Any plans to support Mitsubishi Kumo Cloud?

Thanks for testing this, @michaelahess. I think I can see where I went wrong. Are you able to download the child driver again and test? Like I flagged earlier, I will soon be removing this code from the link above, so check back here before you go to test, as I will post updated instructions on installing these drivers.

Thanks again,

Same thing it looks like:

[dev:2496]( 01:50:28.806 pm [debug]( createChildACUnits() method skipped, we are working with the Kumo Cloud platform

[dev:2496]( 01:50:28.804 pm [info]( new authentication code value has been set

[dev:2496]( 01:50:28.802 pm [debug]( New authentication code value has been set

[dev:2496]( 01:50:28.801 pm [error]( Unable to query Mitsubishi Electric KumoCloud: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'zoneTable' on null object

[dev:2496]( 01:50:28.797 pm [debug]( Child - [lastScheduleChange:0, zoneTable:[:], children:[[lastScheduleChange:0, zoneTable:[9X34P0088100106F:[serial:9X34P0088100106F, mac:d4:53:83:46:4f:97, label:Living Room, port:80, unitType:ductless, lastUpdate:1626101741766, eqcStageThreeBacksupChannels:[1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0], eqcUpdatedLocally:[1:false, 2:false, 3:false, 4:false], prohibits:[global:[power:false, mode:false, setpoint:false], local:[power:false, mode:false, setpoint:false], effective:[power:false, mode:false, setpoint:false]], prohibitsChanged:1593382188689, holdChanged:0, hasElectricHeatingOption:false, ledDisabled:true, cryptoSerial:0123835fad3eb5b1ee, cryptoKeySet:F, timezone:America/Denver, firmwareVersion:02.06.03, autoModeEnabled:false, roomTempOffset:-3, password:wGa148lurWJtzlbK+ihddpPfOvdd1M6rw0ke4gei, sendDesiredConditionsPending:false, sendDesiredConditionsTime:2021-07-10T04:09:46.417Z, systemChangeoverEnabled:true, minCoolSetpoint:15.5, maxHeatSetpoint:28, kumoSensorSettings:null, address:, $$hashKey:object:405, desiredConditionStack:[], reportedCondition:[more:[power_on:false, air_direction_text:Auto, fan_speed_text:Auto], _created:1626104723844, power:0, fan_speed:0, air_direction:0, sp_heat:20, sp_cool:20, room_temp:20, status_display:[filter:false, standby:false, hot_adjust:false, defrost:false], lastAdapterUpdated:2021-07-12T15:45:23.844Z], overrideSettings:[dryMode:true, heatMode:true, ledDisabled:true], forceCloudUpdates:false, errorHandler:[1:[error2char:A0, error4char:8000, timestamp:1625306576, code:8000, text:8000]], rssi:[rssi:-38, string:Very strong, image:images/signal-verystrong-ondark-50x50.svg], reportedInitialSettings:[assigned_settings:[:], restart_after_outage:0, vent_air:0, voltage:0, energy_save:0, filter_alerts:0, auto_fan:0, pla_outlets:0, filter_type:0, frost_temp:0, defrost:0, oscillate:0, heating_offset:0, thermal_off1:0, thermal_off2:0, pressure1:0, pressure2:0, electric_heater1:0, electric_heater2:0, humidifier:0, humidifier_modifier:0, leftovers_settings:[2:0, 6:0, 12:0, 14:0, 18:0, 19:0, 20:0, 21:0, 22:0, 26:0, 28:0, 29:0, 30:0, 31:0]], reportedProfile:[fan_speed_stages:5, has_air_direction:true, has_auto_fan_speed:true, has_dry_function:true, has_extended_temp_range:true, has_heat_function:true, has_swing_direction:true, has_test_run:false, has_unit_function_setting:false, has_ventilation_function:true, display_setting_temp_of_dry:true, maximum_auto_temp:28, maximum_cool_or_dry_temp:28, maximum_heat_temp:28, minimum_auto_temp:13, minimum_cool_or_dry_temp:13, minimum_heat_temp:7], equipmentControllerSettings:[:], lastAdapterUpdate:2021-05-17 22:21:27.609563, systemChangeoverSettings:[masterZone:[serial:9934P008T100003F, minRuntime:20, maxStandby:180, disable:none, activeMode:__ungettable, durActive:__ungettable, durInactive:__ungettable], priority:3], mhk2Settings:[auto:[owner:none, status:inactive, heatSetpoint:null, coolSetpoint:null], connected:[thermostat:false, thermostatBattery:unset, outdoorAir:false, outdoorAirBattery:unset, indoorAir:false, indoorAirBattery:unset], dr:[override:false, event:none], hold:[adapter:[cancelMHK2:false, endTime:0], mhk2:[cancelAdapter:false, endTime:0]], info:[model:, serial:, firmware:], schedule:[owner:adapter, enabled:disabled], status:[outdoorTemp:0, outdoorHumid:null, indoorHumid:null]], programEventSettings:[1:[active:false, inUse:false, day:SuMoTuWeThFrSa, time:0600, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:20, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.445Z], 2:[active:false, inUse:false, day:SuMoTuWeThFrSa, time:2200, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:17.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.445Z], 3:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:1215, settings:[mode:off, spCool:null, spHeat:null, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.445Z], 4:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:1115, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:22.