Announce what windows are open

Thanks. I worked my way backward and found it. Appreciate the updated link though. If I'm going to reference a thread for instructions, it needs to be up to date! :grin:

I need to run a web server, so I'm assuming an Apache server running on a Pi is adequate?

Yup a pi is what I am currently using with apache. Gotta get curl and php working.

1 Like

I get "iconUrl,iconX2Url cannot be empty in definition section" when I try to save the app code.
What should I look for?

hmm not sure.

here is the code from my hub. I updated it yesterday or the day before. References to the iconx are at the top...

 *  HousePanel
 *  Copyright 2016 Kenneth Washington
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * This app started life displaying the history of various ssmartthings
 * but it has morphed into a full blown smart panel web application
 * it displays and enables interaction with switches, dimmers, locks, etc
 * Revision history:
 * 04/18/2018 - Bugfix curtemp in Thermostat, thanks to @kembod for finding this
 * 03/10/2018 - Major speedup by reading all things at once
 * 02/25/2018 - Update to support sliders and color hue picker
 * 02/04/2018 - Port over to Hubitat
 * 01/04/2018 - Fix bulb bug that returned wrong name in the type
 * 12/29/2017 - Changed bulb to colorControl capability for Hue light support
 *              Added support for colorTemperature in switches and lights
 * 12/10/2017 - Added name to each thing query return
 *            - Remove old code block of getHistory code
public static String version() { return "v1.5.beta.rev.1" }
public static String handle() { return "HousePanel" }
    name: "${handle()}",
    namespace: "kewashi",
    author: "Kenneth Washington",
    description: "Tap here to install ${handle()} ${version()} - a highly customizable tablet smart app. ",
    category: "Convenience",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "",
    iconX3Url: "",
    oauth: [displayName: "kewashi house panel", displayLink: ""])

preferences {
    section("Hubitat Configuration") {
        input (name: "useSmartthings", type: "bool", title: "use ST?", defaultValue: true, required: true)
        input (name: "useHubitat", type: "bool", title: "use Hubitat?", defaultValue: false, required: true)
        paragraph "The Local IP is the IP address where your HousePanel application is installed\n" +
                  "This must be on the same network subnet as the Hubitat HUB if you are using Hubitat"
        input (name: "localip", type: "text", title: "Local IP", defaultValue: "", required: true, multiple: false )
    section("Lights and Switches...") {
        input "myswitches", "capability.switch", multiple: true, required: false, title: "Switches"
        input "mydimmers", "capability.switchLevel", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Dimmers"
        input "mymomentaries", "capability.momentary", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Momentary Buttons"
        input "mylights", "capability.light", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Lights"
        input "mybulbs", "capability.colorControl", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Bulbs"
    section ("Motion and Presence") {
    	input "mypresences", "capability.presenceSensor", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Presence"
    	input "mysensors", "capability.motionSensor", multiple: true, required: false, title: "Motion"
    section ("Door and Contact Sensors") {
    	input "mycontacts", "capability.contactSensor", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Contact Sensors"
    	input "mydoors", "capability.doorControl", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Doors"
    	input "mylocks", "capability.lock", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Locks"
    section ("Thermostat & Environment") {
    	input "mythermostats", "capability.thermostat", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Thermostats"
    	input "mytemperatures", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Temperature Measures"
    	input "myilluminances", "capability.illuminanceMeasurement", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Illuminances"
    	input "myweathers", "device.smartweatherStationTile", hideWhenEmpty: true, title: "Weather tile", multiple: false, required: false
    section ("Water") {
    	input "mywaters", "capability.waterSensor", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Water Sensors"
    	input "myvalves", "capability.valve", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Sprinklers"
    section ("Other Sensors (duplicates allowed)...") {
    	input "mymusics", "capability.musicPlayer", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Music Players"
    	input "mysmokes", "capability.smokeDetector", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Smoke Detectors"
    	input "myothers", "capability.sensor", multiple: true, required: false, title: "Other and Virtual Sensors"

mappings {
  path("/getallthings") {
     action: [       POST: "getAllThings"     ]
  path("/doaction") {
     action: [       POST: "doAction"     ]
  path("/doquery") {
     action: [       POST: "doQuery"     ]


def installed() {

def updated() {

def initialize() {
    log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings} "

def configureHub() {
    if ( ! state.accessToken ) {
	    log.debug "Creating new accessToken ... you must save and accessToken in your HousePanel configuration file."
    log.debug " = ${} and accessToken = ${state.accessToken} local IP= ${localip}"

def getSwitch(swid, item=null) {
//    getThing(myswitches, swid, item)
    item = item? item : myswitches.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ?   [name: item.displayName, switch: item.currentValue("switch")
                         ] : false

def getBulb(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mybulbs, swid, item)

def getLight(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mylights, swid, item)

def getMomentary(swid, item=null) {
    def resp = false
    item = item ? item : mymomentaries.find { == swid }
    if ( item && item.hasCapability("Switch") ) {
        def curval = item.currentValue("switch")
        if (curval!="on" && curval!="off") { curval = "off" }
        resp = [name: item.displayName, momentary: item.currentValue("switch")]
    return resp

def getDimmer(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mydimmers, swid, item)

def getSensor(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mysensors, swid, item)

def getContact(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mycontacts, swid, item)

// change to only return lock status and battery
def getLock(swid, item=null) {
//    def lock = getThing(mylocks, swid, item)
    item = item? item : mylocks.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [:] : false
    if ( item ) {
        if ( item.hasCapability("Battery") ) {
            resp.put("battery", item.currentValue("battery"))
        resp.put("lock", item.currentValue("lock"))
    return resp

def getMusic(swid, item=null) {
    item = item? item : mymusics.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ?   [name: item.displayName, track: item.currentValue("trackDescription"),
                              musicstatus: item.currentValue("status"),
                              level: item.currentValue("level"),
                              musicmute: item.currentValue("mute")
                        ] : false
    return resp

def getThermostat(swid, item=null) {
    item = item? item : mythermostats.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ?   [name: item.displayName, temperature: item.currentValue("temperature"),
                              heat: item.currentValue("heatingSetpoint"),
                              cool: item.currentValue("coolingSetpoint"),
                              thermofan: item.currentValue("thermostatFanMode"),
                              thermomode: item.currentValue("thermostatMode"),
                              thermostate: item.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")
                         ] : false
    if ( item.hasCapability("relativeHumidityMeasurement") ) {
        resp.put("humidity", item.currentValue("humidity"))
    // log.debug "Thermostat response = ${resp}"
    return resp

// use absent instead of "not present" for absence state
def getPresence(swid, item=null) {
    item = item ? item : mypresences.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [name: item.displayName, presence : (item.currentValue("presence")=="present") ? "present" : "absent"] : false
    return resp

def getWater(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mywaters, swid, item)

def getValve(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(myvalves, swid, item)
def getDoor(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mydoors, swid, item)
// return just illuminance
def getIlluminance(swid, item=null) {
    // getThing(myilluminances, swid, item)
    item = item ? item : myilluminances.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [name: item.displayName, illuminance : item.currentValue("illuminance")] : false
    return resp
def getSmoke(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mysmokes, swid, item)

// return just temperature for this capability
def getTemperature(swid, item=null) {
    // getThing(mytemperatures, swid, item)
    item = item ? item : mytemperatures.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [name: item.displayName, temperature : item.currentValue("temperature")] : false
    return resp

def getWeather(swid, item=null) {
	getDevice(myweathers, swid, item)

def getOther(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(myothers, swid, item)

def getmyMode(swid, item=null) {
    def curmode = location.getCurrentMode()
    def curmodename = curmode.getName()
    def resp =  [ name: swid,
              sitename: location.getName(),
              themode: curmodename ];
    // log.debug "currrent mode = ${curmodename}"
    return resp

def getBlank(swid, item=null) {
    def resp = [name: "Blank ${swid}", size: "${swid}"]
    return resp

def getImage(swid, item=null) {
    def resp = [name: "Image ${swid}", url: "${swid}"]
    return resp

def getRoutine(swid, item=null) {
    def routines = location.helloHome?.getPhrases()
    def routine = item ? item : routines.find{ == swid}
    def resp = routine ? [name: routine.label, label: routine.label] : false
    return resp

// a generic device getter to streamline code
def getDevice(mydevices, swid, item=null) {
    def resp = false
    if ( mydevices ) {
    	item = item ? item : mydevices.find { == swid }
    	if (item) {
			resp = [:]
			def attrs = item.getSupportedAttributes()
			attrs.each {att ->
	            def attname =
    	        def attval = item.currentValue(attname)
    return resp

// make a generic thing getter to streamline the code
def getThing(things, swid, item=null) {
    item = item ? item : things.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [:] : false
    if ( item ) {

    item?.capabilities.each {cap ->
            // def capname = cap.getName()
        cap.attributes?.each {attr ->
            try {
                def othername = attr.getName()
                def othervalue = item.currentValue(othername)
            } catch (ex) {
                log.warn "Attempt to read attribute for ${swid} failed"
    return resp

