAPIKey()")
    	def pod = appSettings.apikey
    else {
        def pod = ""
    def p = dynamicPage(name: "SelectAPIKey", title: "Enter your API Key", uninstall: true) {
			paragraph "Please enter your API Key provided by Sensibo \n\nAvailable at: \n"
			input(name: "apiKey", title:"", type: "text", required:true, multiple:false, description: "", defaultValue: pod)
    return p

def SensiboPodList()
	displayTraceLog( "SensiboPodList()")

	def stats = getSensiboPodList()
	displayDebugLog( "device list: $stats")
	def p = dynamicPage(name: "deviceList", title: "Select Your Sensibo Pod", uninstall: true) {
			paragraph "Tap below to see the list of Sensibo Pods available in your Sensibo account and select the ones you want to connect to SmartThings."
			input(name: "SelectedSensiboPods", title:"Pods", type: "enum", required:true, multiple:true, description: "Tap to choose",  options: stats)
        section("Refresh") {
        	input(name:"refreshinminutes", title: "Refresh rates in minutes", type: "enum", required:false, multiple: false, options: ["1", "5", "10","15","30"])

	 	// No push notifications on Hubitat
        section("Receive Pod sensors infos") {
        	input "boolnotifevery", "bool",submitOnChange: true, required: false, title: "Receive temperature, humidity and battery level notification every hour?"
            href(name: "toTimePageEvent",
                     page: "timePageEvent", title:"Only during a certain time", require: false)

        section("Alert on sensors (threshold)") {
        	input "sendPushNotif", "bool",submitOnChange: true, required: false, title: "Receive alert on Sensibo Pod sensors based on threshold?"                       

		if (sendPushNotif) {
           section("Select the temperature threshold",hideable: true) {
            	input "minTemperature", "decimal", title: "Min Temperature",required:false
            	input "maxTemperature", "decimal", title: "Max Temperature",required:false }
            section("Select the humidity threshold",hideable: true) {
            	input "minHumidity", "decimal", title: "Min Humidity level",required:false
            	input "maxHumidity", "decimal", title: "Max Humidity level",required:false }              
        	section("How frequently?") {
        		input(name:"days", title: "Only on certain days of the week", type: "enum", required:false, multiple: true, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"])
        	section("") {
        		href(name: "toTimePage",
                	 page: "timePage", title:"Only during a certain time", require: false)
	return p

// page def must include a parameter for the params map!
def timePage() {
    dynamicPage(name: "timePage", uninstall: false, install: false, title: "Only during a certain time") {
      section("") {
        input(name: "startTime", title: "Starting at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time",)
        input(name: "endTime", title: "Ending at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time")

// page def must include a parameter for the params map!
def timePageEvent() {
    dynamicPage(name: "timePageEvent", uninstall: false, install: false, title: "Only during a certain time") {
      section("") {
        input(name: "startTimeEvent", title: "Starting at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time",)
        input(name: "endTimeEvent", title: "Ending at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time")

def getSensiboPodList()
	displayTraceLog( "getSensiboPodList called")
    def deviceListParams = [
    uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
    path: "/api/v2/users/me/pods",
    requestContentType: "application/json",
    query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json",fields:"id,room" ]]

	def pods = [:]
    try {
      httpGet(deviceListParams) { resp ->
    	if(resp.status == 200)
			{ { pod ->
                    def key =
                    def value =
					pods[key] = value
                state.pods = pods
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Get Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception get JSON: " + e)
    displayDebugLog( "Sensibo Pods: $pods"  )
    return pods

def installed() {
	displayTraceLog( "Installed() called with settings: ${settings}")

	state.lastTemperaturePush = null
    state.lastHumidityPush = null
    def d = getChildDevices()

	if (boolnotifevery) {
        schedule("0 0 * * * ?", "hournotification")
    displayDebugLog( "Configured health checkInterval when installed()")
	sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: true)
    if (sendPushNotif) { 
    	subscribe(d, "temperature", eTemperatureHandler)
        subscribe(d, "humidity", eHumidityHandler)

def updated() {
	displayTraceLog( "Updated() called with settings: ${settings}")

    state.lastTemperaturePush = null
    state.lastHumidityPush = null
    def d = getChildDevices()
    if (boolnotifevery) {
        schedule("0 0 * * * ?", "hournotification")
    displayDebugLog( "Configured health checkInterval when installed()")
	sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: true)
    if (sendPushNotif) {
    	subscribe(d, "temperature", eTemperatureHandler)
        subscribe(d, "humidity", eHumidityHandler)

def ping() {

	displayTraceLog( "ping called")
    def returnStatus = true
    def deviceListParams = [
    uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
    path: "/api/v2/users/me/pods",
    requestContentType: "application/json",
    query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json",fields:"id,room" ]]
    try {
      httpGet(deviceListParams) { resp ->
    	if(resp.status == 200)
				returnStatus = true
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Get Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception get JSON: " + e)
		returnStatus = false
    return returnStatus

