Aeon Home Energy Meter ZW095-A

Hmm, I just installed a Gen 5 on my dryer around a month ago and couldn't get it to work until I excluded it, then included it secure. Looks like I should try again.

I just updated that driver a bit. You can try it.

These links help to understand how to setup the reporting.

 *  Aeon HEM Gen5(zwave plus)
 *  Copyright 2016 Dillon A. Miller
 *  v0.8 of Aeon HEM Gen5(zwave plus) code, released 04/15/2016 for Aeotec Model zw095-a
 *  This Gen5 device handler is not backward compatible with the Aeon V1 or V2 device. If your model number is not zw095-a, don't use it.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Some code used from various SmartThings device handlers created by:
 *		Brock Haymond, Barry A. Burke, and Robert Vandervoort. Portions of the metering code came from ElasticDev.
 *  Link to find the latest version of the Device Handler code:
 *  General notes:
 *		You may need to change the device type to this device handler after you pair it to your hub. I'm not sure why it doesn't always automatically pair using this handler even though the fingerprint matches...
 *		Also, you need to hit the button on the back of the HEM Gen5 a couple (two-three) times to get it to flash the red light on the front rapidly to ensure it's in inclusion mode. It isn't in the right mode if it's just flashing slow.
 *		Once the red light is solid, look in your things list and find it, could be just called z-wave, then change it's name and device type using the graph api to this custom handler to make it start working.
 *		The config with default intervals will send right away after you set the HEM Gen5 to this handler, please wait a few minutes before sending the config again or changing the intervals under preferences.
 *		The purpose of the config button is just really to resend the config with monitor interval prefs, as sometimes the config isn't fully applied, See the list of config items at the bottom of this code.
 *		You may need to send the config a few times, with about 2 minutes delay between to get all the properties to take. Not sure why-but if you look in the debug log in the graph api for this device you can see if they all applied.
 *		I had to unplug and replug my device after extensive testing and repeatedly setting the config over and over. Could be it works for you the first time, or you may need to pull power and re plug too in order to get all the Pole 1/2 data to show in the app.
 *	Known Issues:
 *		Issue 1:
 *			Not sure if this is the device handler or just a general SmartThings IOS App issue but sometimes when you set the preferences, it just spins in the app.
 *			If you are watching the log you can see it did set the preferences. Not sure why the app gets stuck, but just reload the app and should be fine.
 *		Issue 2:
 *			Not really a problem, more like a limitation; the clamps 1/2 data packets are sent to the ST hub based on monitor intervals for reports groups 1-3 which you can set in the device preferences.
 *			What this means is that, if you are paying attention to the tile data, you'll notice the center Total values don't quite work out to be the sum of Pole 1/2 values.
 *			This is simply because the base HEM data can be "polled" whereas the clamp 1/2 data is sent. And only sent on a schedule.
 *  Change log:
 *		v0.1 - released 04/04/16:
 *			Added support for secure inclusion and command encapsulation
 *		v0.2 - released 04/05/16:
 *			Added configuration settings using some preference variables that you can control from the app
 *		v0.3 - released 04/05/16:
 *			Added clamp1 and clamp2 data display, may have to hit configure a few times (wait at least 2 minute each time) to make the top left and right boxes show data from the clamps.
 *		v0.4 - released 04/06/16:
 *			Changed the "main" tile to display a clean total kWh, although the ST app seems to make everything on the main Things list all CAPS so it's actually displayed as KWH...
 *		v0.5 - released 04/07/16:
 *			Changed the main thing list device icon to st.Lighting.light14 cause it has a leaf!.
 *		v0.6 - released 04/07/16:
 *			Added a cost per kWh preference and a cost tile that is calculated on kWh.
 *			Also added a timestamp of last reset button tap to work with above cost feature.
 *		v0.7 - released 04/08/16:
 *			Removed individual value tile polling actions and polling function.
 *			Cleaned up and well-formed code
 *		v0.8 - released 04/15/16:
 *			Slightly adjusted the size of the tiles to fit all tiles into the App screen without scrolling.
 *			Further commented and cleaned up the code in preparation for submission to SmartThings as an official device handler.
 *			Submitted for consideration by SmartThings.
 * 		v0.9 - Updated to add parameter 13 to enable/disable CRC16 encapsulation.  
 *	To do:
 *		Features:
 *			Color code tiles or tile values for hi/low usage conditions.
 *			Possibly integrate a second tile set page with peak/min usage of watts and/or amps values over time.
 *			Integrate PlotWatt or other online Energy tracking API based service.
 *		Fixes:
 *			Determine why app sometimes freezes when setting preferences, I have seen this with other devices, e.g. Arrival Sensor, Jasco Wall Switches, etc...

