An application that provides linking of Hubitat devices directly with an MQTT broker i.e. without need for the 'middleman' bridge.
This is currently in alpha testing (as is the Hubitat MQTT client driver),
Key Features - implemented in alpha2
a) Enabling inbuilt HE devices to publish and be controllable through MQTT either using a basic topic structure or a limited homie3 structure (or both)
b) Enable existing MQTT devices to be 'mirrored' as virtual devices and controlled within HE. All the topics are configurable as are the state values..
c) Enable automatic discovery and selected inclusion of devices using the homie3 protocol (promoted by openHAB)
d) Enable automatic discovery and selected inclusion of devices using the Home Assistant statestream protocol (offered by HA) - a small automation script is provided for HA that enables the statestream protocol for control of HA too.
Limitations: alpha2 supports 'switch' (onoff) and 'switchLevel' (dim) capabilities only - but will be expanded to include others
Intended Future Features:
Support of many more device capabilities beyond 'onoff' and 'dim'
Add sensor support for reporting of sensor values
Support Home Assistant MQTT discovery protocol bidirectionally - HE devices auto discovered by HA and devices advertising using this protocol discoverable by HE
Better support for decimal maxBrightness values
Support for multiple homie discovered devices.
Support for JSON payloads
More complete support for homie3 specification from Hubitat - enough so openHAB# discovery is happy.
If the above feature set is useful to you and you are comfortable with, and already using MQTT then you can PM me to get access to alpha 2.
If you are using openHAB then I do intend for homie3 discovery to work for automatically importing Hubitat devices into OH or indeed any other homie3 compliant device like Homey. However homie3 is broken in the current release 2.4 version of openHAB.
Definitely be interested in trying it out. Running both systems with my Texecom alarm feeding into HA via MQTT, but it'd be handy if I could get this over to HE too
But while doing a search to see what issues people are having I found this thread.
I'm definitely interested! I currently have a setup like:
ST <-> ST Bridge App <-> Nodejs Bridge App <-> MQTT Broker <-> Home Assistant
I planned on moving to:
HE <-> HE Bridge App <-> Nodejs Bridge App <-> MQTT Broker <-> HA
However, what it sounds like you are doing here is a complete new app that 'combines' the 2 intermediate apps into a single HE app?
HE <-> [Alpha] MQTT application <-> MQTT Broker <-> Home Assistant
If that's correct, that sounds excellent, and I'm definitely interested!
Chad, yes that's correct, no bridge required (and hence no raspberry PI). I've sent you an invite . Give it a good testing and let me know how it goes in the alpha test thread , and any other features you think are needed.
Hey Kevin, no I haven't PMed. I've been out of the loop for a year or so, but was recently moving my house from to containers running on Open Media Vault and revisited the whole jeubanks bridge. It works for me, but I have all of my devices statically defined. A one piece integration that auto populates Home Assistant would be a major improvement.
All requests are up to date so if anyone has asked and not heard from me then please kick me again..
Please have some MQTT experience if you ask to become an alpha tester.. an open beta version is coming shortly.
Just got a Hubitat hub that I'd love to get integrated into my existing HASS/MQTT setup - seeing as there hasn't been updates on the beta status in a little while I was wondering if I could potentially get into the alpha testing group? Let me know. Thank you!