def hournotification() {
	displayTraceLog( "hournotification() called")
	def hour = new Date()
	def curHour = hour.format("HH:mm",location.timeZone)
	def curDay = hour.format("EEEE",location.timeZone)
	// Check the time Threshold
    def stext = ""
	if (startTimeEvent && endTimeEvent) {
 		def minHour = new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), startTimeEvent)
    	def endHour = new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), endTimeEvent)

    	def minHourstr = minHour.format("HH:mm",location.timeZone)
    	def maxHourstr = endHour.format("HH:mm",location.timeZone)

    	if (curHour >= minHourstr && curHour <= maxHourstr) 
    		def devices = getChildDevices()
            devices.each { d ->
                displayTraceLog( "Notification every hour for device: ${}")
                def currentPod = d.displayName
                def currentTemperature = d.currentState("temperature").value
                def currentHumidity = d.currentState("humidity").value
                def currentBattery = d.currentState("voltage").value
                def sunit = d.currentState("temperatureUnit").value
                stext = "${currentPod} - Temperature: ${currentTemperature} ${sunit} Humidity: ${currentHumidity}% Battery: ${currentBattery}"    
    else {
    	 	def devices = getChildDevices()
            devices.each { d ->
                displayTraceLog( "Notification every hour for device: ${}")
                def currentPod = d.displayName
                def currentTemperature = d.currentState("temperature").value
                def currentHumidity = d.currentState("humidity").value
                def currentBattery = d.currentState("voltage").value
                def sunit = d.currentState("temperatureUnit").value
                stext = "${currentPod} - Temperature: ${currentTemperature} ${sunit} Humidity: ${currentHumidity}% Battery: ${currentBattery}"    

//def switchesHandler(evt)
//  if (evt.value == "on") {
//        displayDebugLog( "switch turned on!")
//    } else if (evt.value == "off") {
//        displayDebugLog( "switch turned off!")
//    }

def eTempUnitHandler(evt)

def eTemperatureHandler(evt){
	def currentTemperature = evt.device.currentState("temperature").value
    def currentPod = evt.device.displayName
    def hour = new Date()
    if (inDateThreshold(evt,"temperature") == true) {
        if(maxTemperature != null){
            if(currentTemperature.toDouble() > maxTemperature)
            	def stext = "Temperature level is too high at ${currentPod} : ${currentTemperature}"
				sendEvent(name: "lastTemperaturePush", value: "${stext}",  displayed : "true", descriptionText:"${stext}")

                state.lastTemperaturePush = hour
        if(minTemperature != null) {
            if(currentTemperature.toDouble() < minTemperature)
            	def stext = "Temperature level is too low at ${currentPod} : ${currentTemperature}"
                sendEvent(name: "lastTemperaturePush", value: "${stext}",  displayed : "true", descriptionText:"${stext}")

                state.lastTemperaturePush = hour

def eHumidityHandler(evt){
	def currentHumidity = evt.device.currentState("humidity").value
    def currentPod = evt.device.displayName
    def hour = new Date()
    if (inDateThreshold(evt,"humidity") == true) { 
        if(maxHumidity != null){
            if(currentHumidity.toDouble() > maxHumidity)
            	def stext = "Humidity level is too high at ${currentPod} : ${currentHumidity}"
                sendEvent(name: "lastHumidityPush", value: "${stext}", displayed : "true", descriptionText:"${stext}")
                state.lastHumidityPush = hour
        if(minHumidity != null) {
            if(currentHumidity.toDouble() < minHumidity)
            	def stext = "Humidity level is too low at ${currentPod} : ${currentHumidity}"
                sendEvent(name: "lastHumidityPush", value: "${stext}", displayed : "true", descriptionText:"${stext}")
                state.lastHumidityPush = hour

public smartThingsDateFormat() { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" }
public smartThingsDateFormatNoMilli() { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" }

def canPushNotification(currentPod, hour,sType) {
    // Check if the client already received a push
    if (sType == "temperature") {
        if (sfrequency.toString().isInteger()) {
            if (state.lastTemperaturePush != null) {
                long unxNow = hour.time

                def before = new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormatNoMilli(),state.lastTemperaturePush)
                long unxEnd = before.time
                unxNow = unxNow/1000
                unxEnd = unxEnd/1000
                def timeDiff = Math.abs(unxNow-unxEnd)
                timeDiff = timeDiff/60
                if (timeDiff <= sfrequency)
                    return false
    else {
        if (sfrequency.toString().isInteger()) {
            if (state.lastHumidityPush != null) {
                long unxNow = hour.time
                def before = new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormatNoMilli(),state.lastHumidityPush)
                long unxEnd = before.time

