'Aeon HEM V1 Laundry Driver' is NOW working on Hubitat

Thanks. It was the old code. I'll give the new one a go and see. So far it didn't double notify in the test I just did. I added my 3rd button push for "running" to your changes, because I can still see my washer fluctuating like mad. It goes from 230W when the drum is just rotating laundry, not a fast spin or anything like that, down to 10W in a pause. I found I still need to set the running watts to around 15 to get a clear enough definition between OFF and ON.

If this still doesn't work, I may try adding two boxes right at the appliances (one for washer, and one for dryer) and pass their mains through the boxes with a clamp in each before they go to the plug. I was going to do that originally, but the panel was easier. I believe you split out a wire from your washer right at the cord and so you're measuring near the machine aren't you?

Yes, I am monitoring at the appliance, not the breaker panel.

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I did a little experimenting with the clamp right at the washer outlet, and it made no difference. But I did find a solution I think is going to work for me. I made a change to the assumed voltage by dropping it to 60

zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 1, size: 2, scaledConfigurationValue: 60).format(),		// assumed voltage

This shows a much lower running wattage on my dryer too, but I fortunately still have a very strong distinction between ON and OFF with that machine, so I just lowered the running wattage setting for the dryer to 100 watts in the driver settings. This gives an incorrect reading of the real wattage, but I only care to know if it's running or not for this use of the HEM.

For the washing machine I now have 8 watts, at a time where it was fluctuating all by itself, just above the specified running wattage of 17 watts, resulting in repeated "Washer Finished" notifications while the machine was just sitting idle. It now seems to stay pretty stable between 120 and 130 running watts, while just agitating the drum. It is still occasionally dropping down to 8 watts during the cycle, but not for too long, so if I keep my idle timeout for my virtual switches to 4 minutes, I should be fine. :crossed_fingers:

Could this driver be modified to work with an energy reporting plug? my dryer is gas & 120V, seems like zwave or zigbee appliance module would be a lot easier.

If you're devices are both 110v, and do not exceed the MAX power rating of an energy reporting plug in wall socket, then I would agree that using a pair of those would be the simpler solution.

The driver in this thread if very specific to the Aeon HEM v1 Z-Wave device. Therefore, I probably wouldn't use it as a starting point if using plug-in power monitoring wall sockets.

I would recommend that you simply try to use Rule Machine or a custom App to monitor the power levels from each smart wall socket, and then send a notification when the power level drops below a target threshold.

I am guessing that a quick search through the SmartThings community would turn up a SmartApp that already exists.

For example...

Just as an idea, I use this for my washer with a Zooz ZEN15 plug. Just a virtual switch and two small apps in RM. Works well for me.

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I just got the Hubitat this week and would like to install this but seem to be getting stuck at this error. Sorry for the newbie questions since I never had Smartthings before either..

Try simply commenting out the following line of code as shown below

//Capability "Button"

I wonder if a recent Hubitat Firmware revision is no longer ignoring this ST Capability. Hubitat uses "Pushable Button" instead.

Although... I just tried saving it as-is and it seems to still work fine. Did you make sure you copied from the Github RAW tab?

Use this link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ogiewon/Hubitat/master/Drivers/aeon-hem-v1-laundry.src/aeon-hem-v1-laundry.groovy

Commenting out Button seemed to do it.. Thanks

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Not getting readings from the Aeon since the .119 update. Zwave says device is alive, but the device is inactive with no reading when the washer is running.

Should I do anything to the Z-Wave part or trouble-shoot elsewhere?

I updated my firmware to .119 the day it was released on July 26th. My washer and dryer have been reporting their status fine ever since.

So, I don't believe it is related to the HE hub firmware update. Not sure where to look, except at the Aeon HEM device itself, and your z-wave network. Hope you find it!

Ok. Iโ€™ll remove and reinstall the device to see if that helps. Thanks for confirming.

[Edit] Just confirming for anyone reading this later. Firmware update and its inactivity were a coincidence. I unplugged it, waited 30 seconds, hit the configure button, and it started reporting again. Not sure I needed to press "configure", it's just what I did for the record.
All good now.

reviving this thread. does this driver show up in rule machine under power meter? i cant get it to show to use as a rule

This driver is really designed to simply send Button Events when a laundry cycle is complete. It is not configured to be a proper power/energy meter. There are other drivers floating around that are designed to be more Generic whole home energy meters.

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yeah i figured it out just a little bit ago

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Any other ones with separate clamp power states? The one I currently use in ST has power1 and power2 along with power which is both clamps.

Not sure... I only use the one I posted above. You should be able to use it as an example of what changes are required as compared to your existing ST DTH. Just focus on the Z-Wave portions, and ignore all of the laundry/button press stuff.

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For those that use it (I haven't migrated my HEMs yet) can you get the power reading from it reporting to HE? As in can you read the value of washerpower and dryerpower in a rule? If so then I can simply rename some stuff.

Have you tried just using the ST DH as a HE Driver to see if it works? Then you'd have exactly what you have on ST. I don't recall a lot of changes being made to this Driver to get it working for Power Monitoring. I believe Mike Maxwell had to add support for some of the Z-Wave calls in the Hubitat Firmware... but after that, the changes were minimal, IIRC. It was about 8 months ago! :wink: This driver is really tailored to sending button events for washer and dryer cycle completions. It uses per clamp power readings to compare against threshold values, to know when to create a button event. It isn't designed for whole home power/energy monitoring and tracking like most of the Aeon HEM drivers are.

Well...I guess the only thing to do is migrate one over and go for it! :slight_smile:

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