Alexa or Google in 2023

I've been Alexa for years, but with rumors of her potential death, and getting annoyed by her frequent sales pitches, I've bought two HomePod minis to test with. My take so far is that HomePod is noticeably faster to control HE, the sound quality is inferior to most of my Echos, and the lack of an "Echo Speaks" app that works with HomePod is a non-starter. Supposedly HE is working on a TTS app that works with HomeKit. So, I'm waiting to see if that happens. And there are semi-solid rumors that Apple will bring out a non-mini HomePod this year with better sound quality. IMHO, a mixed bag. I don't trust Google with yet more info about me... So Alexa for now, Siri hopefully someday.

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I guess I don't run across that per se. I don't have any Google routines. I do it all in HE, just use a virtual switch in Google to execute the HE routine.

Since HE now has the Homekit integration I have started switching over to the HomePod Minis. Just the TTS to Google. Since we really don't play music I don't notice the sound quality. I did set up 2 mini's on my Apple TV and the sound there is much better than my sound bar.

Okay, so what are they actually getting rid of? The smart home integration isn't going away, nor are routines with custom responses. I have both of those. But, when I clicked on the link to determine if I have any "conversational actions" ( it says I have no projects. Is this something that is/was more custom than routines?
I did see this notice, but unless the HE team has dropped the ball, or I just missed a notification, I do not think we are affected:

Not comparing the full size echo, only echo dots. I find that the Homepod mini sound is far better than the echo dot. Much richer. Though none as good as the full size echo. Apple is coming out with another full size homepod this year so I may give that a whirl for our main area.

I know TTS is going to eventually get here for the Homepod according to Bryan, but in the mean time I found a sudo way... Look here... Found a way to sortof TTS to homepod

One thing is clear in our households: The wake phrase "Alexa" false triggers A LOT MORE OFTEN than "Okay, Google" ever did. Just things you'd say in casual conversation, like "I like the weather today" causes Alexa to start telling you outdoor conditions.

That's why we keep the "Wake tone" setting activated on all our Echo devices, so we know when she has started listening for a command (so we can stop talking, lest we inadvertently order more paper towels or something).

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I looked at that, but don't think I want to go to that much trouble. I'll wait till we get it and just use the Google in the meantime.

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The only reason I have a Google Home Mini is because I got it at a great price (free). I only use it for TTS and have the microphone turned off. If I could have totally local processing of the speech, I would consider using the voice command functions, but as long as it has to go out to "the cloud" for processing, there is no way I will use voice commands. I don't need Google or Amazon, or anyone else listening in to conversations in the house.

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I did notice this. Visiting at my mother's house, her echo devices do trigger during normal conversation. I wouldn't say a lot, but more than the Google devices I have.

Google for automation, alexa for voice. As far as automation alexa abysmal and has gone black eyed and veiny, breeding phantom devices faster than a Romford chav.

Im hoping to set up scene switches for a few bits and pieces - when with the things happening I'm getting times where simply pressing a button is a strain, let alone repeating myself three times.

Two echo flex and one mini.

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I just tried your example and Google still sets my thermostat to whatever temperature I requested.

I have both. One does better than the other at certain things.

For example, if I tell Google to close my IKEA blinds, it says “sorry, that device has not been setup..” but if I tell Alexa, it happens. The blinds are on the list of things but they don’t make it to Google Home even though they have been selected.

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Looked it up for us non-brits so you don’t have to


A young person of a type characterized by coarse and brash behavior (with connotations of low social status).

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Took me about 10 mins to create one... Gave me something to do.

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That's probably true, OTOH I hate using Google's wake word.

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That's only working when you are controlling a device directly from Google Home.
If you're are remote controlling an Hubitat device e.g. via rule or app you can use only fixed phrases. => no free choice of e.g. temperature.

As some have alluded to, my wife and I really do prefer "Hey Siri" to "Alexa." The Alexa wake word seems to have a lot of false hits. Plus you can't even talk about her without her trying to respond. With Siri you can talk about Siri all day long and she doesn't respond unless you say "Hey Siri." That's a much better interface. And yes, you can change the wake word on Echo, but it's still the same problem.

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My biggest gripe with siri at the moment is my home pods are hit or miss on recognizing our voices even though personal requests are turned on