// metadata
metadata {
	definition (name: "Aeon HEM Gen5(zwave plus)", namespace: "DuncanIdahoCT", author: "Dillon A. Miller") {
		capability "Energy Meter"
		capability "Power Meter"
		capability "Configuration"
		capability "Polling"
		capability "Refresh"
		capability "Sensor"
		command "reset"
		fingerprint deviceId: "0x3101", inClusters: "0x98"
		fingerprint inClusters: "0x5E,0x86,0x72,0x32,0x56,0x60,0x70,0x59,0x85,0x7A,0x73,0xEF,0x5A", outClusters: "0x82"
	preferences {
		input name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true
    	input name: "txtEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable descriptionText logging", defaultValue: true
		input "kWhCost", "string",
			title: "Cost in \$/kWh",
			description: "Your Electric Bill Cost Per kWh",
			defaultValue: "0.19514" as String,
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true
		input "monitorInterval1", "integer",
			title: "Volts & kWh Report",
			description: "Interval (secs) for Volts & kWh Report",
			defaultValue: 60,
			range: "1..4294967295?",
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true
		input "monitorInterval2", "integer",
			title: "Amps Report",
			description: "Interval (secs) for Amps Report",
			defaultValue: 30,
			range: "1..4294967295?",
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true
		input "monitorInterval3", "integer",
			title: "Watts Report",
			description: "Interval (secs) for Watts Report",
			defaultValue: 6,
			range: "1..4294967295?",
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true
		input "SelectiveReporting", "integer",
			title: "Enable Or Disable Selective Reporting",
			description: "This is used to reduce network traffic. (0=disable, 1=enable) ",
			defaultValue: 0,
			range: "0..1",
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true
		input "percentage2Report", "integer",
			title: "Change Percentage",
			description: "Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Whole HEM). Range: 0-100. ",
			defaultValue: 5,
			range: "0..100",
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true
		input "watt2Report", "integer",
			title: "Wattage Change To Report",
			description: "Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Whole HEM). Range: 0-60000 ",
			defaultValue: 50,
			range: "0..60000",
			required: false,
			displayDuringSetup: true


def logsOff(){
    log.warn "debug logging disabled..."

def updated(){
	if (state.sec && !isConfigured()) {
		// in case we miss the SCSR
	} "updated..."
    log.warn "debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}"
    log.warn "description logging is: ${txtEnable == true}"
    if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff)   

def parse(String description){
	def result = null
	if (description.startsWith("Err 106")) {
		state.sec = 0
		result = createEvent( name: "secureInclusion", value: "failed", isStateChange: true,
			descriptionText: "This sensor failed to complete the network security key exchange. If you are unable to control it via SmartThings, you must remove it from your network and add it again.")
	} else if (description != "updated") {
		def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [0x32: 3, 0x56: 1, 0x59: 1, 0x5A: 1, 0x60: 3, 0x70: 1, 0x72: 2, 0x73: 1, 0x82: 1, 0x85: 2, 0x86: 2, 0x8E: 2, 0xEF: 1])
		if (cmd) {
			result = zwaveEvent(cmd)
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Parsed '${description}' to ${result.inspect()}"
	return result

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityMessageEncapsulation cmd) {
	def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x32: 3, 0x56: 1, 0x59: 1, 0x5A: 1, 0x60: 3, 0x70: 1, 0x72: 2, 0x73: 1, 0x82: 1, 0x85: 2, 0x86: 2, 0x8E: 2, 0xEF: 1])
	state.sec = 1
    if (logEnable) log.debug "encapsulated: ${encapsulatedCommand}"
	if (encapsulatedCommand) {
	} else {
		log.warn "Unable to extract encapsulated cmd from $cmd"
		createEvent(descriptionText: cmd.toString())