// make a generic thing list getter to streamline the code
def getThings(resp, things, thingtype) {
//    def resp = []
    def n  = things ? things.size() : 0
    // log.debug "Number of things of type ${thingtype} = ${n}"
    things?.each {
        // def val = thingfunc(, it)
        // def val = ["$thingtype": it.currentValue(thingtype)]
        def val = getThing(things,, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: val, type: thingtype]
    return resp

def getAllThings() {
    def resp = []

    resp = getSwitches(resp)
    resp = getDimmers(resp)
    resp = getMomentaries(resp)
    resp = getLights(resp)
    resp = getBulbs(resp)
    resp = getContacts(resp)
    resp = getDoors(resp)
    resp = getLocks(resp)
    resp = getSensors(resp)
    resp = getPresences(resp)
    resp = getThermostats(resp)
    resp = getTemperatures(resp)
    resp = getIlluminances(resp)
    resp = getValves(resp)
    resp = getWaters(resp)
    resp = getSmokes(resp)
    return resp
// this returns just a single active mode, not the list of available modes
// this is done so we can treat this like any other set of tiles
def getModes(resp) {
    // def resp = []
    // log.debug "Getting the mode tile"
    def val = getmyMode(0)
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m1x1", value: val, type: "mode"]
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m1x2", value: val, type: "mode"]
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m2x1", value: val, type: "mode"]
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m2x2", value: val, type: "mode"]
    return resp

def getBlanks(resp) {
    // log.debug "Getting the blank tiles"
    // def resp = []
    def vals = ["b1x1","b1x2","b2x1","b2x2"]
    def val
    vals.each {
        val = getBlank(it)
        resp << [name: "Blank ${it}", id: "${it}", value: val, type: "blank"]
    return resp

def getImages(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Getting the image tiles"
    def vals = ["img1","img2","img3","img4"]
    def val
    vals.each {
        val = getImage(it)
        resp << [name: "Image ${it}", id: "${it}", value: val, type: "image"]
    return resp

def getSwitches(resp) {
//    getThings(myswitches, "switch")
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of switches = " + myswitches?.size() ?: 0
    myswitches?.each {
        def multivalue = getSwitch(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "switch" ]
    return resp

def getBulbs(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mybulbs, "bulb")

def getLights(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mylights, "light")

def getDimmers(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mydimmers, "switchlevel")

def getSensors(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mysensors, "motion")

def getContacts(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mycontacts, "contact")

def getMomentaries(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of momentaries = " + mymomentaries?.size() ?: 0
    mymomentaries?.each {
        if ( it.hasCapability("Switch") ) {
            def val = getMomentary(, it)
            resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: val, type: "momentary" ]
    return resp

def getLocks(resp) {
//    getThings(mylocks, "lock")
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of locks = " + mylocks?.size() ?: 0
    mylocks?.each {
        def multivalue = getLock(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "lock"]
    return resp

def getMusics(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of music players = " + mymusics?.size() ?: 0
    mymusics?.each {
        def multivalue = getMusic(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "music"]
    return resp

def getThermostats(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of thermostats = " + mythermostats?.size() ?: 0
    mythermostats?.each {
        def multivalue = getThermostat(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "thermostat" ]
    return resp

def getPresences(resp) {
    // getThings(mypresences, "presence")
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of presences = " + mypresences?.size() ?: 0
    mypresences?.each {
        def multivalue = getPresence(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "presence"]
    return resp
def getWaters(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mywaters, "water")
def getValves(resp) {
    getThings(resp, myvalves, "valve")
def getDoors(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mydoors, "door")
def getIlluminances(resp) {
    getThings(resp, myilluminances, "illuminance")
def getSmokes(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mysmokes, "smoke")
def getTemperatures(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of temperatures = " + mytemperatures?.size() ?: 0
    mytemperatures?.each {
        def val = getTemperature(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: val, type: "temperature"]
    return resp

def getWeathers(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of weathers = " + myweathers?.size() ?: 0
    myweathers?.each {
        def multivalue = getWeather(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "weather"]
    return resp

// get hellohome routines - thanks to ady264 for the tip
def getRoutines(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    def routines = location.helloHome?.getPhrases()
    // log.debug "Number of routines = " + routines?.size() ?: 0
    routines?.each {
        def multivalue = getRoutine(, it)
        resp << [name: it.label, id:, value: multivalue, type: "routine"]
    return resp

def getOthers(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    def uniquenum = 0
    // log.debug "Number of selected other sensors = ${myothers ? myothers.size() : 0}"
    myothers?.each {
        def thatid =;
        def inlist = ( myswitches?.find { == thatid } ||
             mydimmers?.find { == thatid } ||
             mybulbs?.find { == thatid } ||
             mylights?.find { == thatid } ||
             mycontacts?.find { == thatid } ||
             mylocks?.find { == thatid } ||
             mysensors?.find { == thatid} ||
             mymusics?.find { == thatid } ||
             mymomentaries?.find { == thatid } ||
             mythermostats?.find { == thatid} ||
             myweathers?.find { == thatid} ||
             mydoors?.find { == thatid } ||
             mywaters?.find { == thatid } ||
             myvalves?.find { == thatid } ||
             myilluminances?.find { == thatid } ||
             mysmokes?.find { == thatid } ||
             mytemperatures?.find { == thatid } ||
             mypresences?.find { == thatid}
        if ( !inlist ) {
            def multivalue = getThing(myothers, thatid, it)
            resp << [name: it.displayName, id: thatid, value: multivalue, type: "other"]
            // log.debug it.displayName + " = " + multivalue
    log.debug "Number of unique other sensors = " + uniquenum
    return resp

def autoType(swid) {
	def swtype
    if ( mydimmers?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "switchlevel" }
    else if ( mymomentaries?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "momentary" }
    else if ( mylights?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "light" }
    else if ( mybulbs?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "bulb" }
    else if ( myswitches?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "switch" }
    else if ( mylocks?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "lock" }
    else if ( mymusics?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "music" }
    else if ( mythermostats?.find { == swid} ) { swtype = "thermostat" }
    else if ( mypresences?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "presence" }
    else if ( myweathers?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "weather" }
    else if ( mysensors?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "motion" }
    else if ( mydoors?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "door" }
    else if ( mycontacts?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "contact" }
    else if ( mywaters?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "water" }
    else if ( myvalves?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "valve" }
    else if ( myilluminances?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "illuminance" }
    else if ( mysmokes?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "smoke" }
    else if ( mytemperatures?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "temperature" }
    else if ( myothers?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "other" }
    else if ( swid=="m1x1" || swid=="m1x2" || swid=="m2x1" || swid=="m2x2" ) { swtype= "mode" }
    else { swtype = "" }
    return swtype

// routine that performs ajax action for clickable tiles
def doAction() {
    // returns false if the item is not found
    // otherwise returns a JSON object with the name, value, id, type
    def cmd = params.swvalue
    def swid = params.swid
    def swtype = params.swtype
    def swattr = params.swattr
    def cmdresult = false
    // sendLocationEvent( [name: "housepanel", value: "touch", isStateChange:true, displayed:true, data: [id: swid, type: swtype, attr: swattr, cmd: cmd] ] )

    // get the type if auto is set
    if (swtype=="auto" || swtype=="none" || swtype=="") {
        swtype = autoType(swid)

    switch (swtype) {
      case "switch" :
      	 cmdresult = setSwitch(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "bulb" :
      	 cmdresult = setBulb(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "light" :
      	 cmdresult = setLight(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "switchlevel" :
         cmdresult = setDimmer(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "momentary" :
         cmdresult = setMomentary(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "lock" :
         cmdresult = setLock(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "thermostat" :
         cmdresult = setThermostat(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "music" :
         cmdresult = setMusic(swid, cmd, swattr)
      // note: this requires a special handler for motion to manually set it
      case "motion" :
        // log.debug "Manually setting motion sensor with id = $swid"
    	cmdresult = setSensor(swid, cmd, swattr)

      case "mode" :
         cmdresult = setMode(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "valve" :
      	 cmdresult = setValve(swid, cmd, swattr)

      case "door" :
      	 cmdresult = setDoor(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "routine" :
        cmdresult = setRoutine(swid, cmd, swattr)
    log.debug "doaction: cmd = $cmd type = $swtype id = $swid cmdresult = $cmdresult"
    return cmdresult


// get a tile by the ID not object
def doQuery() {
    def swid = params.swid
    def swtype = params.swtype
    def cmdresult = false