                unxNow = unxNow/1000
                unxEnd = unxEnd/1000
                def timeDiff = Math.abs(unxNow-unxEnd)
                timeDiff = timeDiff/60

                if (timeDiff <= sfrequency)
                    return false

    return true

def inDateThreshold(evt,sType) {
	def hour = new Date()
	def curHour = hour.format("HH:mm",location.timeZone)
	def curDay = hour.format("EEEE",location.timeZone)
    def currentPod = evt.device.displayName
    // Check if the client already received a push
    def result = canPushNotification(currentPod,hour, sType)
    if (!result) { 
        return false 
    // Check the day of the week
    if (days != null && !days.contains(curDay)) {
    	return false
	// Check the time Threshold
	if (startTime && endTime) {
 		def minHour = new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), startTime)
    	def endHour = new Date().parse(smartThingsDateFormat(), endTime)

    	def minHourstr = minHour.format("HH:mm",location.timeZone)
    	def maxHourstr = endHour.format("HH:mm",location.timeZone)

    	if (curHour >= minHourstr && curHour < maxHourstr) 
    		return true
	    	return false
    return true

def refresh() {
	displayTraceLog( "refresh() called with rate of " + refreshinminutes + " minutes")

    if (refreshinminutes == "1") 
    else if (refreshinminutes == "5")
    else if (refreshinminutes == "10")
    else if (refreshinminutes == "15") 
    else if (refreshinminutes == "30")

def refreshOneDevice(dni) {
	displayTraceLog( "refreshOneDevice() called")
	def d = getChildDevice(dni)

def refreshDevices() {
	displayTraceLog( "refreshDevices() called")
	def devices = getChildDevices()
	devices.each { d ->
		displayDebugLog( "Calling refresh() on device: ${}")

def getChildNamespace() { "EricG66" }
def getChildTypeName() { "SensiboPod" }

def initialize() {
    displayTraceLog( "initialize() called")
    displayTraceLog( "key "+ getapikey())
    state.apikey = getapikey()
	def devices = SelectedSensiboPods.collect { dni ->
		displayDebugLog( dni)
		def d = getChildDevice(dni)

            	def name = getSensiboPodList().find( {key,value -> key == dni })
				displayDebugLog( "Pod : ${name.value} - Hub : ${location.hubs[0].name} - Type : " +  getChildTypeName() + " - Namespace : " + getChildNamespace())

				d = addChildDevice(getChildNamespace(), getChildTypeName(), dni, location.hubs[0].id, [
                	"label" : "Pod ${name.value}",
                    "name" : "Pod ${name.value}"
				displayTraceLog( "created ${d.displayName} with id $dni")
				displayTraceLog( "found ${d.displayName} with id $dni already exists")

			return d

	displayTraceLog( "created ${devices.size()} Sensibo Pod")

	def delete
	// Delete any that are no longer in settings
		displayDebugLog( "delete Sensibo")
		delete = getChildDevices()
		delete = getChildDevices().findAll { !SelectedSensiboPods.contains(it.deviceNetworkId) }

	displayTraceLog( "deleting ${delete.size()} Sensibo")
	delete.each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) }

	def PodList = getChildDevices()
    if (refreshinminutes == "1") 
    else if (refreshinminutes == "5")
    else if (refreshinminutes == "10")
    else if (refreshinminutes == "15") 
    else if (refreshinminutes == "30")

// Subscribe functions

def OnOffHandler(evt) {
	displayTraceLog( "on off handler activated")
	//def name = evt.device.displayName

    if (sendPush) {
        if (evt.value == "on") {
            //sendPush("The ${name} is turned on!")
        } else if (evt.value == "off") {
            //sendPush("The ${name} is turned off!")

def getPollRateMillis() { return 45 * 1000 }
def getCapabilitiesRateMillis() {return 60 * 1000 }

// Poll Child is invoked from the Child Device itself as part of the Poll Capability
def pollChild( child )
	displayTraceLog( "pollChild() called")
	debugEvent ("poll child")
	def now = new Date().time

	debugEvent ("Last Poll Millis = ${state.lastPollMillis}")
	def last = state.lastPollMillis ?: 0
	def next = last + pollRateMillis
	displayDebugLog( "pollChild( ${child.device.deviceNetworkId} ): $now > $next ?? w/ current state: ${state.sensibo}")
	debugEvent ("pollChild( ${child.device.deviceNetworkId} ): $now > $next ?? w/ current state: ${state.sensibo}")

	//if( now > next )
	if( true ) // for now let's always poll/refresh
		displayDebugLog( "polling children because $now > $next")
		debugEvent("polling children because $now > $next")


		displayDebugLog( "polled children and looking for ${child.device.deviceNetworkId} from ${state.sensibo}")
		debugEvent ("polled children and looking for ${child.device.deviceNetworkId} from ${state.sensibo}")

		def currentTime = new Date().time
		debugEvent ("Current Time = ${currentTime}")
		state.lastPollMillis = currentTime

		def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        if (tData == null) return
        displayDebugLog(  "DEBUG - TDATA" + tData)
        debugEvent ("Error in Poll ${}",false)
        //tData.Error = false
        // = "Failed"
		if( != "Success")
			log.error "ERROR: Device connection removed? no data for ${child.device.deviceNetworkId} after polling"