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.446Z], 5:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:1615, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:22.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.446Z], 6:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:2100, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:20, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.446Z], 7:[active:false, inUse:false, day:SuSa, time:0800, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:21.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.446Z], 8:[active:false, inUse:false, day:SuSa, time:2100, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:19.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 9:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 10:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 11:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 12:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 13:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 14:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.068Z], 15:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 16:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 17:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 18:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 19:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 20:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 21:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.685Z], 22:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.280Z], 23:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.282Z], 24:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.282Z], 25:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.282Z], 26:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.282Z], 27:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.282Z], 28:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.282Z]], _requestRescan:1, _isRespondingLocally:true, acoilSettings:[isAcoil:false, inputs:[humidistat:false, ervSwitch:false, floatSwitchWet:false], outputs:[w1:false, w2:false, y:false, g:false, erv:false, humidifer:false, heartbeat:false], humidifier:[targetPcr:0, source:null, enable:false], erv:[mode:classic], ytoo:[fan:false, humidifier:false, erv:false], cbp:0, oat:0, bpcr:off, ebp:false, fDelay:0], autoChangeoverEnabled:false, optimalStart:false], 9934P008T100003F:[serial:9934P008T100003F, mac:d4:53:83:2b:7f:9b, label:Bedroom, port:80, unitType:ductless, reportedCondition:[more:[power_on:false, air_direction_text:Swing, fan_speed_text:Auto], _created:1626104723757, power:0, fan_speed:0, air_direction:7, sp_heat:20.5, sp_cool:17, room_temp:19.5, status_display:[filter:false, standby:false, hot_adjust:false, defrost:false], lastAdapterUpdated:2021-07-12T15:45:23.761Z], desiredConditionStack:[], lastUpdate:1626101741767, overrideSettings:[dryMode:true, heatMode:true, ledDisabled:true], forceCloudUpdates:false, errorHandler:[1:[error2char:A0, error4char:8000, timestamp:1626099870, code:8000, text:8000]], equipmentControllerSettings:[:], eqcStageThreeBacksupChannels:[1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0], eqcUpdatedLocally:[1:false, 2:false, 3:false, 4:false], mhk2Settings:[auto:[owner:none, status:inactive, heatSetpoint:null, coolSetpoint:null], connected:[thermostat:false, thermostatBattery:unset, outdoorAir:false, outdoorAirBattery:unset, indoorAir:false, indoorAirBattery:unset], dr:[override:false, event:none], hold:[adapter:[cancelMHK2:false, endTime:0], mhk2:[cancelAdapter:false, endTime:0]], info:[model:, serial:, firmware:], schedule:[owner:adapter, enabled:disabled], status:[outdoorTemp:0, outdoorHumid:null, indoorHumid:null]], systemChangeoverSettings:[masterZone:[serial:9934P008T100003F, minRuntime:20, maxStandby:180, disable:none, activeMode:cool, durActive:0, durInactive:0], priority:1], programEventSettings:[1:[active:false, inUse:false, day:SuMoTuWeThFrSa, time:0600, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:20, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.740Z], 2:[active:false, inUse:false, day:SuMoTuWeThFrSa, time:2200, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:17.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.741Z], 3:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:0600, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:21.