	// get the type if auto is set
    if (swtype=="auto" || swtype=="none" || swtype=="") {
        swtype = autoType(swid)

    switch(swtype) {

    // special case to return an array of all things
    case "all" :
        cmdresult = getAllThings()
    case "switch" :
      	cmdresult = getSwitch(swid)
    case "bulb" :
      	cmdresult = getBulb(swid)
    case "light" :
      	cmdresult = getLight(swid)
    case "switchlevel" :
        cmdresult = getDimmer(swid)
    case "momentary" :
        cmdresult = getMomentary(swid)
    case "motion" :
    	cmdresult = getSensor(swid)
    case "contact" :
    	cmdresult = getContact(swid)
    case "lock" :
        cmdresult = getLock(swid)
    case "thermostat" :
        cmdresult = getThermostat(swid)
    case "music" :
        cmdresult = getMusic(swid)
    case "presence" :
    	cmdresult = getPresence(swid)
    case "water" :
        cmdresult = getWater(swid)
    case "valve" :
      	cmdresult = getValve(swid)
    case "door" :
      	cmdresult = getDoor(swid)
    case "illuminance" :
      	cmdresult = getIlluminance(swid)
    case "smoke" :
      	cmdresult = getSmoke(swid)
    case "temperature" :
      	cmdresult = getTemperature(swid)
    case "weather" :
    	cmdresult = getWeather(swid)
    case "other" :
    	cmdresult = getOther(swid)
    case "mode" :
        cmdresult = getmyMode(swid)
    case "routine" :
        cmdresult = getRoutine(swid)

    // log.debug "getTile: type = $swtype id = $swid cmdresult = $cmdresult"
    return cmdresult

// changed these to just return values of entire tile
def setOnOff(items, itemtype, swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def newonoff = false
    def item  = items.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd=="on" || cmd=="off") {
            newonoff = cmd
        } else if ( swattr=="on" || swattr=="off") {
            newonoff = swattr
        } else {
            newonoff = item.currentValue(itemtype)=="off" ? "on" : "off"
        newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
    return newonoff

def setSwitch(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def onoff = setOnOff(myswitches, "switch", swid,cmd,swattr)
    def resp = onoff ? [switch: onoff] : false
    return resp

def setDoor(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def newonoff
    def resp = false
    def item  = mydoors.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd=="open" || cmd=="close") {
            newonoff = cmd
        } else {
            newonoff = (item.currentValue("door")=="closed" ||
                        item.currentValue("door")=="closing" )  ? "open" : "close"
        newonoff=="open" ? : item.close()
        resp = [door: newonoff]
    return resp

// special function to set motion status
def setSensor(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw
    def item  = mysensors.find { == swid }
    // anything but active will set the motion to inactive
    if (item && item.hasCommand("startmotion") && item.hasCommand("stopmotion") ) {
        if (cmd=="active" || cmd=="move") {
            newsw = "active"
        } else {
            newsw = "inactive"
        resp = [motion: newsw]
    return resp

// replaced this code to treat bulbs as Hue lights with color controls
def setBulb(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    // def onoff = setOnOff(mybulbs, "bulb", swid,cmd,swattr)
    def resp = setGenericLight(mybulbs, swid, cmd, swattr)
    return resp

// changed these to just return values of entire tile
def setLight(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    // def onoff = setOnOff(mylights, "light", swid,cmd,swattr)
    // def resp = onoff ? [light: onoff] : false
    def resp = setGenericLight(mylights, swid, cmd, swattr)
    return resp

def setMode(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp
    def themode = swattr.substring(swattr.lastIndexOf(" ")+1)
    def newsw = themode
    def allmodes = location.getModes()
    def idx=allmodes.findIndexOf{ == themode}

    if (idx!=null) {
        idx = idx+1
        if (idx == allmodes.size() ) { idx = 0 }
        newsw = allmodes[idx].getName()
    } else {
        newsw = allmodes[0].getName()
    log.debug "Mode changed from $themode to $newsw index = $idx "
    resp =  [   name: swid, 
                sitename: location.getName(),
                themode: newsw
    return resp

def setDimmer(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = setGenericLight(mydimmers, swid, cmd, swattr)
    return resp

def setGenericLight(mythings, swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false

    def item  = mythings.find { == swid }
    def newsw = false
    def hue = false
    def saturation = false
    def temperature = false
    def newcolor = false
    def skiponoff = false
    if (item ) {
        def newonoff = item.currentValue("switch")
        log.debug "generic light cmd = $cmd swattr = $swattr"
        // bug fix for grabbing right swattr when long classes involved
        // note: sometime swattr has the command and other times it has the value
        //       just depends. This is a legacy issue when classes were the command
        if ( swattr.endsWith(" on" ) ) {
            swattr = "on"
        } else if ( swattr.endsWith(" off" ) ) {
            swattr = "off"
        switch(swattr) {
        case "toggle":
            if (cmd=="on" || cmd=="off") {
                newonoff = cmd
            } else {
                newonoff = newonoff=="off" ? "on" : "off"
            // newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
        case "level-up":
            newsw = item.currentValue("level")
            newsw = newsw.toInteger()
            newsw = (newsw >= 95) ? 100 : newsw - (newsw % 5) + 5
            if ( item.hasAttribute("hue") ) {
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, s, newsw)
            newonoff = "on"
            skiponoff = true
        case "level-dn":
            newsw = item.currentValue("level")
            newsw = newsw.toInteger()
            def del = (newsw % 5) == 0 ? 5 : newsw % 5
            newsw = (newsw <= 5) ? 5 : newsw - del
            if ( item.hasAttribute("hue") ) {
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, s, newsw)
            newonoff = "on"
            skiponoff = true
        case "level":
            if ( cmd.isNumber() ) {
                newsw = cmd.toInteger()
                newsw = (newsw >100) ? 100 : newsw
                if ( item.hasAttribute("hue") ) {
                    def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                    def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                    newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, s, newsw)
                skiponoff = true
            newonoff = (newsw == 0) ? "off" : "on"
        case "hue-up":
                hue = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                hue = (hue >= 95) ? 100 : hue - (hue % 5) + 5
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(hue, s, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "hue-dn":
                hue = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def del = (hue % 5) == 0 ? 5 : hue % 5
                hue = (hue <= 5) ? 5 : hue - del
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(hue, s, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "saturation-up":
                saturation = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                saturation = (saturation >= 95) ? 100 : saturation - (saturation % 5) + 5
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, saturation, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "saturation-dn":
                saturation = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                def del = (saturation % 5) == 0 ? 5 : saturation % 5
                saturation = (saturation <= 5) ? 5 : saturation - del
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, saturation, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "colorTemperature-up":
                temperature = item.currentValue("colorTemperature").toInteger()
                temperature = (temperature >= 6500) ? 6500 : temperature - (temperature % 100) + 100
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "colorTemperature-dn":
                temperature = item.currentValue("colorTemperature").toInteger()
                /* temperature drifts up so we cant use round down method */
                def del = 100
                temperature = (temperature <= 2700) ? 2700 : temperature - del
                temperature = (temperature >= 6500) ? 6500 : temperature - (temperature % 100)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "colorTemperature":
                temperature = item.currentValue("colorTemperature").toInteger()
                /* temperature drifts up so we cant use round down method */
                if ( cmd.isNumber() ) {
                    temperature = cmd.toInteger()
                newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "level-val":
        case "hue-val":
        case "saturation-val":
        case "colorTemperature-val":
            newonoff = newonoff=="off" ? "on" : "off"
        case "on":
            newonoff = "off"
        case "off":
            newonoff = "on"
        case "color":
            if (cmd.startsWith("hsl(") && cmd.length()==16) {  // hsl(123,123,123)
                hue = cmd.substring(4,7).toInteger()
                saturation = cmd.substring(8,11).toInteger()
                newsw = cmd.substring(12,15).toInteger()
//                log.debug "cmd= ${cmd} hue= ${hue} sat= ${saturation} level= ${newsw}"
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(hue, saturation, newsw)
//                log.debug "New color = $newcolor"
                newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
            if (cmd=="on" || cmd=="off") {
                newonoff = cmd
            } else {
                newonoff = newonoff=="off" ? "on" : "off"
            newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
            if ( swattr.isNumber() ) {
                newsw = swattr.toInteger()
            skiponoff = true
        if ( ! skiponoff ) {
        	newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
        resp = [switch: newonoff]
        if ( newsw ) { resp.put("level", newsw) }
        if ( newcolor ) { resp.put("color", newcolor) }
        if ( hue ) { resp.put("hue", hue) }
        if ( saturation ) { resp.put("saturation", saturation) }
        if ( temperature ) { resp.put("colorTemperature", temperature) }
        // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: newsw, id: swid, type: swtype]

    return resp

def hsv2rgb(h, s, v) {
  def r, g, b
  h /= 100.0
  s /= 100.0
  v /= 100.0

  def i = Math.floor(h * 6);
  def f = h * 6 - i;
  def p = v * (1 - s)
  def q = v * (1 - f * s)
  def t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);

  switch (i % 6) {
    case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break;
    case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break;
    case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break;
    case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break;
    case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break;
    case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break;
    r = Math.floor(r*255).toInteger()
    g = Math.floor(g*255).toInteger()
    b = Math.floor(b*255).toInteger()

  def rhex = Integer.toHexString(r);
  def ghex = Integer.toHexString(g);
  def bhex = Integer.toHexString(b);
  return "#"+rhex+ghex+bhex

def setMomentary(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false

    def item  = mymomentaries.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
          // log.debug "setMomentary command = $cmd for id = $swid"
        def newsw = item.currentSwitch
        resp = getMomentary(swid, item)
        // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: item.currentSwitch, id: swid, type: swtype]
    return resp


def setLock(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw
    def item  = mylocks.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd!="lock" && cmd!="unlock") {
            cmd = item.currentLock=="locked" ? "unlock" : "lock"
        if (cmd=="unlock") {
            newsw = "unlocked"
        } else {
            newsw = "locked"
        resp = [lock: newsw]
    return resp


def setValve(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw
    def item  = myvalves.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd!="open" && cmd!="close") {
            cmd = item.currentValue=="closed" ? "open" : "close"
        if (cmd=="open") {
            newsw = "open"
        } else {
            newsw = "closed"
        resp = [valve: newsw]
    return resp

