I am using the generic extender driver and it seems to see the extender ok which is great. I searched but couldn't find any info of any custom driver that can possible switch off the LED on the thing? It is annoying some other members of the household...
I don't know, but I vaguely remember that the 6 has the multicolor LED and can't be controlled. The 7 has a white LED and can be.. via a community driver:
Looking at the data sheet for gen5 and gen6/7 from aeotec, the LED on the 6 can be “configured”. Is there better/any documentation for the groovy API that a zwave newbie can investigate?
Memory says that the parameter data on this device changed (somewhat) between preliminary release and final release. For example, in the final released product the value of parameter 33 (0x21) has no effect at all. OTOH, parameter 17 does the same thing that 33 is supposed to (found by recovering paramters using basic z-wave tool).
I've been trying to locate a document with the final engineering specs. I must admit I never tested parameter 82 though.