All my zwave light switch stopped working

Do you have a uzb stick to run an IMA Network Health Check with?


I don't have such a usb stick :worried:
I'm starting to be disappointed with Hubitat because the same configuration was properly running on SmartThings. The only reason for migration was due to the missing Echo Speaks support from Samsung that start September 8th.

Well that and they're killing off custom DTH's. I've been running hubitat for a while now and once I got all the kinks worked out nothing even comes close to how fast it is. Just getting over the rough spot is hard for new people. Especially if they don't have the tools like the uzb's and such.

They are going to degrade the properly running SmartThing solution with tons of changes :frowning:
Seems to be that I will have to grab one of mentioned usb stick :wink:

You don't even know the half of it. Some major crapola is in the works.... Can't speak of it right now though.

Might want to refine those pistons some too those run times are pretty high. On a positive note I've heard from several peeps that 2.2.4 beta is imminent.

yep, definitely need to tune them . Each of them have 200+ lines but cover almost all the situations that can happen. I had to handle the situations when my kids touch thermostats and played a little bit with the touch screen :slight_smile:

Hopefully the 2.2.4 will arrive soon and will fix my zwave issues.

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I set the thermostat to change to 70 cool when it's changed to anything else. Solved all that crap. Even the wife gave up.

:smile: Good idea

These sensors only pair directly with C7 in S0 mode. S0 mode will kill the battery in the sensor and is highly correlated with mesh issues. You can pair it without security via a secondary controller (Z-Stick) and PC Controller software.


@lewis.heidrick, do you have any suggestion what usb zwave stick I should buy please? Thanks

I prefer the SiLabs UZB-7 from mouser for a 700 series controller. It's also the cheapest if the price is an issue.

The Aeotec Z-Stick is also a popular choice because you can pair devices remotely with it by pushing the button. It's a 500 series controller. I don't have one of these though.


@lewis.heidrick, Thank you very much for the information.


Good to know. I will return the sensor, bought it mostly want to try it out.

Since I excluded the zooz sensor the system has been running fine. Most of my other devices are paired in S0 mode, will that cause any issues?
There were issues with S2 pairing that I learnt from the forum so I have been avoiding it.

I do have couple of other questions about locks but I will post separately.

If they are able to include S2 because S0 has 3 times the traffic. If it’s not a lock or door/window access control, no security would be better. Yes, S2 is having issues with 2.2.3, but they will be fixed with 2.2.4.


Maybe starting the analysis with a different approach would bring some enlightment?
First of all, there still is the well-known SiLabs firmware bug that could cause this issue.
Not sure if my findings are related to this, so I will share them with you.

Found that sometimes when pressing a button on one of my WallMotes (no security) or my Aeotec KeyFOB (no security) will result in triggering this action multiple times.
For the WallMote it looks like this:


It's not only the the device's events that gets spammed, in this very case, when it happened, the WallMote indicated a network error, the desired Button Controller action was not executed, also all other Z-Wave devices were not reponding for a while.

The following I found for my KeyFOB:
One button is used to deactivate HSM when I'm returing home. This is supposed to be confirmed by a single "pling" of my Aeotec Doorbell (S2).
Often it happens that it "plings" multiple times and as a result, the network is unresponsive again:


Anyone here that had found the same issues?

Same as me.

Yep, that’s the S2 bug. I haven’t seen it, I don’t have your devices.

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Save yourself a headache and just go buy a zigbee lock like the yale sl 256 or its key'd brother.