// fixed bug to get just the last words of the class
def setThermostat(swid, curtemp, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw = 72
    def tempint

    def item  = mythermostats.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
          log.debug "setThermostat attr = $swattr for id = $swid curtemp = $curtemp"
          resp = getThermostat(swid, item)
          // switch (swattr) {
          // case "heat-up":
          if ( swattr.endsWith("heat-up") ) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() + 1
              if (newsw > 85) newsw = 85
              // item.heat()
              resp['heat'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "cool-up":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("cool-up") ) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() + 1
              if (newsw > 85) newsw = 85
              resp['cool'] = newsw
              // break

          // case "heat-dn":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("heat-dn")) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() - 1
              if (newsw < 60) newsw = 60
              // item.heat()
              resp['heat'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "cool-dn":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("heat-dn")) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() - 1
              if (newsw < 65) newsw = 60
              resp['cool'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode heat":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermomode emergency heat")) {
              newsw = "heat"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode heat":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermomode heat")) {
              newsw = "cool"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode cool":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermomode cool")) {
              newsw = "auto"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode auto":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermomode auto")) {
              newsw = "off"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode off":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermomode off")) {
              newsw = "heat"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermofan fanOn":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermofan on")) {
              newsw = "auto"
              resp['thermofan'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermofan fanAuto":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermofan auto")) {
              newsw = "circulate"
              resp['thermofan'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermofan fanAuto":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("thermofan circulate")) {
              newsw = "on"
              resp['thermofan'] = newsw
              // break
          // define actions for python end points  
          else {
          // default:
              def cmd = curtemp
              if ( item.hasCommand(cmd) ) {
              if ( (cmd=="heat" || cmd=="emergencyHeat") && swattr.isNumber()) {
              else if (cmd=="cool" && swattr.isNumber()) {
              else if (cmd=="auto" && swattr.isNumber() && item.hasCapability("thermostatSetpoint")) {
            // break
        // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: newsw, id: swid, type: swtype]
    return resp

def setMusic(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def item  = mymusics.find { == swid }
    def newsw
    if (item) {
        log.debug "music command = $cmd for id = $swid swattr = $swattr"
        resp = getMusic(swid, item)
        switch(swattr) {
        case "level-up":
        case "vol-up":
              newsw = cmd.toInteger()
              newsw = (newsw >= 95) ? 100 : newsw - (newsw % 5) + 5
              resp['level'] = newsw
        case "level-dn":
        case "vol-dn":
              newsw = cmd.toInteger()
              def del = (newsw % 5) == 0 ? 5 : newsw % 5
              newsw = (newsw <= 5) ? 5 : newsw - del
              resp['level'] = newsw

        case "level":
              newsw = cmd.toInteger()
              resp['level'] = newsw

        case "music musicstatus paused":
        case "music musicstatus stopped":
              newsw = "playing"
              resp['musicstatus'] = newsw

        case "music musicstatus playing":
              newsw = "paused"
              resp['musicstatus'] = newsw
        case "music-play":
              newsw = "playing"
              resp['musicstatus'] = newsw
        case "music-stop":
              newsw = "stopped"
              resp['musicstatus'] = newsw
        case "music-pause":
              newsw = "paused"
              resp['musicstatus'] = newsw
        case "music-previous":
              resp['track'] = item.currentValue("trackDescription")
        case "music-next":
              resp['track'] = item.currentValue("trackDescription")
        case "music musicmute muted":
              newsw = "unmuted"
              resp['musicmute'] = newsw
        case "music musicmute unmuted":
              newsw = "muted"
              resp['musicmute'] = newsw
         // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: newsw, id: swid, type: swtype]
    return resp

def setRoutine(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def routine = location.helloHome?.getPhrases().find{ == swid }
    if (routine) {
    return routine

No error with that, thanks. However, it shows last revision of April, 18, where the code from the repo shows August 11. Did you only update the lines that changed on your hub?

Those are missing from the definition in the latest code from the repo

Now that you mention - I may have only updated my webserver files. Looks like I have missed a few updates. LOL I find it hard to believe it has been that long since I updated it though.

To answer your question, I copy in the entire code when I update...

I am sure @kewashi will chime in soon to clear everything up. Poor guy, HP is quite a massive project and he goes it alone as a hobby,

Hmm, OK. I'll reach out to @kewashi about the issue. I'm not going to be able to get the rest of the setup until late in the week anyway. Just thought I would start to bite into it tonight. Thanks for your help. I'm sure I'm going to have a lot more questions as I dig deeper.

It would figure when I point someone there it is having issues.

I just went back one revision in the code. Pasted this in and opened and hit done on the app. Seems all is well. Looks like Ken made the changes yesterday that are causing the error.

 *  HousePanel (Hubitat Version)
 *  Copyright 2016, 2017, 2018 Kenneth Washington
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * This app started life displaying the history of various ssmartthings
 * but it has morphed into a full blown smart panel web application
 * it displays and enables interaction with switches, dimmers, locks, etc
 * Revision history:
 * 07/24/2018 - fix bug in lock opening and closing with motion detection
 * 06/21/2018 - Automatic push of Hubitat settings to HP server
 * 06/16/2018 - Sync important bug fixes from SmartThings version
 * 06/16/2018 - Add cloud and local options and auto configuration
 * 06/15/2018 - Port over updates from ST side; icon change other cleanup
 * 04/18/2018 - Bugfix curtemp in Thermostat, thanks to @kembod for finding this
 * 03/10/2018 - Major speedup by reading all things at once
 * 02/25/2018 - Update to support sliders and color hue picker
 * 02/04/2018 - Port over to Hubitat
 * 01/04/2018 - Fix bulb bug that returned wrong name in the type
 * 12/29/2017 - Changed bulb to colorControl capability for Hue light support
 *              Added support for colorTemperature in switches and lights
 * 12/10/2017 - Added name to each thing query return
 *            - Remove old code block of getHistory code
public static String version() { return "v1.622" }
public static String handle() { return "HousePanel" }
    name: "${handle()}",
    namespace: "kewashi",
    author: "Kenneth Washington",
    description: "Tap here to install ${handle()} ${version()} - a highly customizable tablet smart app. ",
    category: "Convenience",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "",
    iconX3Url: "",
    oauth: [displayName: "kewashi house panel", displayLink: ""])

preferences {
    section("Hubitat Configuration") {
        paragraph "The HousePanel url is the full url address where your HousePanel application is installed. " +
                  "This is typically a rPi device on the same network subnet as the Hubitat HUB. \n" +
                  "HousePanel uses this to push the access token and hub id to your server instead of requiring " +
                  "user manual configuration; however, you can always still configure HousePanel manually. "
        input (name: "hpurl", type: "text", title: "HousePanel url", defaultValue: "", required: true, multiple: false )
        paragraph "Set the Cloud Calls option to True if your HousePanel app is NOT on your local LAN. " +
                  "When this is true all calls to HousePanel will be through the Cloud endpoint. " +
                  "Actions and updates to be slower than local installations."
        input (name: "cloudcalls", type: "bool", title: "Cloud Calls", defaultValue: false, required: true)
        paragraph "Set this to True if you do not have a SmartThings hub. This will make the Hubitat " +
                  "installation to return blanks and images that are usual done on the Smartthings side. \n" +
                  "This will also make the app bypass the SmartThings authentication step."
        input (name: "hubitatonly", type: "bool", title: "use Hubitat only?", defaultValue: false, required: true)
    section("Lights and Switches...") {
        input "myswitches", "capability.switch", multiple: true, required: false, title: "Switches"
        input "mydimmers", "capability.switchLevel", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Dimmers"
        input "mymomentaries", "capability.momentary", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Momentary Buttons"
        input "mylights", "capability.light", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Lights"
        input "mybulbs", "capability.colorControl", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Bulbs"
    section ("Motion and Presence") {
    	input "mypresences", "capability.presenceSensor", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Presence"
    	input "mysensors", "capability.motionSensor", multiple: true, required: false, title: "Motion"
    section ("Door and Contact Sensors") {
    	input "mycontacts", "capability.contactSensor", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Contact Sensors"
    	input "mydoors", "capability.doorControl", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Doors"
    	input "mylocks", "capability.lock", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Locks"
    section ("Thermostat & Environment") {
    	input "mythermostats", "capability.thermostat", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Thermostats"
    	input "mytemperatures", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Temperature Measures"
    	input "myilluminances", "capability.illuminanceMeasurement", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Illuminances"
    	// input "myweathers", "device.smartweatherStationTile", hideWhenEmpty: true, title: "Weather tile", multiple: false, required: false
    section ("Water") {
    	input "mywaters", "capability.waterSensor", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Water Sensors"
    	input "myvalves", "capability.valve", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Sprinklers"
    section ("Other Sensors (duplicates allowed)...") {
    	input "mymusics", "capability.musicPlayer", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Music Players"
    	input "mysmokes", "capability.smokeDetector", hideWhenEmpty: true, multiple: true, required: false, title: "Smoke Detectors"
//    	input "myothers", "capability.sensor", multiple: true, required: false, title: "Other and Virtual Sensors"