			// TODO: flag device as in error state
			// child.errorState = true

			return null

		tData.updated = currentTime
	else if(state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId] != null)
		displayDebugLog( "not polling children, found child ${child.device.deviceNetworkId} ")

		def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
			// we have pulled new data for this thermostat, but it has not asked us for it
			// track it and return the data
			tData.updated = new Date().time
		return null
	else if(state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId] == null)
		log.error "ERROR: Device connection removed? no data for ${child.device.deviceNetworkId}"

		// TODO: flag device as in error state
		// child.errorState = true

		return null
		// it's not time to poll again and this thermostat already has its latest values

	return null

def configureClimateReact(child,String PodUid,String JsonString)
	displayTraceLog( "configureClimateReact() called for $PodUid with settings : $JsonString"  )
    def result = sendPostJsonClimate(PodUid, JsonString)
    if (result) {  
		def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]      
        if (tData == null) {
            tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        // = ClimateState        = "Success"
    else {
    	def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        if (tData == null) return false
     = "Failed"


def setClimateReact(child,String PodUid, ClimateState)
	displayTraceLog( "setClimateReact() called for $PodUid Climate React: $ClimateState"   )
    def ClimateReact = getClimateReact(PodUid)
    displayDebugLog( "DEBUG " + ClimateReact.Climate + " " + ClimateState)
    if (ClimateReact.Climate == "notdefined") {
    	def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]      
        if (tData == null) {
            tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        = ClimateReact.Climate        = "Success"
        return true
    def jsonRequestBody
    if (ClimateState == "on") { 
    	jsonRequestBody = '{"enabled": true}' 
    else {
    	jsonRequestBody = '{"enabled": false}' 
    displayDebugLog( "Mode Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}")
    def result = sendPutJson(PodUid, jsonRequestBody)
    if (result) {  
		def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]      
        if (tData == null) {
            tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        = ClimateState        = "Success"
    else {
    	def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        if (tData == null) return false
     = "Failed"


def setACStates(child,String PodUid, on, mode, targetTemperature, fanLevel, swingM, sUnit)
	displayTraceLog( "setACStates() called for $PodUid ON: $on - MODE: $mode - Temp : $targetTemperature - FAN : $fanLevel - SWING MODE : $swingM - UNIT : $sUnit")
    //Return false if no values was read from Sensibo API
    if (on == "--") { return false }
    def OnOff = (on == "on") ? true : false
    //if (swingM == null) swingM = "stopped"
    displayTraceLog( "Target Temperature :" + targetTemperature)
	def jsonRequestBody = '{"acState":{"on": ' + OnOff.toString() + ',"mode": "' + mode + '"'
    displayDebugLog( "Fan Level is :$fanLevel")
    displayDebugLog( "Swing is :$swingM")
    displayDebugLog( "Target Temperature is :$targetTemperature")
    if (fanLevel != null) {
       displayDebugLog( "Fan Level info is present")
       jsonRequestBody += ',"fanLevel": "' + fanLevel + '"'
    if (targetTemperature != 0) {
    	jsonRequestBody += ',"targetTemperature": '+ targetTemperature + ',"temperatureUnit": "' + sUnit + '"'       
    if (swingM)
        jsonRequestBody += ',"swing": "' + swingM + '"'
    jsonRequestBody += '}}'
    displayDebugLog( "Mode Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}")
	debugEvent ("Mode Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}")

	boolean result = true
	if(!sendJson(PodUid, jsonRequestBody))
	{ result = false }
	if (result) {
		def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]      
        if (tData == null) {
            tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        displayDebugLog( "Device : " + child.device.deviceNetworkId + " state : " + tData)
  = fanLevel = fanLevel = on = mode
        displayDebugLog( "Thermostat mode " + on)
        if (on=="off") { = "off"
        else {
 = mode
        } = targetTemperature = targetTemperature = targetTemperature = targetTemperature = sUnit = swingM = "Success"
    else {
    	def tData = state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId]
        if (tData == null) return false
     = "Failed"


