Amazon Echo Show 15 (in firetv mode), Fully Kiosk, and HD+ Dashboard

Here it is, the Echo show 15 HD+ Hubitat dashboard. Sorry for the pic quality, have no clue if I can screenshot with the Echo 15. You cant see it in this picture but this is incredibly sharp. Its actually a beautiful screen way beyond any tablet dashboard.

Its also playing double duty for music and tv in my porch next to my computer. With the fire tv remote its pretty slick.


This is very clean!!! Can you point me to some info on how you got your cams to display? I would like to do the same with my Amcrest cameras. Thanks for any info you might provide!

Add a video tile and enter your infirmation in this format.


Ok so i tried this and just got a tile that says "reconnecting in 5 seconds"

Here is my understanding of what you provided...

  • rtsp - protocol for streaming vid? (do I need to install anything or this is a standard and just works)

  • username:password - user/pw that I use to access the NVR

  • @192.168.x.x:554 - the IP of the NVR (should it be the camera's IP?) and 554 is the port

  • /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1 - is this a path specific to your setup? Maybe I have a different path? The channel=1 is the camera channel I want to display (in your example channel 1 is selected to display)

Id really like to get this working on my tablet. I am using a Samsung Tab S6 for this testing. If successful Id like to try it on some Fire 10 HD tablets I am using for dashboards in other rooms.


Added: I forgot to mention my password ends in an '@' could that be throwing the syntax off?

just remember the rtsp addr format is dependent on your cam. It can be different from brand/model to brand/model

Hmm ok. I understand. I am using Amcrest. How did you determine rtsp was right for your setup? is it just a matter of googling "supported video stream format for amcrest?, trying each option available in the HD+ video tile dropdown? or was there more to it for you?

Ill keep researching. This is the closest Ive been to getting a feed on my dash so Im excited about the possibility!

Thanks for your time!

Amcrest is well known for being rtsp capable. Its their main selling point imho. That @ symbol probably is a problem, but not sure. Also that format is for their ash series camera's, basically the cameras that use the smart home app not the view pro app, though the ash series can use both.

The NVR probably had a different format try this.


While not rtsp here is an example of mine (this is a foscam) The format is


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For my Hubitat Dashboards (native app) I'm using an Image tile template with mjpg feeds.

Image Tile


For RTSP streams I'm using @jpage4500 community app HD+ Dashboards.

I never did get Video Tiles working on the native app. :man_shrugging:

The native dashboard app doesn't support rtsp, has to be mjpeg I believe.

It's been a while, looks like it's a Video Player tile, which is for...?
Playing a pre-recorded video message notification instead of text. :thinking:

Like I said, never got it working, just confused it with streaming Image (mjpg) tile.

Video Player

Are the Echo Show 15s still a viable option for a Hubitat dashboard? The Prime Day pre-sale is looking like a good deal. Seen some posts about newer firmwares potentially making it difficult or impossible to sideload the needed apps.

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I also would like to know if there is some way to sideload apps to Echo Show 15, it looks like that Amazon deleted this option...

I assume it could still be done but I cant recommend anything Amazon anymore. Its a hassle tbh.

Is the Echo Show 15 still a good option for the dashboard? Now that the Black Friday sale is happening, I'm considering getting it for the main hallway dashboard.

No, I hate it with a passion. Do yourself a favor and just get a cheap android tablet...not fire tablet.

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