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.741Z], 4:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:0745, settings:[mode:off, spCool:null, spHeat:null, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.741Z], 5:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:1215, settings:[mode:off, spCool:null, spHeat:null, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.741Z], 6:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:1615, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:22.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.741Z], 7:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:1115, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:22.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.741Z], 8:[active:false, inUse:false, day:MoTuWeThFr, time:2100, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:null, spHeat:19.5, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 9:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 10:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 11:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 12:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 13:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 14:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:49.348Z], 15:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 16:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 17:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 18:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 19:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 20:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 21:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.946Z], 22:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z], 23:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z], 24:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z], 25:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z], 26:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z], 27:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z], 28:[active:false, inUse:false, day:, time:0000, settings:[mode:heat, spCool:0, spHeat:0, vaneDir:auto, fanSpeed:auto], lastUpdated:2021-07-12T14:55:48.546Z]], prohibits:[global:[power:false, mode:false, setpoint:false], local:[power:false, mode:false, setpoint:false], effective:[power:false, mode:false, setpoint:false]], prohibitsChanged:1593832606056, holdChanged:0, hasElectricHeatingOption:false, rssi:[rssi:-61, string:Strong, image:images/signal-strong-ondark-50x50.svg], ledDisabled:true, password:VGZDI/8r9tZTJxv69jWGURLMbHu6XdJ+mXIBo1+g, cryptoSerial:0123ea6714c0febfee, cryptoKeySet:F, lastAdapterUpdate:2021-07-03 20:22:23.107836, firmwareVersion:02.06.03, autoModeEnabled:false, roomTempOffset:-2, minCoolSetpoint:16.5, maxHeatSetpoint:29, timezone:America/Denver, kumoSensorSettings:null, address:, reportedInitialSettings:[assigned_settings:[:], restart_after_outage:0, vent_air:0, voltage:0, energy_save:0, filter_alerts:0, auto_fan:0, pla_outlets:0, filter_type:0, frost_temp:0, defrost:0, oscillate:0, heating_offset:0, thermal_off1:0, thermal_off2:0, pressure1:0, pressure2:0, electric_heater1:0, electric_heater2:0, humidifier:0, humidifier_modifier:0, leftovers_settings:[2:0, 6:0, 12:0, 14:0, 18:0, 19:0, 20:0, 21:0, 22:0, 26:0, 28:0, 29:0, 30:0, 31:0]], reportedProfile:[fan_speed_stages:5, has_air_direction:true, has_auto_fan_speed:true, has_dry_function:true, has_extended_temp_range:true, has_heat_function:true, has_swing_direction:true, has_test_run:false, has_unit_function_setting:false, has_ventilation_function:true, display_setting_temp_of_dry:true, maximum_auto_temp:29, maximum_cool_or_dry_temp:29, maximum_heat_temp:29, minimum_auto_temp:14, minimum_cool_or_dry_temp:14, minimum_heat_temp:8], sendDesiredConditionsPending:false, sendDesiredConditionsTime:2021-07-09T23:20:19.291Z, systemChangeoverEnabled:true, $$hashKey:object:1722, _requestRescan:0, _isRespondingLocally:true, acoilSettings:[isAcoil:false, inputs:[humidistat:false, ervSwitch:false, floatSwitchWet:false], outputs:[w1:false, w2:false, y:false, g:false, erv:false, humidifer:false, heartbeat:false], humidifier:[targetPcr:0, source:null, enable:false], erv:[mode:classic], ytoo:[fan:false, humidifier:false, erv:false], cbp:0, oat:0, bpcr:off, ebp:false, fDelay:0], autoChangeoverEnabled:false, optimalStart:false]], children:[], level:3, label:Whole House, id:1584850810976-2055058039, lastUpdate:1584850905544, isSystemChangeoverGroup:true, $$hashKey:object:13690, reportedCondition:[more:[:], power:1, operation_mode:3, sp_cool:20, _created:1625872819290, fan_speed:6, sp_heat:21.5]]], label:Home, level:2, id:1581290123319-1352448193, lastUpdate:1584850810976, network:[name:HA2, password:], $$hashKey:object:1699, reportedCondition:[more:[:], power:0, operation_mode:3, sp_heat:20, sp_cool:20, _created:1625526108272]]