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityCommandsSupportedReport cmd) {

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "---CONFIGURATION REPORT V1--- ${device.displayName} parameter ${cmd.parameterNumber} with a byte size of ${cmd.size} is set to ${cmd.configurationValue}"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "---ASSOCIATION REPORT V2--- ${device.displayName} groupingIdentifier: ${cmd.groupingIdentifier}, maxNodesSupported: ${cmd.maxNodesSupported}, nodeId: ${cmd.nodeId}, reportsToFollow: ${cmd.reportsToFollow}"

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.meterv3.MeterReport cmd) {
    def meterTypes = ["Unknown", "Electric", "Gas", "Water"]
    def electricNames = ["energy", "energy", "power", "count",  "voltage", "current", "powerFactor",  "unknown"]
    def electricUnits = ["kWh",    "kVAh",   "W",     "pulses", "V",       "A",       "Power Factor", ""]

    //NOTE ScaledPreviousMeterValue does not always contain a value
    def previousValue = cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue ?: 0

    //Here is where all HEM polled values are defined. Scale(0-7) is in reference to the Aeon Labs HEM Gen5 data for kWh, kVAh, W, V, A, and M.S.T. respectively.
    //If scale 7 (M.S.T.) is polled, you would receive Scale2(0-1) which is kVar, and kVarh respectively. We are ignoring the Scale2 ranges in this device handler.
    def map = [ name: electricNames[cmd.scale], unit: electricUnits[cmd.scale], displayed: state.display]
    switch(cmd.scale) {
        case 0: //kWh
						previousValue = device.currentValue("energy") ?: cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue ?: 0
						BigDecimal costDecimal = cmd.scaledMeterValue * (kWhCost as BigDecimal)
						def costDisplay = String.format("%5.2f",costDecimal)
						sendEvent(name: "cost", value: costDisplay, unit: "", descriptionText: "Display Cost: \$${costDisp}")
						map.value = cmd.scaledMeterValue
        case 1: //kVAh (not used in the U.S.)
            map.value = cmd.scaledMeterValue
			if (logEnable) log.debug "kVaH: " + cmd.scaledValue 
        case 2: //Watts
            previousValue = device.currentValue("power") ?: cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue ?: 0
            map.value = Math.round(cmd.scaledMeterValue)
			if (logEnable) log.debug "Power: " + cmd.scaledMeterValue + " Watts"
        case 3: //pulses
						map.value = Math.round(cmd.scaledMeterValue)
        case 4: //Volts
            previousValue = device.currentValue("voltage") ?: cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue ?: 0
            map.value = cmd.scaledMeterValue
			if (logEnable) log.debug "Voltage: " + cmd.scaledMeterValue + " Volts"
        case 5: //Amps
            previousValue = device.currentValue("current") ?: cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue ?: 0
            map.value = cmd.scaledMeterValue
			if (logEnable) log.debug "Current: " + cmd.scaledMeterValue + " Amps"
        case 6: //Power Factor
        case 7: //Scale2 values (not currently implimented or needed)
            map.value = cmd.scaledMeterValue

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {
	//This is where the HEM clamp1 and clamp2 (subdevice) report values are defined. Scale(2,5) is in reference to the Aeon Labs HEM Gen5 (subdevice) data for W, and A respectively.
	//Z-Wave Command Class 0x60 (multichannelv3) is necessary to interpret the subdevice data from the HEM clamps.
	//In addition, "cmd.commandClass == 50" and "encapsulatedCommand([0x30: 1, 0x31: 1])" below is necessary to properly receive and inturpret the encasulated subdevice data sent to the SmartThings hub by the HEM.
	//The numbered "command class" references: 50, 0x30v1, and 0x31v1 do not seem to be true Z-Wave Command Classes and any correlation is seemingly coincidental.
	//It should also be noted that without the above, the data received will not be processed here under the 0x60 (multichannelv3) command class and you will see unhandled messages from the HEM along with references to command class 50 as well as Meter Types 33, and 161.
	//sourceEndPoint 1, and 2 are the Clamps 1, and 2.
	def dispValue
	def newValue
	def formattedValue
	def MAX_AMPS = 220
	def MAX_WATTS = 24000
	if (cmd.commandClass == 50) { //50 is likely a manufacturer specific code, Z-Wave specifies this as a "Basic Window Covering" so it's not a true Z-Wave Command Class.   
		def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x30: 1, 0x31: 1]) // The documentation on working with Z-Wave subdevices and the technical specs from Aeon Labs do not explain this adequately, but it's necessary.
	if (logEnable) log.debug ("Command from endpoint ${cmd.sourceEndPoint}: ${encapsulatedCommand}")
		if (encapsulatedCommand) {
			if (cmd.sourceEndPoint == 1) {
				if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 2 ) {
						newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue)
	                    if (newValue > MAX_WATTS) { return }
						formattedValue = newValue
						dispValue = "${formattedValue}"
						sendEvent(name: "power1", value: dispValue as String, unit: "", descriptionText: "L1 Power: ${formattedValue} Watts")
				if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 5 ) {
						newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
	                    if (newValue > MAX_AMPS) { return }
						formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
						dispValue = "${formattedValue}"
						sendEvent(name: "current1", value: dispValue as String, unit: "", descriptionText: "L1 Current: ${formattedValue} Amps")
			else if (cmd.sourceEndPoint == 2) {
				if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 2 ) {
						newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue)
	                    if (newValue > MAX_WATTS) { return }
						formattedValue = newValue
						dispValue = "${formattedValue}"
						sendEvent(name: "power2", value: dispValue as String, unit: "", descriptionText: "L2 Power: ${formattedValue} Watts")
				if (encapsulatedCommand.scale == 5 ) {
						newValue = Math.round(encapsulatedCommand.scaledMeterValue * 100) / 100
	                    if (newValue > MAX_AMPS) { return }
						formattedValue = String.format("%5.2f", newValue)
						dispValue = "${formattedValue}"
						sendEvent(name: "current2", value: dispValue as String, unit: "", descriptionText: "L2 Current: ${formattedValue} Amps")

def zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
	//This will log any unhandled command output to the debug window.
	if (logEnable) log.debug "Unhandled: $cmd"
    createEvent(descriptionText: cmd.toString(), isStateChange: false)

def refresh() {
	def request = [
	//This is where the tile action "refresh" is defined. Refresh is very basic. It simply gets and displays the latest values from the HEM exclusive of the clamp subdevices.
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 0),	//kWh
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 2),	//Wattage
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 4),	//Volts
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 5),	//Amps

def reset() {
	//This is where the tile action "reset" is defined. Reset is only meant to be used once a month on the end/beginning of your electric utility billing cycle.
	//Tapping reset will send the meter reset command to HEM and zero out the kWh data so you can start fresh.
	//This will also clear the cost data and reset the last reset timestamp. Finally it will poll for latest values from the HEM.
	//This has no impact on Pole1 or Pole2 (clamp1 and clamp2 subdevice) tile data as that is sent via reports from the HEM.
	def dateString = new Date().format("M/d/YY", location.timeZone)
	def timeString = new Date().format("h:mm a", location.timeZone)    
	state.lastresettime = dateString+" @ "+timeString
	sendEvent(name: "lastresettime", value: state.lastresettime)	
	def request = [
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 0),	//kWh
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 2),	//Wattage
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 4),	//Volts
		zwave.meterV3.meterGet(scale: 5),	//Amps

