having to go around pairing my zigbee devices after every update .... its not going to work. this is a bit nuts.
thank you.
having to go around pairing my zigbee devices after every update .... its not going to work. this is a bit nuts.
thank you.
discovery doesnt seem to be doing anything either ... so cant connect any of the zigbee devices back.
Is this a common occurrence for your system on updates or is it unique to this update? Just wondering if I should hold off on the latest hot fix.
It's not a universal issue as I have never had an issue on any updates.
Neither have I, just trying to see if it is isolated to this update. I have a fragile zigbee network as it is, I don't relish the thought of having to set it back up again.
about 10 days ago my hub locked up overnight ... had to pull power to get hub back up ... once hub up found hub was deregistered with no devices or apps. worked with @bobbyD to get hub updated with fix so it was working ... then had to pair every zigbee device again.
everything was working fine since then. updated the hub to today and every zigbee device connected to hubitat .... about 15 of them ... stopped responding. trying to re-pair them none of those devices get discovered.
i tried a couple of them on ST and they paired just fine.
Ugh, doesn't sound like much fun. Think I'll hold off for just a bit before applying the update (Nice feature; giving us the choice to apply updates). Thanks for the heads up, hopefully you can get your network back up and running quickly.
this has happened before where random zigbee device used to drop off during an update and i had to re-pair those device. i used to blame it poor zigbee mesh.
early this week i put in a xbee ... verified it could see all of my zigbee devices then connected it to hubitat. since connecting the xbee ... zigbee network had been both very stable and much more responsive than before. lights come on faster ... change colors faster ... etc.
so this time cant pin it on a poor zigbee mesh and every single zigbee device connected to hubitat stopped responding and wont get discovered any more. so yes ... no fun.
I have been also losing my zigbee devices since 2 updates ago (on latest).
I only have to reboot my hub and everything is working again. I am not having to re-pair them.
want to be clear ... was i upset that a bunch of my home automation isnt working? sure. did i vent a bit? sure.
i spend all of my free time working on rooms manager ... so when these things happen it takes time i dont have away from something i enjoy ... so yeah thats a bit frustrating.
but its software. sometimes things break.
sharing this isnt about pointing fingers. its about making it better. for everyone.
@Hubitat my zigbee devices seem to be working now. guess the hub needed a good nights sleep?
understand that hubitat takes longer to initialize and reconnect to zigbee devices after a reboot ... apparently around 15 mins or so.
on ST zigbee devices start working within a minute of hub reboot. not sure why hubitat takes upto 15 minutes after a reboot to get zigbee devices working again?
thank you.
I have 50 zigbee devices, and I reboot very often as we test interim builds, within a minute or two after the update is complete everything's back on line and working.
I've never seen anything like 15 minutes.
Keep in mind this is the case for both my production 200+ device hub as well as my dev hub.
What I don't have in my setup:
database loggers
xiaomi devices
an xbee repeater
Not saying these are THE problem, just pointing out the differences.
ok. but in my case it was 10+ mins after the reboot however none of my 15 or so zigbee devices attached to hubitat were responding.
i dont have these in my hubitat setup:
database loggers
out of those 15 devices only 3 are xiaomi. 1 xbee and the rest either lightify, sengled or visonic.
there are few zwave devices also but i am leaving those out because they were all responding fine.
any thoughts on why your hub with 50 zigbee devices regains operational control one or two minutes of rebooting the hub and why my zigbee devices wouldnt respond even after 10+ minutes of rebooting the hub?
do you think having the xbee device might have a negative impact on hub stability? during reboot or otherwise?
thank you.
When something goes all pear shaped I usually look first at the things that have changed...
Ie: working <what's changed?> not working
yeah me too ... here is how it went for me ...
working ... hub updated to ... not working
thank you.
So nothing else was added, moved, changed? No new code no new devices, no device unplugged, no device lost power, all battery levels remained the same?
There are a ton of factors in a mesh network. I have about 60 ZigBee devices and after reboot they respond almost immediately.
My production mesh is pretty stable, I am not moving things around or changing stuff. I have my development hub for testing and playing around. I only have about a dozen test ZigBee devices on it but never have had a ZigBee mesh take 15 minutes to respond.
I'd look at your powered devices first. It sounds like you have a router will a full routing table.
Since you are doing a lot of tweaking and such, I would recommend a ZigBee sniffer and once you get the hang of it, you will be able to troubleshoot your mesh much easier. Under normal use, this isn't needed but if you are wanting more info a sniffer is invaluable.
i actually dont tweak much ... only custom code i have running is my own rooms manager and apixu driver. other than that i only use hublink, rules machine, mode manager and hsm.
you are right ... i should get a sniffer. i should have taken the xbee in the garage off the hub ... attached it to my laptop and taken a look at the zigbee network but it was late at night and just needed things to work at that time.
from a quick search for zigbee sniffers the TI tool seems to be PC only. if you know of a good zigbee sniffer software that works on the mac do please point me to it ... meanwhile i will keep looking.
thank you.
Perhaps something got messed up in applying the update? Restore a backup from before the update, then try the update again.
definitely a possibility.
i downgraded to the previous build which did not solve the issue. then moved a couple of the critical devices to ST and left the rest of devices on hubitat to just sit overnight. in the morning zigbee devices on hubitat were working again.
if it happens again will definitely try restore from backup and see if that makes a difference. but hoping it does not happen again.