mappings {
  path("/getallthings") {
     action: [       POST: "getAllThings"     ]
  path("/doaction") {
     action: [       POST: "doAction"     ]
  path("/doquery") {
     action: [       POST: "doQuery"     ]


def installed() {

def updated() {

def initialize() {
    log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings} "

def configureHub() {
    state.hubitatOnly = hubitatonly
    if ( ! state.accessToken ) {
	    log.debug "Creating new accessToken ... you must save and accessToken in your HousePanel configuration file."
    // get the cloud and local access points
    def hubip = location.hubs[0].getDataValue("localIP")
    def endpt
    if ( cloudcalls ) {
        endpt = "${getApiServerUrl()}/${hubUID}/apps/${}/"
        log.debug "Cloud installation was requested and is reflected in the endpt below"
    } else {
        endpt = "${hubip}/apps/api/${}/"

    // send debug info to log for manual setup option
    log.debug "This information is being sent to your HousePanel web app at ${hpurl}"
    log.debug "HousePanel url = ${hpurl}"
    log.debug "Hubitat IP = ${hubip}"
    log.debug " = ${}"
    log.debug "accessToken = ${state.accessToken}"
    log.debug "Hubitat endpt = ${endpt}"
    log.debug "Hubitat only? = ${state.hubitatOnly}"

    // push these variables to our HousePanel server
    // this can be local or somewhere out on the Internet
    // we don't need the hubip and id but we send it anyway
    // what we really need is the accesstoken and endpt
    def cmds = [
        useajax: "confighubitat",
        id: "hubitat",
        type: "none",
        value: [
            hubip: hubip, 
            accesstoken: state.accessToken,
            endpt: endpt,
            hubitatonly: state.hubitatOnly

    def params = [
        uri: "${hpurl}",
//        requestContentType: "application/json",
//        query: null,
//        body: cmds
        requestContentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        query: cmds

    try {
        httpGet(params) { resp ->
            def msg = ""
            if (resp?.status == 200) {
                msg = "Success"
            } else {
                msg = "Failure: ${resp?.status}"
            log.debug "response: ${msg} (${})"
    } catch (e) {
        log.debug "Something went wrong: $e"

def getSwitch(swid, item=null) {
//    getThing(myswitches, swid, item)
    item = item? item : myswitches.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ?   [name: item.displayName, switch: item.currentValue("switch")
                         ] : false

def getBulb(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mybulbs, swid, item)

def getLight(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mylights, swid, item)

def getMomentary(swid, item=null) {
    def resp = false
    item = item ? item : mymomentaries.find { == swid }
    if ( item && item.hasCapability("Switch") ) {
        def curval = item.currentValue("switch")
        if (curval!="on" && curval!="off") { curval = "off" }
        resp = [name: item.displayName, momentary: item.currentValue("switch")]
    return resp

def getDimmer(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mydimmers, swid, item)

def getSensor(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mysensors, swid, item)

def getContact(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mycontacts, swid, item)

// change to only return lock status and battery
def getLock(swid, item=null) {
//    def lock = getThing(mylocks, swid, item)
    item = item? item : mylocks.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [:] : false
    if ( item ) {
        if ( item.hasCapability("Battery") ) {
            resp.put("battery", item.currentValue("battery"))
        resp.put("lock", item.currentValue("lock"))
    return resp

def getMusic(swid, item=null) {
    item = item? item : mymusics.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ?   [name: item.displayName, track: item.currentValue("trackDescription"),
                              musicstatus: item.currentValue("status"),
                              level: item.currentValue("level"),
                              musicmute: item.currentValue("mute")
                        ] : false
    return resp

def getThermostat(swid, item=null) {
    item = item? item : mythermostats.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ?   [name: item.displayName, temperature: item.currentValue("temperature"),
                              heat: item.currentValue("heatingSetpoint"),
                              cool: item.currentValue("coolingSetpoint"),
                              thermofan: item.currentValue("thermostatFanMode"),
                              thermomode: item.currentValue("thermostatMode"),
                              thermostate: item.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")
                         ] : false
    if ( item.hasAttribute("humidity") ) {
        resp.put("humidity", item.currentValue("humidity"))
    // log.debug "Thermostat response = ${resp}"
    return resp

// use absent instead of "not present" for absence state
def getPresence(swid, item=null) {
    item = item ? item : mypresences.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [name: item.displayName, presence : (item.currentValue("presence")=="present") ? "present" : "absent"] : false
    return resp

def getWater(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mywaters, swid, item)

def getValve(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(myvalves, swid, item)
def getDoor(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mydoors, swid, item)
// return just illuminance
def getIlluminance(swid, item=null) {
    // getThing(myilluminances, swid, item)
    item = item ? item : myilluminances.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [name: item.displayName, illuminance : item.currentValue("illuminance")] : false
    return resp
def getSmoke(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(mysmokes, swid, item)

// return just temperature for this capability
def getTemperature(swid, item=null) {
    // getThing(mytemperatures, swid, item)
    item = item ? item : mytemperatures.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [name: item.displayName, temperature : item.currentValue("temperature")] : false
    return resp

def getWeather(swid, item=null) {
	getDevice(myweathers, swid, item)

def getOther(swid, item=null) {
    getThing(myothers, swid, item)

def getmyMode(swid, item=null) {
    def curmode = location.getCurrentMode()
    def curmodename = curmode.getName()
    def resp =  [ name: swid,
              sitename: location.getName(),
              themode: curmodename ];
    // log.debug "currrent mode = ${curmodename}"
    return resp

def getBlank(swid, item=null) {
    def resp = [name: "Blank ${swid}", size: "${swid}"]
    return resp

def getImage(swid, item=null) {
    def resp = [name: "Image ${swid}", url: "${swid}"]
    return resp

def getRoutine(swid, item=null) {
    def routines = location.helloHome?.getPhrases()
    def routine = item ? item : routines.find{ == swid}
    def resp = routine ? [name: routine.label, label: routine.label] : false
    return resp

// a generic device getter to streamline code
def getDevice(mydevices, swid, item=null) {
    def resp = false
    if ( mydevices ) {
    	item = item ? item : mydevices.find { == swid }
    	if (item) {
			resp = [:]
			def attrs = item.getSupportedAttributes()
			attrs.each {att ->
	            def attname =
    	        def attval = item.currentValue(attname)
    return resp

def setOther(swid, cmd, attr, subid ) {
    def resp = false
    def item  = myothers.find { == swid }
    if (item && subid.startsWith("_")) {
        subid = subid.substring(1)
        // log.debug "Activating other device " + item + " command: " + subid
        resp = [:]
        if ( item.hasCommand(subid) ) {
            resp = getOther(swid, item)
    else if ( subid == "switch" ) {
        def onoff = setOnOff(myothers, "switch", swid, cmd, swattr)
        resp = onoff ? [switch: onoff] : false
    return resp

// make a generic thing getter to streamline the code
def getThing(things, swid, item=null) {
    item = item ? item : things.find { == swid }
    def resp = item ? [:] : false
    if ( item ) {
            item.capabilities.each {cap ->
                // def capname = cap.getName()
                cap.attributes?.each {attr ->
                    try {
                        def othername = attr.getName()
                        def othervalue = item.currentValue(othername)
                    } catch (ex) {
                        log.warn "Attempt to read attribute for ${swid} failed"
            // add commands other than standard ones
            item.supportedCommands.each { comm ->
                try {
                    def reserved = ["setLevel","setHue",\
                    def comname = comm.getName()
                    def args = comm.getArguments()
                    def arglen = args.size()
                    // log.debug "Command for ${swid} = $comname with $arglen args = $args "
                    if ( arglen==0 && ! reserved.contains(comname) ) {
                        resp.put( "_"+comname, comname )
                } catch (ex) {
                    // log.warn "Attempt to read command for ${swid} failed"
    return resp

