Aeotec Multisensor 7 Coming?

You're welcome - no sense in all of us having to go through this pain individually. :laughing:

Latest update from their field engineer is that we are supposed to have another firmware drop sometime in the next week... I'll update once I get that and test it..


Did you guys already notice that firmware v1.03 had been released? :slight_smile:
I'm curious if it helps with my temperature reporting issues.


No i did not
My 5 are behaving quite well only needing the occasional refresh, so with that in mind I'm going to install 1.03 now as who wants the quiet life :grinning:.

Let's see what this breaks


Yeah, I got 1.03 about a day ahead of its official release, and I've installed it on my upstairs main-powered MS7s (11 of them)... So far, so good, but I am only using threshold reporting for lux (everywhere but closets) and humidity in our bathrooms (rule to fire up the fan when humidity jumps above 60%), so I can't report on anything related to temperature and whether that is fixed.

Motion 'locking' seems to have been fixed in this release and overall, it's more stable. I'm likely going to go ahead with updating the downstairs sensors (mix of battery and mains-powered) in the next day or so.

I'll keep y'all updated as I run into anything, but the upstairs has been running relatively problem free for about a week. I'm still having some occasional delays, but need to dig into whether that is related to the hub/RM or delays in the Zwave network itself. I wanted to wait until I have all the sensors on 1.03, and a couple of days of running in that configuration before I break out the Sniffer again.


The firmware update went fine and just to make sure, I excluded the device and performed a factory reset afterwards.

Temperature reporting to group 1 is working as expected now.

The main reason for me to purchase this device was that I wanted to use it as an external temperature sensor for 3 Eurotronic Spirit TRVs, which seem to be identical to the Aeotec Radiator Thermostat.
Both support sensor type "Air Temperature".

So first, I associated my TRVs to group 11, but sadly, no reports at all dropped in.

Adding them to group 1 seemed to do the trick at first glance, now multicast reportings were sent to all TRVs and also had been ACKed by them.

But somehow these reportings did not have any effect on the operating of the TRVs, they all kept the valves fully opened regardless if the setpoint had been exceeded or not. :frowning:

So maybe group 11 is the correct one, but I have no idea how to make MS7 send temperature reports to it.

Dug myself through this confusing amount of paramaters, hoping to find one to change this behaviour, but no dice.
But I have to confess that for me, as a non-native speaker, some of the descriptions in the manual are hard to understand.

Any of you guys have a clue if I am doing something wrong?

I can tell that these TRVs work when asscociated to an external source, since I tried this with the Aeotec aerQ before, but I'd prefere a mains-powered source for this purpose.

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I managed todo the firmware update eventually
Couldn't get hubitat todo it so I went with 2nd controller which wouldn't do it as I had paired with S2.... so after a bit of messing around I used zwave replace to pair with no security then used the 2nd controller todo it :roll_eyes:
Not had a play yet but they all seem to still work that's good.

Hope it survived this treatment. :wink:

Surprising they all seem OK, not looked at them since, but all the motion lightning is working just fine.
Had an issue this morning where my bathroom fan didn't work with humidity, but I did make changes to the pistons that control it yesterday with out testing the results.
Which normally is the reason stuff doesn't work in this house.

How is motion sensing compared to v6? I have 2 v6s in the ceiling and find the range is pretty poor and slow.

I'm needing(er, wanting) another device like this for my 2nd bathroom remodel. I have used the 6 in the first one and mainly use it for humidty, with illuminance and motion 2nd and 3rd. For those that have had both, should I just go the 7 route? Or stick with the 6? Does the 7 fit the 6's recessed mount?

They are noticeably quicker that the 6's I replace my 5 6's with 7 and motion is definitely better.
I'm not so convinced humidity is but need to have another play now the new firmware is out that should have fix a few issues.

I still use my 6's as I still quite like them, buts 7's are shiny and new and nowhere near as chatty.

All My 7s are in the recessor's in the ceiling.

I think in a firmware update or 2 they will wipe the floor with the 6's, they might be there already but I haven't had time to play with the settings after the recent firmware update


So alittle update as its been awhile and we are all pretty good at having a moan when things dont work.

So after the 1.03 firmware update im very happy with them im still tweeking settings to get them dialed in to our use but thats a good thing as they react even better most times i make a tweek.

The tinnitus i was experiencing after fitting them has gone and that can only mean one thing the wife is happy, so they must be working :grinning:

Overall i think they are now an upgrade from the 6's now where near as chatty, faster to respond to motion, and the lux and humidity response is getting better as i make small changes to tailer them to our use.


Thanks for the update !

I wish they'd release them in more markets... still waiting for the Australian frequency...

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From the thread it seems it has been released, but I can't find it. Certainly not on Amazon. Is this a supply chain issue or problems with the sensor or what?

Picked up 2 from home controls, after the 1.03 FW update I’ve been very happy with them.



Maybe I'm missing something but I cannot find the firmware for the Multisensor 7 on Aeotec's website. I recently purchased one, but it has v1.01 on it still. Where is everyone finding the correct firmware?

Look here. :slight_smile:

Thank you! I certainly overlooked where that was.