def configure() {
	//This is where the tile action "configure" is defined. Configure resends the configuration commands below (using the variables set by the preferences section above) to the HEM Gen5 device.
	//If you're watching the debug log when you tap configure, you should see the full configuration report come back slowly over about a minute.
	//If you don't see the full configuration report (seven messages) followed by the association report, tap configure again.
	def monitorInt1 = 60
		if (monitorInterval1) {
	def monitorInt2 = 30
		if (monitorInterval2) {
	def monitorInt3 = 6
		if (monitorInterval3) {
	def SelectiveReportingInt = 0
		if (SelectiveReporting) {
	def  percentageInt = 5
		if (percentage2Report) {
	def  watt2ReportInt = 50
		if (watt2Report) {
	if (logEnable) log.debug "Sending configure commands - kWhCost '${kWhCost}', monitorInterval1 '${monitorInt1}', monitorInterval2 '${monitorInt2}', monitorInterval3 '${monitorInt3}'"
	def request = [
		// Reset switch configuration to defaults.
	//zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 255, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 1),
		// Disable selective reporting, so always update based on schedule below <set to 1 to reduce network traffic>.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 3, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: SelectiveReportingInt),
		// (DISABLED by first option) Don't send unless watts have changed by 50 <default>.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 4, size: 2, scaledConfigurationValue: watt2ReportInt),
		// (DISABLED by first option) Or by 5% <default>.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 8, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: percentageInt),
		// (DISABLED CRC16 Encapsulaltion O = Disable 1 = Enable)
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 13, size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 0),
		// Which reports need to send in Report group 1. Old value 6149
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 101, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 6149),
		// Which reports need to send in Report group 2.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 102, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 1572872),
		// Which reports need to send in Report group 3.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 103, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: 770),
		// Interval to send Report group 1.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 111, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: monitorInt1),
		// Interval to send Report group 2.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 112, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: monitorInt2),
		// Interval to send Report group 3.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 113, size: 4, scaledConfigurationValue: monitorInt3),

		// Report which configuration commands were sent to and received by the HEM Gen5 successfully.
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 3),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 4),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 8),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 13),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 101),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 102),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 103),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 111),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 112),
		zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 113),
		zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1)

private setConfigured() {
	updateDataValue("configured", "true")

private isConfigured() {
	getDataValue("configured") == "true"

private command(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
	if (state.sec) {
	} else {

private commands(commands, delay=500) {
	delayBetween(commands.collect{ command(it) }, delay)
1 Like

knock knock - How's everyone getting along with this? I finally decided to pair mine up. I've had it connected to the mains for months.

I'm using your edit, @cuboy29 and showing an error:

dev:17622018-12-19 09:54:02.436 pm errorgroovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Ambiguous method overloading for method java.math.BigDecimal#multiply. Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping prototypes between: [class java.lang.Character] [class java.lang.Number] on line 215 (parse)

Lines 214-218 show:

  				previousValue = device.currentValue("energy") ?: cmd.scaledPreviousMeterValue ?: 0
  				BigDecimal costDecimal = cmd.scaledMeterValue * (kWhCost as BigDecimal)
  				def costDisplay = String.format("%5.2f",costDecimal)
  				sendEvent(name: "cost", value: costDisplay, unit: "", descriptionText: "Display Cost: \$${costDisp}")
  				map.value = cmd.scaledMeterValue

Try filling out the Cost in $/kWh with a value then saving it. I am not seeing that error

1 Like

aHa! Even though they load with default values, looks like it doesn't send any preferences until you hit "Save Preferences". Working great now!

Now I just need to figure out what to do with the data... :thinking:

Hi Guys,

I contacted Aeon Support because my readings have not been very accurate, I mentioned in the ticket that I was running fw 1.31 and I knew some people with the same device running 1.35 so they sent the me 1.35 firmware and told me to give it a try...

I asked if I could share it here and they were OK with it so here you have (link).

And these are the instructions they sent me:

**First remove/factory reset the device you wish to OTA update**

1. Set your Z-Wave gateway into unpair mode
2. Tap the button on the device you will be OTA updating.

**To perform an OTA firmware update (this is the same for all of our devices), you'll need (1) Z-Wave USB Adapter (Z-Stick Gen5/S2, UZB1, SmartStick+, etc) and (2) windows PC. Below are the steps:**

1. Unzip the .rar or .zip file attached to this email.
2. Open up the folder and located the file with extension .ex_, rename this file to end with .exe
3. Plug in your Z-Stick Gen5 or other Z-Wave USB Adapters that you may have (if this is the first time plugging it in, wait a minute while the drivers should be automatically installed, if not, please reach back out to me on this step).
4. Open up the .exe file that you renamed in step 2 to open up the OTA firmware update software.
5. To connect Z-Stick to software by selecting (Categories -&gt; Settings) on the top left side of the software.
6. The list should populate with your Z-Stick or other Z-Wave USB Adapter and show any nodes connected to it if any. (controller at the top of the list)
7. Click on "Add Node"
8. Tap the button on DEVICE, which will add into your Z-Stick network as a new node. It should appear at the bottom of the node list.
9. Click on the new node that appears and ensure that it is highlighted.
10. First click on "Node Information" button to update the command class information (otherwise, you cannot perform the update, typically you can skip this step if you paired via OTA software from step 7.)
11. If the DEVICE is battery powered, make sure to tap its button to have the device send a Wakeup Report to update its status.
12. Now on the upper middle side, click on the "Firmware" Tab
13. At the bottom, you'll see a button "Start" click on it.
14. If the DEVICE is battery powered, make sure to tap its button now to have the device send a Wakeup Report to update its status and begin the firmware update process.
15. The green bar should be moving slowly, and you should see a large amount of communication happening. This will take roughly 5 minutes, so take a quick coffee break.
16. When done, a small popup will appear and say "success", go ahead and click OK.
17. Now select "Remove Node"
18. Then tap the button on DEVICE to factory reset it.
19. Close the software up.
20. Follow Steps 4 - 17 to firmware any other of the same DEVICE.

Please note:

  • There is no changelog associated so I have no clue exactly what has changed from 1.31 to 1.35, I asked the support guy and he said he was going to ask around for the changelog but never replied back...

  • I have not had time to upgrade my HEM GEN5 so I have not tested this myself.


All of the Aeon devices I've upgraded follow a similar path. They "bundle" a version of ZenSys Tools with their firmware. I've never had to do the Exclude. (Steps 7-8) I have upgraded MultiSensors, WallMotes, MiniMotes... and something else.. .can't remember now.. and always done it using an Aeon Z-Stick that's been joined to my "production" ZWave network. (The Aeon Z-Stick is therefor a secondary controller.)

Obviously you can't expect to be USING the device during the upgrade. Battery devices are tricky for the Node Information step. I've found there's a missing step. There's a small blue square (button) on the line for the device. You have to click it then click the Node Info button.

After the new firmware is installed, you'll want to power cycle it instead of steps 17 and on.

I just upgraded both my HEM v5's with this step and firmware. Both upgraded without issue. Thanks!


So here's a question... why am I getting negative readings on my power consumption? I did not have this same behavior in ST.


I added the zwave tool to my device list, how does one use it to actually get the information regarding the firmware version and what not? Thanks

Check the clamps, probably they are backwards

It’s concerning that they would be backwards when it showed positive amounts in ST. I’m also curious since I have two HEM gen5s, and one of them has a clamp around my dryer and another has a clamp around the stove. When either appliance is on, power1 and power2 still read zero. Does this driver not detect power on each clamp and display it? Is it possible to make a rule with RM based on power through individual clamps on the same HEM?

I think this is something with the firmware, I read somewhere else that HEM must be downgraded to 1.31 because 1.35 makes its readings incorrect.

Anyone have any idea why I can't get my ZW095-A to send automatic reports? I've tried exclude/include, factory reset/exclude/include, power cycle HEM, no good. I can refresh and get current values, but it never updates the values on it's own.

I'm using the same driver as everyone else in this thread AFAIK. Firmware of HEM is 1.35.


Edit: Evidently asking for help was all it took, one of the steps I described must of did the trick, it's now working.

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@cuboy29 can you explain the settings for:

  1. Enable/Disable Selective Reporting (I don't see it documented in manual)

  2. Change Percentage Percentage change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Whole HEM) Range 0-100 (is this only if selective reporting is enabled?)

  3. Wattage Change to Report Threshold change in wattage to induce a automatic report (Whole HEM) Range 0-60000 (is this only if selective reporting is enabled?)

I'm only using the HEM to monitor my 240v dryer (single clamp on 1 line at dryer), I really don't care about the exact wattage/amperage/voltage as my RM rules are only checking to see if power is drawing or not. Are there settings I can optimize to limit unnecessary reporting (z-wave traffic)?

See the description for parameter 3 from the link below.

Dead link?


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Enabling selective reporting appears to stop my HEM from reporting wattage automatically, are you using this feature successfully? Are you also on firmware 1.35?

i am no longer using this DH at the moment because support was suspecting that it was a possible cause of my hub lockup.