// make a generic thing list getter to streamline the code
def getThings(resp, things, thingtype) {
//    def resp = []
//    def n  = things ? things.size() : 0
//    if ( n > 0 ) { log.debug "Number of things of type ${thingtype} = ${n}" }
    things?.each {
        def val = getThing(things,, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: val, type: thingtype]
    return resp

// This retrieves and returns all things
// used up front or whenever we need to re-read all things
def getAllThings() {

    def resp = []
    resp = getSwitches(resp)
    resp = getDimmers(resp)
    resp = getMomentaries(resp)
    resp = getLights(resp)
    resp = getBulbs(resp)
    resp = getContacts(resp)
    resp = getDoors(resp)
    resp = getLocks(resp)
    resp = getSensors(resp)
    resp = getPresences(resp)
    resp = getThermostats(resp)
    resp = getTemperatures(resp)
    resp = getIlluminances(resp)
    resp = getValves(resp)
    resp = getWaters(resp)
    resp = getSmokes(resp)
    resp = getOthers(resp)

    if ( state.hubitatOnly ) {
        resp = getBlanks(resp)
        resp = getImages(resp)
    return resp
// this returns just a single active mode, not the list of available modes
// this is done so we can treat this like any other set of tiles
def getModes(resp) {
    log.debug "Getting 4 mode tiles"
    def val = getmyMode(0)
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m1x1", value: val, type: "mode"]
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m1x2", value: val, type: "mode"]
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m2x1", value: val, type: "mode"]
    resp << [name: "Mode", id: "m2x2", value: val, type: "mode"]
    return resp

def getBlanks(resp) {
    // log.debug "Getting 4 blank tiles"
    // def resp = []
    def vals = ["b1x1","b1x2","b2x1","b2x2"]
    def val
    vals.each {
        val = getBlank(it)
        resp << [name: "Blank ${it}", id: "${it}", value: val, type: "blank"]
    return resp

def getImages(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Getting the image tiles"
    def vals = ["img1","img2","img3","img4"]
    def val
    vals.each {
        val = getImage(it)
        resp << [name: "Image ${it}", id: "${it}", value: val, type: "image"]
    return resp

def getSwitches(resp) {
//    getThings(myswitches, "switch")
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of switches = " + myswitches?.size() ?: 0
    myswitches?.each {
        def multivalue = getSwitch(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "switch" ]
    return resp

def getBulbs(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mybulbs, "bulb")

def getLights(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mylights, "light")

def getDimmers(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mydimmers, "switchlevel")

def getSensors(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mysensors, "motion")

def getContacts(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mycontacts, "contact")

def getMomentaries(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of momentaries = " + mymomentaries?.size() ?: 0
    mymomentaries?.each {
        if ( it.hasCapability("Switch") ) {
            def val = getMomentary(, it)
            resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: val, type: "momentary" ]
    return resp

def getLocks(resp) {
//    getThings(mylocks, "lock")
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of locks = " + mylocks?.size() ?: 0
    mylocks?.each {
        def multivalue = getLock(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "lock"]
    return resp

def getMusics(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of music players = " + mymusics?.size() ?: 0
    mymusics?.each {
        def multivalue = getMusic(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "music"]
    return resp

def getThermostats(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of thermostats = " + mythermostats?.size() ?: 0
    mythermostats?.each {
        def multivalue = getThermostat(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "thermostat" ]
    return resp

def getPresences(resp) {
    // getThings(mypresences, "presence")
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of presences = " + mypresences?.size() ?: 0
    mypresences?.each {
        def multivalue = getPresence(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "presence"]
    return resp
def getWaters(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mywaters, "water")
def getValves(resp) {
    getThings(resp, myvalves, "valve")
def getDoors(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mydoors, "door")
def getIlluminances(resp) {
    getThings(resp, myilluminances, "illuminance")
def getSmokes(resp) {
    getThings(resp, mysmokes, "smoke")
def getTemperatures(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of temperatures = " + mytemperatures?.size() ?: 0
    mytemperatures?.each {
        def val = getTemperature(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: val, type: "temperature"]
    return resp

def getWeathers(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    // log.debug "Number of weathers = " + myweathers?.size() ?: 0
    myweathers?.each {
        def multivalue = getWeather(, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id:, value: multivalue, type: "weather"]
    return resp

// get hellohome routines - thanks to ady264 for the tip
def getRoutines(resp) {
//    def resp = []
    def routines = location.helloHome?.getPhrases()
    // log.debug "Number of routines = " + routines?.size() ?: 0
    routines?.each {
        def multivalue = getRoutine(, it)
        resp << [name: it.label, id:, value: multivalue, type: "routine"]
    return resp

def getOthers(resp) {
    def n  = myothers ? myothers.size() : 0
    if ( n > 0 ) { log.debug "Number of selected other sensors = ${n}" }
    myothers?.each {
        def thatid =;
        def multivalue = getThing(myothers, thatid, it)
        resp << [name: it.displayName, id: thatid, value: multivalue, type: "other"]
    return resp

def autoType(swid) {
	def swtype
    if ( mydimmers?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "switchlevel" }
    else if ( mymomentaries?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "momentary" }
    else if ( mylights?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "light" }
    else if ( mybulbs?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "bulb" }
    else if ( myswitches?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "switch" }
    else if ( mylocks?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "lock" }
    else if ( mymusics?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "music" }
    else if ( mythermostats?.find { == swid} ) { swtype = "thermostat" }
    else if ( mypresences?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "presence" }
    else if ( myweathers?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "weather" }
    else if ( mysensors?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "motion" }
    else if ( mydoors?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "door" }
    else if ( mycontacts?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "contact" }
    else if ( mywaters?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "water" }
    else if ( myvalves?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "valve" }
    else if ( myilluminances?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "illuminance" }
    else if ( mysmokes?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "smoke" }
    else if ( mytemperatures?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "temperature" }
    else if ( myothers?.find { == swid } ) { swtype= "other" }
    else if ( swid=="m1x1" || swid=="m1x2" || swid=="m2x1" || swid=="m2x2" ) { swtype= "mode" }
    else { swtype = "" }
    return swtype

// routine that performs ajax action for clickable tiles
def doAction() {
    // returns false if the item is not found
    // otherwise returns a JSON object with the name, value, id, type
    def cmd = params.swvalue
    def swid = params.swid
    def swtype = params.swtype
    def swattr = params.swattr
    def subid = params.subid
    def cmdresult = false
    // sendLocationEvent( [name: "housepanel", value: "touch", isStateChange:true, displayed:true, data: [id: swid, type: swtype, attr: swattr, cmd: cmd] ] )

    log.debug "doaction params: cmd = $cmd type = $swtype id = $swid subid = $subid"

    // get the type if auto is set
    if (swtype=="auto" || swtype=="none" || swtype=="") {
        swtype = autoType(swid)

    switch (swtype) {
      case "switch" :
      	 cmdresult = setSwitch(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "bulb" :
      	 cmdresult = setBulb(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "light" :
      	 cmdresult = setLight(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "switchlevel" :
         cmdresult = setDimmer(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "momentary" :
         cmdresult = setMomentary(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "lock" :
         cmdresult = setLock(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "thermostat" :
         cmdresult = setThermostat(swid, cmd, swattr, subid)
      case "music" :
         cmdresult = setMusic(swid, cmd, swattr, subid)
      // note: this requires a special handler for motion to manually set it
      case "motion" :
        // log.debug "Manually setting motion sensor with id = $swid"
    	cmdresult = setSensor(swid, cmd, swattr)

      case "mode" :
         cmdresult = setMode(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "valve" :
      	 cmdresult = setValve(swid, cmd, swattr)

      case "door" :
      	 cmdresult = setDoor(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "routine" :
        cmdresult = setRoutine(swid, cmd, swattr)
      case "other" :
          cmdresult = setOther(swid, cmd, swattr, subid)
    log.debug "HousePanel doaction: cmd = $cmd type = $swtype id = $swid subid = $subid cmdresult = $cmdresult"
    return cmdresult


// get a tile by the ID not object
def doQuery() {
    def swid = params.swid
    def swtype = params.swtype
    def cmdresult = false

