
Have you tried swiping down in the device screen on the Alexa app within Smart Home devices. I cannot confirm that is what worked for me but after I did that on each of the screens (devices, groups and scenes) things started appearing correctly. I am not exactly sure why. Hope it helps.

It seems like everyone has a different way to get their Hubitat devices discovered. Mine has never been discovered by asking Alexa to discover with a voice command.

I have always had to open the Alexa app and manually discover...believe it or not...using the Discover Scenes. That option seems to have Alexa do a full scan that take about a minute and it always discovers my new devices.

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It also works for me by using my pc browser ( clicking Discover Devices at the bottom of my device list.

Yeah, I do that refresh swipe all the time. Superstition I think. Never seems to help. :grin:
I’m going to just walk away from the problem for a while. Amazon’s having server side issue, even though the status page isn’t showing it. I have two Echos and my version 1 couldn’t connect a couple of hours ago, while my version 2 is fine. I went through all the normal reset this and that stuff with it.

Shut down the Hubitat just because, you know, he’s the new kid and is gonna get the blame when weird stuff starts happening. That wasn’t the issue. Then couldn’t get my first gen Echo to reconnect to any of my five different access points that it’s connected to before, yet all my other stuff is connected and internet is fine. Called Amazon customer service and heard the recorded message that “They’re aware of issues with customer Echos connecting…”, so I hung up and about 30 minutes later my Echo 1 reconnected. However, the app is still struggling to connect to their cloud, so somethings still wrong on their end.

It’s BEER:45

Yep. Forget all is handy. I’m just nervous it’ll mess with my routines. I’ve noticed that when I delete a device from the Alexa app or web portal, it causes the routine setup screen to hang and I have to quite the app and reopen it so I can select a new device.

Will it do that if I forget devices? :neutral_face:

I’ll try scenes. That’s weird. I’ve only ever had scenes discovered with that, not devices. :thinking:

I wouldn’t recommend using forget all until you’ve tried everything else. I’m not sure what will break if you do that. The button I was referencing was “Discover Devices” … right next to the forget all.

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LOL. Understood. I saw your arrow! Thanks Stephan!

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That's a very good question. I know an Alexa routine couldn't activate my Cree dimmable bulbs unless I put them in a group, and added that group to the Alexa routine. Not sure about non-dimmable switches. I can test over the weekend. Also, I am now using the new 'Generic Zigbee Bulb' driver from 701. This is a much improved driver and might actually make things work better as well.

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Because I just received my hub this week, I started at 698, played around with the various drivers, reported the weirdness and then @mike.maxwell directed me to 701 and the new Generic Zigbee Bulb device type. So fortunatlely I was able to start out with the good stuff!

Thanks for taking the lumps for me everyone! :smiley:

The lights I was able to control with routines and no group, were Sengled Element Plus using Zigbee White Color Temperature Bulb device type. However, when I setup RM and a virtual device to create a sudo scene until we have that capability here, I had to add the virtual device to an Alexa group or it wouldn’t activate. That is, before my Alexa issues. Now I can’t control anything Hubitat from Echo until I get this figured out, or something just starts working again, whichever comes first.

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No go on the scenes trick, but I would have been even further dumbfounded if that had worked.

I don’t anything will work for you at the moment. There’s quite a bit of discussion on the ST forum especially for users in the North East US. Seems to be an AWS outage of some sort occuring.


With all the fiddling around I was doing with the Echo WiFi during their outage (which I didn’t know about until it was too late), I had connected it to one of my WiFi routers that is isolated from my IoT stuff. Once I connected it to the same network as Hubitat and did a discovery, my devices were discovered again.

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Yes. There are major issues going on at their end. In my case however, some of it was self inflicted :pensive:

Ah yes indeed. Nothing quite like self inflicted damage.


I just ran some more Alexa Routine tests…

I created a new Alexa Routine and added a Cree Bulb using the new Generic Zigbee Bulb driver (701) written by @mike.maxwell. This worked perfectly. The Alexa Routine was able to turn on the bulb to a predetermined dim level. I changed the Routine to turn the Cree bulb off, and that worked as well. So far so good.

I then created another new Alexa Routine and added a GE Z-Wave switch (non-dimming). This did NOT completely work. The routine could not turn the switch on. When i changed the aroutine toturn the switch off, it did work.

Finally , I swapped out the GE Switch for a GE Z-Wave Dimmer Switch in the Alexa Routine. This worked as I would expect it should.

So, it looks like Hubitat devices are working better in Alexa Routines, but not perfect. I suspect that the Alexa Routine is trying to set a dimmer level for the pure switch, which results in no change. @patrick, @mike.maxwell, @bravenel - any idea of what the issue is? Is this an artifact of the Hubitat hub emulating a Hue bridge? Is there any way to have the Generic Z-Wave Switch Driver accept a dimmer set level level command and interpret any level above zero as “switch on” event? Likewise a level of zero would be interpreted as a “switch off” command?

yes, this is an artifact of the hue emulation, it does not expose a switch only device type, so everything’s a dimmer as far as Alexa is concerned.
It is possible that adding a setLevel method to a switch driver (without adding capability switchLevel, and without adding command “setLevel” in the metadata section) might work.
Alexa doesn’t issue a setLevel 0 to a dimmer when she turns it off as some dimmers will actually honor that, causing an interesting situation when you do a switch.on() to it…, yes the device is on, but with the level 0 its really off…
I’ll hopefully be doing some work on the generic zwave switch and dimmer driver tomorrow, specifically to work on GE device support, so I can do some testing on this and see whats up…


When you use the apps that have Alexa support built-in (Motion Lighting, Mode Lighting, etc), they create a virtual device and Alexa controls it. Then, the app does the right thing, and all of these issues are addressed and work as desired. We are soon to introduce our Alexa Wizards that will do the same thing. It takes logic to solve the issue, logic that would not be in a conventional dimmer driver.

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I’m finding good merit in assigning virtual switches to groups and then groups to routines. I’ve setup some virtual switches that trigger RM to set dim levels and fade time. It’s actually nice having this setup with Alexa. Using the Alexa Dimmer device type, it looks weird having what I know is basically a switch set to 50%. These have to be put into an Alexa group to function, but there’s a lot of value in that. Things do and will go wrong with Alexa, you’ll need to reset eventually, and when you do, routines assigned to physical devices will get screwed up. For the routines where I added physical devices, it’s a pain to reconfigure because many of my routines are similarly named to catch sentence variations. Since the app layout cuts off half the name, and every time you change one, it sorts to the top of the list, it gets maddening to configure a long list of routines.

However, the routines that pointed to groups were fine. The groups had to be repointed to the virtual switches, but that’s a simpler task and can be done via the web portal. So assigning groups to routines, protects the routine from damage after an Echo reset, and all you have to do is correct the groups. This is similarly why I’ve preferred to control scenes via routines in Alexa, but getting them to show up and name duplication is another issue I’ve had with their terrible app.

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I don't do this, and all of my Hubitat groups work just fine with Alexa. Stay tuned for our Alexa Wizards, coming soon.