//Get the capabilities of the A/C Unit
def getCapabilities(PodUid, mode)
	displayTraceLog( "getCapabilities() called")
    def now = new Date().time
    def last = state.lastPollCapabilitiesMillis ?: 0
	def next = last + getCapabilitiesRateMillis()
    def data = [:] 
    if (state.capabilities == null || state.capabilities.$PodUid == null || now > next)
    //if (true)
    	displayDebugLog( "Now : " + now + " Next : " + next    	)
    	//def data = [:]   
		def pollParams = [
    	uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
    	path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}",
    	requestContentType: "application/json",
    	query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json", fields:"remoteCapabilities,productModel"]]
     	try {
			displayTraceLog( "getCapabilities() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(remoteCapabilities) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()}")
     		httpGet(pollParams) { resp ->
                if ( {
                    displayDebugLog( "Status : " + resp.status)
                    if(resp.status == 200) {
                        // = [result: [remoteCapabilities: [modes: [heat: [swing: ["stopped", "fixedTop", "fixedMiddleTop", "fixedMiddle", "fixedMiddleBottom", "fixedBottom", "rangeTop", "rangeMiddle", "rangeBottom", "rangeFull"], temperatures: [C: ["isNative": true, "values": [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], F: ["isNative": false, "values": [61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86]]], fanLevels: ["low", "medium", "high", "auto"]], fan: [swing: ["stopped", "fixedMiddleTop", "fixedMiddle", "fixedMiddleBottom", "fixedBottom", "rangeTop", "rangeMiddle", "rangeBottom", "rangeFull"], temperatures: [C: ["isNative": true, "values": [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], F: ["isNative": false, "values": [61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86]]], fanLevels: ["low", "medium", "high", "auto"]], cool: [swing: ["stopped", "fixedTop", "fixedMiddleTop", "fixedMiddle", "fixedMiddleBottom", "fixedBottom", "rangeTop", "rangeMiddle", "rangeBottom", "rangeFull"], temperatures: ["C": ["isNative": true, "values": [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], F: ["isNative": false, "values": [61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86]]], fanLevels: ["low", "high", "auto"]]]]]]
                        // = ["result": ["productModel": "skyv2", "remoteCapabilities": ["modes": ["dry": ["temperatures": ["C": ["isNative": false, "values": [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], "F": ["isNative": true, "values": [62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86]]], "swing": ["stopped", "rangeFull"]], "auto": ["temperatures": ["C": ["isNative": false, "values": [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], "F": ["isNative": true, "values": [62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86]]], "swing": ["stopped", "rangeFull"]], "heat": ["swing": ["stopped", "rangeFull"], "temperatures": ["C": ["isNative": false, "values": [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], "F": ["isNative": true, "values": [62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86]]], "fanLevels": ["low", "medium", "high", "auto"]], "fan": ["swing": ["stopped", "rangeFull"], "temperatures": [], "fanLevels": ["low", "medium", "high", "auto"]], "cool": ["swing": ["stopped", "rangeFull"], "temperatures": ["C": ["isNative": false, "values": [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]], "F": ["isNative": true, "values": [62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86]]], "fanLevels": ["low", "medium", "high", "auto"]]]]]]

                        if (state.capabilities == null) { state.capabilities = [:] }
                        state.capabilities.$PodUid =
                        displayDebugLog( "Succes read from Sensibo")
                        displayTraceLog( "Capabilities from Sensibo for ${PodUid} : " + state.capabilities.$PodUid	)		
                        def currentTime = new Date().time
						debugEvent ("Current Time = ${currentTime}")
						state.lastPollCapabilitiesMillis = currentTime
                        switch (mode){
                            case "dry":
                                data = [
                                    remoteCapabilities :,
                                    productModel :
                            case "cool":
                                data = [
                                    remoteCapabilities :,
                                    productModel :
                            case "heat":
                                data = [
                                    remoteCapabilities :,
                                    productModel :
                            case "fan":
                                data = [
                                    remoteCapabilities :,
                                    productModel :
                            case "auto":
                                data = [
                                    remoteCapabilities :,
                                    productModel :
                            case "modes":
                                data = [
                                    remoteCapabilities :,
                                    productModel :
                        displayTraceLog( "Returning remoteCapabilities from Sensibo")
                        return data
                    else {
                        displayDebugLog( "get remoteCapabilities Failed")

                        data = [
                            remoteCapabilities : "",
                            productModel : ""
                        return data
        	return data
     	catch(Exception e) {     	
        	displayDebugLog( "get remoteCapabilities Failed")
        	data = [
        		remoteCapabilities : "",
            	productModel : ""
     		return data
    else {
    	displayTraceLog( "Capabilities from local for ${PodUid} : " + state.capabilities.$PodUid)
    	switch (mode){
            case "dry":
            data = [
                remoteCapabilities : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.remoteCapabilities.modes.dry,
                productModel : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.productModel
            case "cool":
            data = [
                remoteCapabilities : state.capabilities.$,
                productModel : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.productModel
            case "heat":
            data = [
                remoteCapabilities :state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.remoteCapabilities.modes.heat,
                productModel : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.productModel
            case "fan":
            data = [
                remoteCapabilities : state.capabilities.$,
                productModel : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.productModel
            case "auto":
            data = [
                remoteCapabilities : state.capabilities.$,
                productModel : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.productModel
            case "modes":
            data = [
                remoteCapabilities : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.remoteCapabilities.modes,
                productModel : state.capabilities.$PodUid.result.productModel
        displayTraceLog( "Returning remoteCapabilities from local")
        return data