	// get the type if auto is set
    if ( (swtype=="auto" || swtype=="none" || swtype=="") && swid ) {
        swtype = autoType(swid)

    switch(swtype) {

    // special case to return an array of all things
    // each case below also now includes multi-item options for the API
    case "all" :
        cmdresult = getAllThings()

    case "switch" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getSwitch(swid) : getSwitches( [] )
    case "bulb" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getBulb(swid) : getBulbs( [] )
    case "light" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getLight(swid) : getLights( [] )
    case "switchlevel" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getDimmer(swid) : getDimmers( [] )
    case "momentary" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getMomentary(swid) : getMomentaries( [] )
    case "motion" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getSensor(swid) : getSensors( [] )
    case "contact" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getContact(swid) : getContacts( [] )
    case "lock" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getLock(swid) : getLocks( [] )
    case "thermostat" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getThermostat(swid) : getThermostats( [] )
    case "music" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getMusic(swid) : getMusics( [] )
    case "presence" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getPresence(swid) : getPresences( [] )
    case "water" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getWater(swid) : getWaters( [] )
    case "valve" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getValve(swid) : getValves( [] )
    case "door" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getDoor(swid) : getDoors( [] )
    case "illuminance" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getIlluminance(swid) : getIlluminances( [] )
    case "smoke" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getSmoke(swid) : getSmokes( [] )
    case "temperature" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getTemperature(swid) : getTemperatures( [] )
    case "weather" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getWeather(swid) : getWeathers( [] )
    case "other" :
    	cmdresult = getOther(swid)
    case "mode" :
        cmdresult = getmyMode(swid)
    case "routine" :
        cmdresult = swid ? getRoutine(swid) : getRoutines( [] )

    // log.debug "getTile: type = $swtype id = $swid cmdresult = $cmdresult"
    return cmdresult

// changed these to just return values of entire tile
def setOnOff(items, itemtype, swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def newonoff = false
    def item  = items.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd=="on" || cmd=="off") {
            newonoff = cmd
        } else if ( swattr=="on" || swattr=="off") {
            newonoff = swattr
        } else {
            newonoff = item.currentValue(itemtype)=="off" ? "on" : "off"
        newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
    return newonoff

def setSwitch(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def onoff = setOnOff(myswitches, "switch", swid,cmd,swattr)
    def resp = onoff ? [switch: onoff] : false
    return resp

def setDoor(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def newonoff
    def resp = false
    def item  = mydoors.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd=="open" || cmd=="close") {
            newonoff = cmd
        } else {
            newonoff = (item.currentValue("door")=="closed" ||
                        item.currentValue("door")=="closing" )  ? "open" : "closed"
        newonoff=="open" ? : item.close()
        resp = [door: newonoff]
        if ( item.hasAttribute("contact") ) {
            resp.put("contact", newonoff)
    return resp

// special function to set motion status
def setSensor(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw
    def item  = mysensors.find { == swid }
    // anything but active will set the motion to inactive
    if (item && item.hasCommand("startmotion") && item.hasCommand("stopmotion") ) {
        if (cmd=="active" || cmd=="move") {
            newsw = "active"
        } else {
            newsw = "inactive"
        resp = [motion: newsw]
    return resp

// replaced this code to treat bulbs as Hue lights with color controls
def setBulb(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    // def onoff = setOnOff(mybulbs, "bulb", swid,cmd,swattr)
    def resp = setGenericLight(mybulbs, swid, cmd, swattr)
    return resp

// changed these to just return values of entire tile
def setLight(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    // def onoff = setOnOff(mylights, "light", swid,cmd,swattr)
    // def resp = onoff ? [light: onoff] : false
    def resp = setGenericLight(mylights, swid, cmd, swattr)
    return resp

def setMode(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp
    def themode = swattr.substring(swattr.lastIndexOf(" ")+1)
    def newsw = themode
    def allmodes = location.getModes()
    def idx=allmodes.findIndexOf{ == themode}

    if (idx!=null) {
        idx = idx+1
        if (idx == allmodes.size() ) { idx = 0 }
        newsw = allmodes[idx].getName()
    } else {
        newsw = allmodes[0].getName()
    log.debug "Mode changed from $themode to $newsw index = $idx "
    resp =  [   name: swid, 
                sitename: location.getName(),
                themode: newsw
    return resp

def setDimmer(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = setGenericLight(mydimmers, swid, cmd, swattr)
    return resp

def setGenericLight(mythings, swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false

    def item  = mythings.find { == swid }
    def newsw = false
    def hue = false
    def saturation = false
    def temperature = false
    def newcolor = false
    def skiponoff = false
    if (item ) {
        def newonoff = item.currentValue("switch")
        log.debug "generic light cmd = $cmd swattr = $swattr"
        // bug fix for grabbing right swattr when long classes involved
        // note: sometime swattr has the command and other times it has the value
        //       just depends. This is a legacy issue when classes were the command
        if ( swattr.endsWith(" on" ) ) {
            swattr = "on"
        } else if ( swattr.endsWith(" off" ) ) {
            swattr = "off"
        switch(swattr) {
        case "toggle":
            if (cmd=="on" || cmd=="off") {
                newonoff = cmd
            } else {
                newonoff = newonoff=="off" ? "on" : "off"
            // newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
        case "level-up":
            newsw = item.currentValue("level")
            newsw = newsw.toInteger()
            newsw = (newsw >= 95) ? 100 : newsw - (newsw % 5) + 5
            if ( item.hasAttribute("hue") ) {
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, s, newsw)
            newonoff = "on"
            skiponoff = true
        case "level-dn":
            newsw = item.currentValue("level")
            newsw = newsw.toInteger()
            def del = (newsw % 5) == 0 ? 5 : newsw % 5
            newsw = (newsw <= 5) ? 5 : newsw - del
            if ( item.hasAttribute("hue") ) {
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, s, newsw)
            newonoff = "on"
            skiponoff = true
        case "level":
            if ( cmd.isNumber() ) {
                newsw = cmd.toInteger()
                newsw = (newsw >100) ? 100 : newsw
                if ( item.hasAttribute("hue") ) {
                    def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                    def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                    newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, s, newsw)
                skiponoff = true
            newonoff = (newsw == 0) ? "off" : "on"
        case "hue-up":
                hue = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                hue = (hue >= 95) ? 100 : hue - (hue % 5) + 5
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(hue, s, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "hue-dn":
                hue = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def del = (hue % 5) == 0 ? 5 : hue % 5
                hue = (hue <= 5) ? 5 : hue - del
                def s = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(hue, s, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "saturation-up":
                saturation = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                saturation = (saturation >= 95) ? 100 : saturation - (saturation % 5) + 5
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, saturation, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "saturation-dn":
                saturation = item.currentValue("saturation").toInteger()
                def del = (saturation % 5) == 0 ? 5 : saturation % 5
                saturation = (saturation <= 5) ? 5 : saturation - del
                def h = item.currentValue("hue").toInteger()
                def v = item.currentValue("level").toInteger()
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(h, saturation, v)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "colorTemperature-up":
                temperature = item.currentValue("colorTemperature").toInteger()
                temperature = (temperature >= 6500) ? 6500 : temperature - (temperature % 100) + 100
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "colorTemperature-dn":
                temperature = item.currentValue("colorTemperature").toInteger()
                /* temperature drifts up so we cant use round down method */
                def del = 100
                temperature = (temperature <= 2700) ? 2700 : temperature - del
                temperature = (temperature >= 6500) ? 6500 : temperature - (temperature % 100)
            	newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "colorTemperature":
                temperature = item.currentValue("colorTemperature").toInteger()
                /* temperature drifts up so we cant use round down method */
                if ( cmd.isNumber() ) {
                    temperature = cmd.toInteger()
                newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
        case "level-val":
        case "hue-val":
        case "saturation-val":
        case "colorTemperature-val":
            newonoff = newonoff=="off" ? "on" : "off"
        case "on":
            newonoff = "off"
        case "off":
            newonoff = "on"
        case "color":
            if (cmd.startsWith("hsl(") && cmd.length()==16) {  // hsl(123,123,123)
                hue = cmd.substring(4,7).toInteger()
                saturation = cmd.substring(8,11).toInteger()
                newsw = cmd.substring(12,15).toInteger()
//                log.debug "cmd= ${cmd} hue= ${hue} sat= ${saturation} level= ${newsw}"
                newcolor = hsv2rgb(hue, saturation, newsw)
//                log.debug "New color = $newcolor"
                newonoff = "on"
                skiponoff = true
            if (cmd=="on" || cmd=="off") {
                newonoff = cmd
            } else {
                newonoff = newonoff=="off" ? "on" : "off"
            newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
            if ( swattr.isNumber() ) {
                newsw = swattr.toInteger()
            skiponoff = true
        if ( ! skiponoff ) {
        	newonoff=="on" ? item.on() :
        resp = [switch: newonoff]
        if ( newsw ) { resp.put("level", newsw) }
        if ( newcolor ) { resp.put("color", newcolor) }
        if ( hue ) { resp.put("hue", hue) }
        if ( saturation ) { resp.put("saturation", saturation) }
        if ( temperature ) { resp.put("colorTemperature", temperature) }
        // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: newsw, id: swid, type: swtype]

    return resp

def hsv2rgb(h, s, v) {
  def r, g, b
  h /= 100.0
  s /= 100.0
  v /= 100.0

  def i = Math.floor(h * 6);
  def f = h * 6 - i;
  def p = v * (1 - s)
  def q = v * (1 - f * s)
  def t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);

  switch (i % 6) {
    case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break;
    case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break;
    case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break;
    case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break;
    case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break;
    case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break;
    r = Math.floor(r*255).toInteger()
    g = Math.floor(g*255).toInteger()
    b = Math.floor(b*255).toInteger()

