[Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

Added. There are several new traits to go with that (AppSelector, InputSelector, MediaState, TransportControl, and Volume) that I'll add to my backlog.


Which trait do I use for Smoke Detector? Couldn't see anything in the list of options that seemed relevant.

There's a SensorState trait that I haven't implemented yet. One of its supported sensor types is SmokeLevel.

For now you could probably use OnOff as a temporary solution.

New Trait: Volume

I added support for the Volume trait. This can be used to control the volume level of things like TVs and speakers.


On/off and Volume control are working perfectly with my LG WebOS TV. Had to rename the device type from "LG WebOS TV" to "TV". Maybe you could add it to the list of supported Hubitat device types, so it will work out of the box:

definition (name: "LG WebOS TV", namespace: "asj", author: "Andrew Stanley-Jones", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/as-j/LG_Smart_TV_hubitat/master/LG_WebOS_TV_Driver.groovy")

The "Hubitat Device Type" list is the list of Hubitat capabilities. It looks like that driver declares the "Initialize", "TV", "AudioVolume", "Refresh", "Switch", and "Notification" capabilities, so it should appear in the device selection input if you select any of those as your device type's "Hubitat Device Type". Is that not the case?

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Got through everything fine. When I go to my home app I click to add and after selecting my hub I get this response.

I'm trying to add a contact sensor on my front door as the first device


sorry, you're right - I wrongly assumed it had something to do with the driver's name because of "samsungTV" - I was unaware that's also a capabily.

So everything's working as it should.


Hi, I followed all of the instructions step by step and everything went fine without any error messages (all 26 steps + GH app configs) but my test device (a switch) doesn't show up in Google Home. So I tried to remove Hubitat (the Hubitat Icon is gone but some of the virtual switchs are still showing up in the app, but 95% gone). So far, my device still doesn't show up in Google Home. What could I be doing wrong ?.

Also, when I look at the Google Home app, add device, configure device, I can see my Hubitat Hub, connect to it and then see that my device has a black check mark beside hit, hit authorize but then it still doesn't show up in the GH app.

If you turn on debug logging in the Hubitat Community app and then say "Hey Gogle, sync my smart home devices", what do you see in the Hubitat log?

If the answer is "nothing", then it's likely you have your fulfillment URL configured incorrectly in the Google Action. It should look something like https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/c1776b22-f9fe-44b9-ac49-93e5adefd672/apps/254/action , where c1776b22-f9fe-44b9-ac49-93e5adefd672 is your Hub ID and 254 is the app instance ID.

If you see something like this:

app:650 2020-04-18 04:34:40.605 pm debug [requestId:18023460865821896946, payload:[devices:[...]]]
app:650 2020-04-18 04:34:39.214 pm debug {inputs=[{intent=action.devices.SYNC}], requestId=18023460865821896946}

Paste it here and I'll take a look at it.

I had an error in the fulfillment URL, you sure know your stuff !

Great job with this Google Home integration. The stock GH stop working correctly this week so your app is just in time !

Thank-you !

Firstly, thank you so much mbudnek for your work on this! It is really awesome. Great job!

I have two questions:

  1. I managed to link up my Ikea binds. It works well. I can open/close the devices by voice. However, in the google home app, the devices show up with that little "cog" icon. Clicking on the device's icon only shows config information values, but no controls. Is this the expected behaviour or am I missing something?


  1. I'm looking for a google home device type that's something like radio or music player or speaker. I'm a bit baffled that there's no audio-related devices. I think the closest is set-top box...? Basically I'd like to have the volume and on/off traits, controllable in the home app if possible. Any suggestions?

Anyways, I understand that both these questions fall in Google's side of the system, but I'd like to know what you guys think.


@philippe.charette I have the same problem, same Google Icons as you. I Can control OPEN/CLOSE with voice but can't with the GH app and no position control (with Voice or app)

I have tried just about every Device Type and GH device type combination but can't get it to work.

I'm using Open/Close Trait with "Discrete only" and "Query Only" disabled

Open/Close Attribute = Position

Open Position Command = "setPosition"

Position control works for me, (only with voice of course). Here's my config:

Open/Close trait, with Discrete option disabled.
Open/Close Attribute = "level"
Open Position Command = "setLevel"

@philippe.charette Still doesn't work, Here is my complete config

Device type: Window Shade
Google Home device type: Blinds

Device Traits: Open/Close

---> Preference For Open/Close Trait

Discrete Only Open /Close: Disabled

Open/Close Attribute: level

Query Only: Disabled

Open Position Command: setLevel

does this seem ok ?


If you want to be able to control them with your google home app you will have to use Switch type and brightness to change the level.

The way you have it will work for voice commands and would have open/Close controls on a google nest hub or hub max. But only open close.
Hopefully the google home app will add these features some day.

@yannick00000 Yeah, I have the same configuation... Sorry.

Hello, Will you be implementing these all at once? I'm wondering if the "InputSelector" Trait would change the inputs on my Denon AVR. I'm thinking it should.

Thanks Again for this integration!!

Sadly, yes. The app does not have UI support for the Open/Close trait.

There is no officially-documented speaker device type. It looks like there is an undocumented one though. I've been going back-and-forth deciding whether to include undocumented device types/traits. On the one hand, they're unofficial and could break at any time. On the other hand, they'll probably be fine.
In the mean time, if you're OK accepting the risk that it stops working at some point (it probably won't, Sonos is using it after all), you could add SPEAKER: "Speaker", to the GOOGLE_DEVICE_TYPES list to get a speaker device type.

I've implemented Volume and am using it with my Denon AVR. InputSelector and TransportControl are high on my todo list. The others I may get to some day.