[dev:2496]( 01:50:27.411 pm [debug]( New Auth Code - ab0c1cc60bc9a739ef974cbcdab1098a

Ah, did you just update the code and click refresh on an existing device? If so, can you please click Save Device on the Device Edit page, then try and refresh?

Actually, that probably won't be this issue, I'll add some more logging...

Can you please try again....

It took me a while, but I finally made it....

I have released the "Unified Thermostat Drivers", posting details under a new thread:

I'd be happy for anyone to start using them and let me know of any issues or suggestions you may have. For those who have tried some of the code I was prototyping, I would suggest removing any of those old drivers and starting afresh.

Don't worry, this isn't the end, local control is something I want to look at very soon :slight_smile:


@michaelahess - In terms of your testing and issues with the detection of your AC units, I made the same corrections in the new "Unified" drivers, so am keen to continue the troubleshooting these. Sorry to be a pain, but when you get another chance to do some testing, could you please remove the drivers you have been testing up until now and go through the installation process with the new Unified ones? The installation notes are located here, with the caveat that the inclusion in HPM hasn't been completed just yet...


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Successfully set up the drivers for my Mitsubishi Mini-split HVAC this afternoon. This latest try generated no errors, but I am having a problem with the values in coolingSetpoint and systemSetpoint. The value for both in attached screen print is 342.2 yet the actual value on the unit is 74. Otherwise, at first glance, everything else looks good.

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I should have also mentioned that you did an excellent job on these drivers!

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Yeah the temperature was also reported earlier. Will take a look at it later today and thanks for testing the drivers.

@sam.bowden - probably more likely to be over the weekend when I get to this, i.e. 3-5 says. Certainly a high priority for me to look at, thanks for reporting your experience.

EDITL: That seemed a brief.... I do have an idea on why this may be happening and will try and test this the next 3-5 days...

No rush. You've made a lot of progress in a brief time. I'm sure this will be solved shortly. Thanks again for your contribution of these drivers.

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Hi @sam.bowden - I almost forgot to come back to you on this, unless you have kept tabs on the unified drivers thread... I think the recent updates I have made to the unified drivers have hopefully addressed this. If you want to test this out you should have more luck now with temperatures.

@sburke781 Changed over to the newest set of drivers and everything seems to be working now. Thanks again your excellent work on these drivers.

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Hi. I'm thinking about getting a Kumo adapter, but already have zigbee temp sensors in the rooms. Is there any way to have hubitat tell Kumo what the ambient temp in the room is rather than having to buy one of the kumo wireless sensors?

I have a ducted unit with the air return in the hallway, so the indoor unit temp sensor normally used by kumo would not be accurate for the room.

I would need to lookup on whether we could send the temperature to Kumo, but you could certainly use the temperature sensors in rules within HE that control your Kumo system.

Sure. I know that. It's just the VRF units like these make a lot of decisions on the delta-T between ambient temp and target temp. It has no good way to know what the temp in a bedroom is with closed doors compared to the air inlet temp when coming from a hallway. That's why they sell the kumo sensors to deal with this.

Those sensors are $50 plus, so pricey, esp if you have existing sensors in the room anyway.

Thanks for looking into this!

1 Like

Maybe I ain't understanding the setup u have, but even if the unit knows the temp in the room, with the doors closed to the return, and no clear path for the air to return to the unit your killing any gains in efficiency the unit can provide with pump stages and fans. The whole system (other rooms in the zone) will provide competing #'s or air. Mitz units like to be ticking over nearly at idle for best efficiency. Just a gut response, but it feels like letting the unit manage as best it can with unit internal temp sensor and just switching the whole unit off when the "target" room is reporting back to HE (with the sensors you already have) via a rule is likely just as efficient. Of coarse you can add a cheap door sensor and have one logic for door open (leave it up to unit) and when door closed set your rules accordingly to turn it on/off as the room demands. An alternative (this is how I solved the issue in my similar setup) put return ducts in each room instead of hall. Sorta a DIY project that's sounds scarier than it is... in some cases. :crossed_fingers:

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P.S. @sburke781 Dude, U me newest hero! A couple weeks in and nothing weird yet. The temp #s (in the correct units, F) are funky decimals, but thats just a format isssue... units responding impressively quickly. Are you testing for/getting confirmation messages from Mitz that command accepted, etc? i.e. how do you know they done did hear ya? I ask because it looks instant on dashboard display and I'm wondering if that's an assumption it went through...

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These units are the big ducted ones that serve hallways and rooms. Agree if it's just one room with the intake somewhere else you have pressure problems, though the doors in our rooms usually have an inch of space at the bottom to prevent that problem.

In this case, there is a ducted unit (like this one: Mitsubishi PVA-A36AA7 - 36k BTU - P-Series Multi-Position Air Handler) that serves my office as well as a couple bathrooms and laundry room. Given the computers I have in the office and that I am working from home for an extended period of time, I care very much that the office temp is the temp the system is adjusting for. :slight_smile: