[Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

This project is fantastic, thank you very much. The detailed documentation helped a lot to get my blinds show up as actual Blinds in Google Home!

Below are the settings/traits I used to make Bali Autoview Blinds work. Note I used a custom Z-Wave blinds driver.

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@ovidiudan Everything seems to work with my Bali blinds with the driver you mentioned, but I keep getting the following error in the logs... any ideas why? Thanks!

dev:872020-05-03 10:14:34.336 pm errorZ-Wave Shade -- v1.0.2 -- Exception java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "t:"

I see the same thing in the logs. Known issue, if you check the discussion for this driver.

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I fixed the error messages by using this driver instead: Fibaro roller shutter 3

Everything works perfectly with my Bali blinds and Google Home integration.

I was disappointed with how some of my devices were recognized by google home. I was going to just live with it, but I am really happy that I searched.

Awesome work, easy setup and works great!

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So I've looked through the instructions and the instructions and can't seem to find the answer to my question.

What do I put in the Invocation Display Name box? Is this a one time entry to create the trigger phrase in lieu of Hey Google? If so, everything I come up with is discarded when I try to save it. Any suggestions to what you guys and gals are using??

The Display Name box will be the name shown in the list of available integrations in the Google Home app as well as the name the Assistant will report if there's an error (i.e. "Sorry, I'm having trouble reaching [Display Name], please try again"). It can be anything you like (I use "Hubitat Community" for mine); you never actually say it when talking to the Assistant.


I am loving this integration! I just added my locks and added a pin to unlock. Stinking cool....

On to my question. Is Google not smart enough to differentiate between Living Room Spot, Living Room Lights, and Living Room Lamp? If I put them all in the same room in the app then if I call one by name to turn on or off, they all turn on or off. I know there are workarounds by not putting them in the same room, etc., but does that not defeat the whole purpose of rooms in the GH app?

How is everyone else dealing with this issue or is there some setting or something I am missing in this app?


I'm able to control individual lights in a room by name. I would expect "Living Room Spot" and "Living Room Lamp" to work fine, but in general "[Room Name] Lights" will control all lights in the room. Maybe try using "Living Room Overhead Lights" or something like that as the name for your main lights?

All of that is handled by Google though, so there's not really anything I can do improve it in the Hubitat integration.

This is typically what you want to do. Otherwise, it will refer to the room name. Also, if you have a light named the same as the room name it typically understands that when you say overhead it chooses the light (when it's among others) with the same name as the room.

It is best not to have the room name in the light name in general though. Sometimes it's unavoidable unless you make dumb names but you can often get away with it.

Ok I have followed the instructions and all my devices pop into Google home. As long as I leave them unconnected to a home or move them to a room they work fine. As soon as I move them to a room the entire process goes haywire. Some devices function fine and then other "cannot connect" and just die. There is no rhyme or reason. I have removed the device in your app and resynced with Hubitat, re-added it and it works fine... until I move it to a room. I have unlinked and relinked, same issue. I even deleted all my rooms and started over. No luck. It works for a while and then this issue raises it's ugly head again. Some devices work, others just die with the "cannot connect".

What devices are having problems and how do you have them configured in the app?

All of them. Bulbs, switches, , fans, locks, you name it. It seems to be some kind of left over metadata in Google Home that is looking for the old device even though it was removed. What I found that eventually worked was clicking on each device... If it threw a can't connect or offline error, I moved it's room to somewhere else and then immediately moved it back into the room it belongs. Then it would work! It seems this process would over write whatever the "ghost data" was. This shouldn't have to happen though. I don't know if this is a developer problem on the Hubitat side where commands to remove do not properly instruct Google's servers or if it is a Google problem. I never encountered it with Smart things before... This seems new to Hubitat when switching between the official Google Home App and the Community App.

@mbudnek Thank you for your incredibly helpful and on point step-by-step instructions for n00bs like me. Worked perfectly for my Graber shades! An error that I got of "Couldn't update the setting. Check your connection" was because I had not correctly entered my Hubitat ID in the fulfillment URL. Silly mistake.

A funny thing is that I can ask GH to open my blinds 50% (I have 5 in one room) and it will open all of them to 50% but respond, "OK, opening 90%" or some nonsense that doesn't correlate with my original command. Any idea why it does what I ask but responds with a different value? The open/close attribute is unset. Truly just curiousity because I'm just so happy it works!

That's probably the same issue some others have reported. When the app gets a command from Google, it sends it to the relevant devices and then waits a few seconds for their reported state to match what it told them to do. Some devices like shades and garage doors take too long to reach the desired state, and so the app ends up reporting back to Google with either the initial state before they started moving or some intermediate state. I need to do a bit or redesign to change the way that works; I just haven't had the time or motivation recently to do it.

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I'm have issues link my app to google. I have a device in the app and I can click authorized but I get circle spinning saying signing in. Then it goes away and nothing is linked. I never see anything from google come into my logs. This is my fulfillment URL https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/apps/xxx/action. Any help would be great.


First, make sure you have debug logging turned on in the Google Home Community app. If you still don't see anything in your Hubitat logs from the Google Home Community app then either the OAuth settings or the fulfillment URL is likely configured incorrectly.

The fulfillment URL shouldn't include any brackets or anything. The {} in the instructions are just there to indicate that you need to replace that section with your value. The fulfillment URL should look something like this:


In the OAuth settings make sure:

  • Client ID matches the ID from your app
  • Client secret matches the secret from your app
  • Authorization URL should be https://oauth.cloud.hubitat.com/oauth/authorize
  • Token URL should be https://oauth.cloud.hubitat.com/oauth/token
  • app should be the only scope

The settings page should look something like this:

I can now control my three garage doors and three door locks using Google Home with PINs!

Thanks, @mbudnek, and thanks for also including it in [BETA] Hubitat Package Manager.

Just one question: Is it at all possible to integrate the PIN functionality with Lock Code Manager?

I have everything (ok my garage door) linked up to Google. Just curious on 2 things.

  1. On the Google Home app on my phone, it doesn't show the state of the garage door nor can I control. However, if I ask the app if the Garage Door is open or closed, it reports back correctly. (see pic below).

  2. On my Google Home Hub display, it shows the garage door as, I think, a sensor (see second pic below).


#1. For the phone app, that is normal. #2 For the Google hub display, It is not normal. Google broke something in the last update. It has been this way for about a month. I have sent feedback to google a few times. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. My Nest hello doorbell is showing up as a sensor like this also.

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