Amazon Alexa App Hubitat Hub discovery

I have seen that Amazon Echo Alexa App is rigorously is use ( and it should be the case ) for a some years now, so my putting up this question at this stage would look rather silly. However, I got the Hubitat hub recently and have been setting up various devices with some help in this forum as necessary and everything is working fine so far.

I live in France and have just purchased a Amazon Fire TV Cube and have downloaded the Amazon Echo App on the phone. The Fire TV cube all by itself works perfectly fine with the TV.

However, the Amazon Echo App only recognises the Phillips Hue bulbs I have in my apartment but does not discover the Hubitat Hub and therefore all the other devices connected to it such as Fibaro and Qubino roller shutters and motion sensors etc ( all Z wave devices ).

I have been trying to follow the instructions given in the Hubitat documentation but I failed to discover the Hubitat Hub.

*In this regard, is my Alexa App discovering the Phillips Hue bulbs directly? *

Any one faced this problem of discovering the Hubitat Hub in Alexa App?

Just to add here that I also have Google Home speakers and they are very easy to configure and all devices are included and working perfectly fine with Google Home ( including voice commands ). However the same has not been possible with Alexa App so far.

Any help with this issue with discovery of Hubitat in Alexa App is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

You need to install the Alexa Echo app on Hubitat. After doing that you’ll need to decide whether to leave the bulbs on the Echo, or move them to Hubitat.

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Yeah you need two things for alexa support of HE:

  1. "Amazon Echo Skill" app installed on your hub via the "Add Built-In App" menu. Note: There are two apps for alexa in that menu, my understanding is that the one labeled "skill" is the one you want. Not sure what the other one is for, maybe legacy or if the skill is unavailable in your country dunno.

  2. The Hubitat skill installed via the Alexa App and then setup with your login details.

Here is the documentation:


Sorry I did not mention this before....but I had already installed the Amazon Echo App on Hubitat and included all the devices

Is the Hubitat skill available in France on the Alexa app skill store?

That leaves the Alexa side as cjkeenan just reminded me...

Thanks for above....
Yes in fact as I said I had already installed the Amazon Echo Skill App and followed this Documentation step by step......when I reach Step 4 where it says search for Hubitat, it does not show up as is shown in this documentation and I get the message No Device was discovered...

It does not show up where? Here?

If that is the case, it likely is not available in France and you will have to use this process:
This does not use the skill and uses the alternate app inside hubitat, "Amazon Echo App" vs "Amazon Echo Skill"

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Yes it does not show up here as you indicate......I have also tried the normal App but it does not show there either.....Anyway I will give it another try.....


Be aware that if you use this route (app not skill), then AFAIK sensors will not be exposed to Alexa.

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Do you know of any way of checking which countries the skill is available in? Other than the long and hard way?

Well noted......thanks

Google says that Skill is available in France.....

Yeah I am not seeing anything sorry, looks like you will have to go down the "app" route for now.ÅMÅŽÕÑ&ref=nb_sb_noss


1 Like appears that these two are different and I am a bit confused....Perhaps the Echo Skills in France are localised and specific.....

I will do some more investigation and revert...

I just found this on the US listing of the Hubitat skill on Alexa

Supported Languages
English (AU), English (CA), English (GB), English (IN), English (US), German (DE), Italian (IT), Portuguese (BR), Spanish (ES), Spanish (MX), Spanish (US)

I am guessing these are the regions in which the skill is available.

I wonder if what is holding back more regions/languages back is purely translation, because if so, maybe that is something you could help the Hubitat team out with, who knows.

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@bobbyD - if possible can you confirm that the Hubitat Amazon Echo Skill isn't available in French?

It is not available :frowning:

These are the languages available:

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No, not only the translation. Each language requires re-certification of the entire skill. And to make things worse, not all features are available in all markets, so there is additional development that needs to happen to separate what features go with each region.


I did some more research and from what I have understood, Amazon Skill is available in France but Hubitat App through the Amazon France is not available in the way it is in the US.

The Amazon Skill has several other European Hubs ( nearly 100 ) which are possible to be linked to Alexa devices and also with Alexa Skills but Hubitat does not appear in this list. If Hubitat is included in that list of Hubs, the Skills will work I think.

Alexa Skills in French language are indeed there and perhaps they are only specific to this region and the language as bobbyD stated above.

However, I did find a way around ( it may not be the best solution but it does work )

I created another account on ( US ) and then downloaded the Hubitat App through the new Amazon account. I signed out of my Fire TV existing Amazon account and again logged in with the new account I created on ( not ) . Now I have managed to operate the devices on my Hubitat Hub via Alexa including setting roller shutter levels etc. So although I managed to make this work, I believe for the time being Google Home is more appropriate in Europe. I hope in the next months Hubitat App will appear in Amazon France. The language does not matter. One needs only the Amazon App to appear and the rest can be set up in English.

The following did not appear before with my French Amazon account but now appears with the new US Amazon account -