  def rhex = Integer.toHexString(r);
  def ghex = Integer.toHexString(g);
  def bhex = Integer.toHexString(b);
  return "#"+rhex+ghex+bhex

def setMomentary(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false

    def item  = mymomentaries.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
          // log.debug "setMomentary command = $cmd for id = $swid"
        def newsw = item.currentSwitch
        resp = getMomentary(swid, item)
        // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: item.currentSwitch, id: swid, type: swtype]
    return resp


def setLock(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw
    def item  = mylocks.find { == swid }
    log.debug "Performing setLock command with cmd = ${cmd} and swattr = ${swattr}"
    if (item) {
        if (cmd=="toggle") {
            newsw = item.currentLock=="locked" ? "unlock" : "lock"
            if ( newsw=="lock" ) {
            } else {
        } else if ( cmd=="unknown" ) {
            newsw = item.currentLock
    	    log.debug "Ignoring unknown status..."
        } else if ( cmd=="move" ) {
            newsw = item.currentLock
    	    log.debug "Ignoring move command for lock..."
        } else if (cmd=="unlock") {
            newsw = "unlocked"
        } else if (cmd=="lock") {
            newsw = "locked"
        resp = [lock: newsw]
    return resp


def setValve(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw
    def item  = myvalves.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
        if (cmd!="open" && cmd!="close") {
            cmd = item.currentValue=="closed" ? "open" : "close"
        if (cmd=="open") {
            newsw = "open"
        } else {
            newsw = "closed"
        resp = [valve: newsw]
    return resp

// fixed bug to get just the last words of the class
def setThermostat(swid, curtemp, swattr, subid) {
    def resp = false
    def newsw = 72
    def tempint

    def item  = mythermostats.find { == swid }
    if (item) {
//          log.debug "setThermostat attr = $swattr for id = $swid curtemp = $curtemp"
          resp = getThermostat(swid, item)
          // switch (swattr) {
          // case "heat-up":
          if ( swattr.endsWith("heat-up") ) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() + 1
              if (newsw > 85) newsw = 85
              // item.heat()
              resp['heat'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "cool-up":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("cool-up") ) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() + 1
              if (newsw > 85) newsw = 85
              resp['cool'] = newsw
              // break

          // case "heat-dn":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("heat-dn")) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() - 1
              if (newsw < 50) newsw = 50
              // item.heat()
              resp['heat'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "cool-dn":
          else if ( swattr.endsWith("cool-dn")) {
              newsw = curtemp.toInteger() - 1
              if (newsw < 60) newsw = 60
              resp['cool'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode heat":
          else if ( swattr.contains("emergency")) {
              newsw = "heat"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode heat":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermomode") && swattr.endsWith("heat")) {
              def modecmd = swattr
              newsw = "cool"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode cool":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermomode") && swattr.endsWith("cool")) {
              newsw = "auto"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode auto":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermomode") && swattr.endsWith("auto")) {
              newsw = "off"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermomode off":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermomode") && swattr.endsWith("off")) {
              newsw = "heat"
              resp['thermomode'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermofan fanOn":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermofan") && swattr.endsWith("on")) {
              newsw = "auto"
              resp['thermofan'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermofan fanAuto":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermofan") && swattr.endsWith("auto")) {
              newsw = "circulate"
              resp['thermofan'] = newsw
              // break
          // case "thermostat thermofan fanAuto":
          else if ( swattr.contains("thermofan") && swattr.endsWith("circulate")) {
              newsw = "on"
              resp['thermofan'] = newsw
              // break
          // define actions for python end points  
          else {
          // default:
              def cmd = curtemp
              if ( (cmd=="heat" || cmd=="emergencyHeat") && swattr.isNumber()) {
                  resp['heat'] = swattr
              else if (cmd=="cool" && swattr.isNumber()) {
                  resp['cool'] = swattr
              else if (cmd=="auto" && swattr.isNumber() && item.hasCapability("thermostatSetpoint")) {
              } else if ( item.hasCommand(cmd) ) {

            // break
        // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: newsw, id: swid, type: swtype]
    return resp

def setMusic(swid, cmd, swattr, subid) {
    def resp = false
    def item  = mymusics.find { == swid }
    def newsw
    if (item) {
//        log.debug "music command = $cmd for id = $swid swattr = $swattr"
        resp = getMusic(swid, item)
        // fix old bug from addition of extra class stuff
        if ( swattr.contains("musicmute") && swattr.endsWith("unmuted" )) {
            newsw = "muted"
            resp['musicmute'] = newsw
        } else if ( swattr.contains("musicmute") && swattr.endsWith("muted" )) {
            newsw = "unmuted"
            resp['musicmute'] = newsw
        } else {
            switch(swattr) {

                case "level-up":
                case "vol-up":
                      newsw = cmd.toInteger()
                      newsw = (newsw >= 95) ? 100 : newsw - (newsw % 5) + 5
                      resp['level'] = newsw

                case "level-dn":
                case "vol-dn":
                      newsw = cmd.toInteger()
                      def del = (newsw % 5) == 0 ? 5 : newsw % 5
                      newsw = (newsw <= 5) ? 5 : newsw - del
                      resp['level'] = newsw

                case "level":
                      newsw = cmd.toInteger()
                      resp['level'] = newsw

                case "music-play":
                      newsw = "playing"
                      resp['musicstatus'] = newsw

                case "music-stop":
                      newsw = "stopped"
                      resp['musicstatus'] = newsw

                case "music-pause":
                      newsw = "paused"
                      resp['musicstatus'] = newsw

                case "music-previous":
                      resp['track'] = item.currentValue("trackDescription")

                case "music-next":
                      resp['track'] = item.currentValue("trackDescription")
         // resp = [name: item.displayName, value: newsw, id: swid, type: swtype]
    return resp

def setRoutine(swid, cmd, swattr) {
    def routine = location.helloHome?.getPhrases().find{ == swid }
    if (routine) {
    return routine

Ah, I guess he just forgot to add it back in as he was making changes, or maybe he's moving things around on his S3 instance.

When I switch on Hubitat in the app, is accepted or do I have to enter the hub's assigned IP?

Honestly I couldn't say. I have only ever tried my hubs IP anywhere I have been prompted.

Hi there... I just saw this thread and am thrilled you are willing to give HP a try. Sorry about the repo issues. The old and the new repo's should both work and should be identical. I will check that. Anyway, I would just use the new one at kewashi/HousePanel. The latest version should have a date of Aug 11.

I will update the opening post to indicate that Hubitat only installs are now supported. Good catch.

I'll be around tomorrow to help and to answer questions.

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Thanks Ken. I'm not going to be able to look at it further until later in the week. Until then, there seems to be an issue with the latest update on August 11. When I try to save the app code, I get an error iconUrl,iconX2Url cannot be empty in definition section

In the latest version it is missing these three lines from the definition section, is that intentional?

iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "",

That is a mistake on my part that should be fixed. Sorry about that. I think I fat fingered it in my last code cleanup and I somehow missed testing it before the push.

1 Like

This bug has been fixed along with a few others including initial edit widths and heights in the tile editor in version 1.77 posted to both repositories. Sorry about the last update that was buggy. This should be a stable release that I will let sit for awhile unless other critical errors are found.

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This was fixed in the opening post. The original link to open-dash stopped working so I just updated it. Again the latest is identical in both repos so you can just use the new one at kewashi safely.

You have to use your Hubitat assigned IP. Note also that it is best to put your Hubitat Hub on a fixed IP by using your router’s assign IP to a given MAC address feature.

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First - I love working on HP but as the user base grows my ability to keep up will get harder and harder. A case in point is the last bone head bug that is a simple accidental hitting of the delete key without me noticing. Anyway that has now been fixed. The changes to the groovy file are relatively minor and they don’t happen often. This last change was mostly cleanup and adding in pistons, but I can’t test the pistons yet since I haven’t had time to install the Hubitat local hack of Ady’s Amazing work.

When you install or update HousePanel you always should just copy all the files. It is important to keep your hmoptions.cfg file since it will have all of your setup stuff in it. It will always work unless you run a “refactor” at any point, which renumbers everything.

I hope you get this working and enjoy it. There is a lot here and the customization possibilities are truly endless. I am working on a custom CSS file for my home that has my family photos in the background of each room and custom tiles that show python scripted screen scrapes of stuff that was never intended to play nice with Hubitat or SmartThings. With HousePanel all of this is possible.

Yep. That’s a given in this house. My only challenge is my router limits the reservation table size. So I’m going to have to either use a different mechanism for IP address reservations, or stop buy IP connected smart home gear :tired_face:

I choose the former. :wink:

You can also pick up a new router without such limits... I have well over 100 devices on my smart home mesh with about 30 of them being IP devices. I assign fixed IP addresses to most but not all of the IP smart devices and my router handles it nicely. It s a Linksys wrt1900