Amber Electric driver

Howdy @pjam73 i found your driver recently and I’ve noticed the data it returns can vary from the app by a significant margin.

Does your app use the current API etc? I’m programming challenged, but I can’t even see how you are authenticating against the API. Each user is supposed to have their own Auth token?

Hmm, looks like he hasn’t been on the forums in well over a year. @sburke781 is this something you could assist in updating?

I’d be happy to give you a valid Auth Token to test with.

Hehe... I've been here before :slightly_smiling_face:. All good, happy to take a look, but likely could be a month or so before I could offer anything substantial. Happy for anyone else to take a look in the meantime. Also, I may need a reminder :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank mate, much appreciated. :+1:

I had a look through the doco, but I didn't understand how it works at all - the WU auth is all inline with the API call, but this I'm failing to comprehend. If I could get the auth going, I could prolly figure out how to parse the JSON to get what I want. :man_facepalming:

Ok, I'll see what I can work out with the auth

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Thank you sir. :pray:

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The new Amber Electric driver is here:

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Hey, sorry for the delay. I visit these forums infrequently now.

Yes, the Amber app I wrote was written before they had a proper public API, and I never got around to updating it once their public API was made available. I'm not an Amber customer any more either so wouldn't be able to work on it.

Thanks @sburke781 for helping @dJOS with this.


Howdy, I thought you might have gone over to the dark side (HA). :laughing: I'm glad you are still around.

I should probably update the notes to provide you with some attribution - I borrowed your scheduling code, but everything else I wrote from scratch.

I must admit, Im not sure how long i'll remain a customer - Im thinking I can probably save more money on a good ToU tarrif and manipulate my PowerWall charging based on the weather forecasts etc.

Hi @dJOS

G'Day from the States. If you are still using HA there is an add-on that makes energy use forecasts based on various inputs. At least one user uses it for pricing arbitrage with Amber Electric in Australia. Charges batteries when cost is low or excess solar is available, and sells power when it's expensive.

You can look up the HA forum post here. The user I've referenced is markpurcell (lives on the Sunshine Coast I believe).

CAUTION: this add-on is complex and not for the faint-of-heart. But I thought you may wish to know about it.

Cheers, I don’t use Amber anymore, I found a power plan that charges 13.5c Off peak and wrote a bunch of RM automations to use the SolCast data plus cloud cover forecast from Open Weather to predictively charge my battery up from cheap power if my solar system isn’t going to fill up my battery on its own.

It’s been working really well so far, I might even write it into an app if I get time.

Eg today the cloud cover is predicted to be 95%, so my formula cuts the SolCast prediction down by almost half and another rule charges up the battery to the percentage I’ve set for this solar generation forecast.

I added this as I found SolCast predictions to be very inaccurate when there’s more than about 10% cloud cover. My rule gets the forecast accuracy up significantly.

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As an example, Yesterday was a rubbish solar day, but using cheap off peak power to fill up the powerwall, meant that the day cost me less than $5.

Ps, this is what the cloud cover rule / formula looks like.