Aeotech nano switch zw116 - energyDuration: unknown - and: looking for firmware

I was reading this through: Aeotec Nano Switch w/ Power Metering
and saw @jrengen has the same device with energyDuration displayed properly. My nano switch shows energyDuration: unknown while at the state variables, * energyTime : 1683539577995

Can someone pls help if its a driver or firmware issue? I have 2.x on this device and the driver is Aeotec Nano Switch.

Additionally I have a hard time finding the nonencrypted ota firmware for this device , mailed the vendor now, let's see but I have no high hopes that they sending me anything I can apply via hubitat firmware updater.


EU firmware:

though it didn't solve the problem.

Any chance you have the US version?

unfortunately no. but if you mail, they open a ticket for you and will send you the extracted firmware upon your request. Its not really a business for them to send the nonencrypted version but they do if you explicitly ask for it. support is quite quick and cool.
if you have it, send it to me (or push a branch to my github repo) and I merge it