// Get Climate React settings
def getClimateReact(PodUid)
	displayTraceLog( "getClimateReact() called - ${version()}")
	def data = [:]
	def pollParams = [
    	uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
    	path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode",
    	requestContentType: "application/json",
    	query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json", fields:"*"]]
    try {
       httpGet(pollParams) { resp ->           
			if ( {
				debugEvent ("Response from Sensibo GET = ${}")
				debugEvent ("Response Status = ${resp.status}")
            displayTraceLog( "Get ClimateReact " +
			if(resp.status == 200) {
                if (! {
                	data = [
                 		Climate : "notdefined",
                 		Error : "Success"]
                 	displayDebugLog( "Returning Climate React (not configured)")
                 	return data
    { stat ->                	
                    displayTraceLog( "get ClimateReact Success")
                    displayDebugLog( "PodUID : $PodUid : " + PodUid			)		
                    def OnOff = "off"
                    if ( != null) {
                    	OnOff = ? "on" : "off"

                    data = [
                        Climate : OnOff.toString(),
                        Error : "Success"

                    displayDebugLog( "Climate: ${data.Climate}")
                    displayTraceLog( "Returning Climate React"   )                     
                    return data
            else {
           	     data = [
                 	Climate : "notdefined",
                 	Error : "Failed"]
                 displayDebugLog( "get ClimateReact Failed")
                 return data
       return data
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Get Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception get JSON: " + e)
        data = [
            Climate : "notdefined",            
            Error : "Failed" 
        displayDebugLog( "get ClimateReact Failed")
        return data

// Get the latest state from the Sensibo Pod
def getACState(PodUid)
	displayTraceLog( "getACState() called - ${version()}")
	def data = [:]
	def pollParams = [
    	uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
    	path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/acStates",
    	requestContentType: "application/json",
    	query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json", limit:1, fields:"status,acState,device"]]
    try {
       httpGet(pollParams) { resp ->

			if ( {
				debugEvent ("Response from Sensibo GET = ${}")
				debugEvent ("Response Status = ${resp.status}")
			if(resp.status == 200) {
    { stat ->
                	if (stat.status == "Success") {
                        displayTraceLog( "get ACState Success")
                        displayDebugLog( "PodUID : $PodUid : " + stat.acState)
                        def OnOff = stat.acState.on ? "on" : "off"
                        stat.acState.on = OnOff
						def stemp
                        if (stat.acState.targetTemperature == null) {
                          stemp = stat.device.measurements.temperature.toInteger()
                        else {
                          stemp = stat.acState.targetTemperature.toInteger()
                        def tempUnit
                        if (stat.acState.temperatureUnit == null) {
                          tempUnit = stat.device.temperatureUnit
                        else {
                          tempUnit = stat.acState.temperatureUnit
                        def tMode                        
                        if (OnOff=="off") {
        					tMode = "off"
				        else {
        	 				tMode = stat.acState.mode
						def sMode
						if (stat.acState.swing == null) {
                          sMode = "stopped"
                        else {
                          sMode = stat.acState.swing
                        displayDebugLog( "product Model : " + stat.device.productModel)
                        def battery = stat.device.productModel == "skyv1" ? "battery" : "mains"
                        displayDebugLog( "swing Mode :" + stat.acState.swing)
                        data = [
                            targetTemperature : stemp,
                            fanLevel : stat.acState.fanLevel,
                            currentmode : stat.acState.mode,
                            on : OnOff.toString(),
                            switch: OnOff.toString(),
                            thermostatMode: tMode,
                            thermostatFanMode : stat.acState.fanLevel,
                            coolingSetpoint : stemp,
                            heatingSetpoint : stemp,
                            thermostatSetpoint : stemp,
                            temperatureUnit : tempUnit,
                            swing : sMode,
                            powerSource : battery,
                            productModel : stat.device.productModel,
                            firmwareVersion : stat.device.firmwareVersion,
                            Error : "Success"

                        displayDebugLog( "On: ${data.on} targetTemp: ${data.targetTemperature} fanLevel: ${data.fanLevel} Thermostat mode: ${data.mode} swing: ${data.swing}")
                        displayTraceLog( "Returning ACState")
                        return data
                    else { displayDebugLog( "get ACState Failed") }
           else {
           	  data = [
                 targetTemperature : "0",
                 fanLevel : "--",
                 currentmode : "--",
                 on : "--",
                 switch : "--",
                 thermostatMode: "--",
                 thermostatFanMode : "--",
                 coolingSetpoint : "0",
                 heatingSetpoint : "0",
                 thermostatSetpoint : "0",
                 temperatureUnit : "",
                 swing : "--",
                 powerSource : "",
                 productModel : "",
                 firmwareVersion : "",
                 Error : "Failed"
              displayDebugLog( "get ACState Failed")
              return data
       return data
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Get Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception get JSON: " + e)
        data = [
            targetTemperature : "0",
            fanLevel : "--",
            currentmode : "--",
            on : "--",
            switch : "--",
            thermostatMode: "--",
            thermostatFanMode : "--",
            coolingSetpoint : "0",
            heatingSetpoint : "0",
            thermostatSetpoint : "0",
            temperatureUnit : "",
            swing : "--",
            powerSource : "",
            productModel : "",
            firmwareVersion : "",
            Error : "Failed" 
        displayDebugLog( "get ACState Failed")
        return data

def sendPutJson(String PodUid, String jsonBody)
 	displayTraceLog( "sendPutJson() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(smartmode) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()} - $jsonBody")
	def cmdParams = [
		uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
		path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode",
		headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"],
        query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json"],
		body: jsonBody]

       httpPut(cmdParams) { resp ->
			if(resp.status == 200) {
                displayDebugLog( "updated ${}")
				debugEvent("updated ${}")
                displayTraceLog( "Successful call to Sensibo API.")
                displayDebugLog( "Returning True")
				return true
           	else { 
            	displayTraceLog( "Failed call to Sensibo API.")
                return false
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Sending Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception Sending JSON: " + e)
		return false

def sendPostJsonClimate(String PodUid, String jsonBody)
 	displayTraceLog( "sendPostJsonClimate() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(smartmode) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()} - $jsonBody")
	def cmdParams = [
		uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
		path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode",
		headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"],
        query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json"],
		body: jsonBody]

       httpPost(cmdParams) { resp ->
			if(resp.status == 200) {
                displayDebugLog( "updated ${}")
				debugEvent("updated ${}")
                displayTraceLog( "Successful call to Sensibo API.")
                displayDebugLog( "Returning True")
				return true
           	else { 
            	displayTraceLog( "Failed call to Sensibo API.")
                return false
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Sending Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception Sending JSON: " + e)
		return false

// Send state to the Sensibo Pod
def sendJson(String PodUid, String jsonBody)
    displayTraceLog( "sendJson() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(acStates) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()} - $jsonBody")
	def cmdParams = [
		uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
		path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/acStates",
		headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"],
        query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json", fields:"acState"],
		body: jsonBody]

	def returnStatus = false
       httpPost(cmdParams) { resp ->
			if(resp.status == 200) {
                displayDebugLog( "updated ${}")
				debugEvent("updated ${}")
                displayTraceLog( "Successful call to Sensibo API.")
                //returnStatus = resp.status
                displayDebugLog( "Returning True")
				returnStatus = true
           	else { 
            	displayTraceLog( "Failed call to Sensibo API.")
                returnStatus = false
    catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "Exception Sending Json: " + e)
		debugEvent ("Exception Sending JSON: " + e)
		returnStatus = false
	displayDebugLog( "Return Status: ${returnStatus}")
	return returnStatus

def pollChildren(PodUid)
    displayTraceLog( "pollChildren() called")
    def thermostatIdsString = PodUid

	displayTraceLog( "polling children: $thermostatIdsString")
	def pollParams = [
    	uri: "${getServerUrl()}",
    	path: "/api/v2/pods/${thermostatIdsString}/measurements",
    	requestContentType: "application/json",
    	query: [apiKey:"${getapikey()}", integration:"${version()}", type:"json", fields:"batteryVoltage,temperature,humidity,time"]]

	debugEvent ("Before HTTPGET to Sensibo.")

		httpGet(pollParams) { resp ->

			if ( {
				debugEvent ("Response from Sensibo GET = ${}")
				debugEvent ("Response Status = ${resp.status}")

			if(resp.status == 200) {
				displayTraceLog( "poll results returned"     )                           

                displayDebugLog( "DEBUG DATA RESULT" +
                if ( == null || 
                	displayDebugLog( "Cannot get measurement from the API, should ask Sensibo Support Team")
                	debugEvent ("Cannot get measurement from the API, should ask Sensibo Support Team",true)
                def setTemp = getACState(thermostatIdsString)
                def ClimateReact = getClimateReact(thermostatIdsString)
                if (setTemp.Error != "Failed") {
				 state.sensibo =[:]) { collector, stat ->

					def dni = thermostatIdsString
					displayDebugLog( "updating dni $dni")
                    def stemp = stat.temperature ? stat.temperature.toDouble().round(1) : 0
                    def shumidify = stat.humidity ? stat.humidity.toDouble().round() : 0

                    if (setTemp.temperatureUnit == "F") {
                        stemp = cToF(stemp).round(1)

					def tMode                        
                    if (setTemp.on=="off") {
        				tMode = "off"
				    else {
        	 			tMode = setTemp.currentmode

					def battpourcentage = 100
                    def battVoltage = stat.batteryVoltage
					if (battVoltage == null) 
                    	battVoltage = 3000
                    if (battVoltage < 2850) battpourcentage = 10
                    if (battVoltage > 2850 && battVoltage < 2950) battpourcentage = 50
					def data = [
						temperature: stemp,
						humidity: shumidify,
                        targetTemperature: setTemp.targetTemperature,
                        fanLevel: setTemp.fanLevel,
                        currentmode: setTemp.currentmode,
                        on: setTemp.on,
                        switch : setTemp.on,
                        thermostatMode: tMode,
                        thermostatFanMode: setTemp.fanLevel,
                        coolingSetpoint: setTemp.targetTemperature,
                        heatingSetpoint: setTemp.targetTemperature,
                        thermostatSetpoint: setTemp.targetTemperature,
                        temperatureUnit : setTemp.temperatureUnit,
                        voltage : battVoltage,
                        swing : setTemp.swing,
                        battery : battpourcentage,
                        powerSource : setTemp.powerSource,
                        productModel : setTemp.productModel,
                        firmwareVersion : setTemp.firmwareVersion,
                        Climate : ClimateReact.Climate,
                        Error: setTemp.Error
					debugEvent ("Event Data = ${data}",false)

					collector[dni] = [data:data]
					return collector
				displayDebugLog( "updated ${state.sensibo[thermostatIdsString].size()} stats: ${state.sensibo[thermostatIdsString]}")
                debugEvent ("updated ${state.sensibo[thermostatIdsString]}",false)
				log.error "polling children & got http status ${resp.status}"		

	catch(Exception e)
		displayDebugLog( "___exception polling children: " + e)
		debugEvent ("${e}")

def pollHandler() {

	debugEvent ("in Poll() method.")
    // Hit the Sensibo API for update on all the Pod
    def PodList = getChildDevices()
    displayDebugLog( PodList)
    PodList.each { 
    	displayDebugLog( "polling " + it.deviceNetworkId)
        pollChildren(it.deviceNetworkId) }
    state.sensibo.each {stat ->

		def dni = stat.key

		displayDebugLog( ("DNI = ${dni}"))
		debugEvent ("DNI = ${dni}")

		def d = getChildDevice(dni)

			displayDebugLog( ("Found Child Device."))
			debugEvent ("Found Child Device.")
			debugEvent("Event Data before generate event call = ${stat}")
			displayDebugLog( state.sensibo[dni])

def debugEvent(message, displayEvent = false) {

	def results = [
		name: "appdebug",
		descriptionText: message,
		displayed: displayEvent
	displayDebugLog( "Generating AppDebug Event: ${results}")
	sendEvent (results)


def cToF(temp) {
	return (temp * 1.8 + 32).toDouble()

def fToC(temp) {
	return ((temp - 32) / 1.8).toDouble()

@robert1 Thanks a lot for the code Robert, my logs are now much much cleaner!!

Add to driver metadeta definition to get rid of some errors:

    attribute "on","String"

can this be updated with @nateG 's addition pls?

I updated app and driver code but still get lots of debug logging :cry:

@Angus_M i think roberts driver and app rewrite were so in the device you can toggle the logging on and off.

No, I don't think so. You edit the app code directly to turn the logging on or off. I don't see anything in the device page to allow me to toggle the logging status.

I'm wondering if there is anything I have to do after updating the driver and app code. I tried re-running the app initialisation. I did a refresh in the device pages. I resaved the devices. Still I seem to get copious logging.

3+ pages like this every minute...

@robert1 code reduced message traffic substantially for me. My post was about an error code I was getting that I would have gotten when I used @blink code as well. Your image looks like it is not using @robert1 code. I would suggest uninstalling device and then run @robert1 app again.

The App code is where the majority of the logging noise comes from.
Th code, as provided, has the logging turned off.

There is code in the device handler too, but isn't the source of much noise. This is done through the UI (for each device) - the default will be off anyway, because the variables don't exist.

However, I just checked the code, and the 'parseEventData' function in the driver has the logging in your screen shot.
So, go in to each Sensibo device, under the Preferences section, turn off the debug and info toggles, and save the preferences. This should make a massive difference.

I'm getting no preferences on my device pages for my pods...

Then you're not running the right Driver.
Copy from post #38 above

I noticed when looking at the driver code again there are a lot of log.trace lines of code. However, it only generates 3 rows every 5 minutes or so. I might go fix this later, but it's not noisy enough for me to bother right now.

1 Like

Ah it seems ok now. I don't think the devices refreshed properly after updating the driver. Now they seem fine, the preferences have appeared and the logging is much reduced! Cheers.

1 Like

yeah, this is what i get too, but it's not so obtrusive...

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