Advanced RGBW zigbee driver


Mine is innur but I have osram, ledvance, Arora and Ajax that I can try.

o and hue and the same thing happening. no changes on the state.

I just switched to that driver and confirm the light behaves normally, so seems something specific to the Advanced driver.

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The last update seems to have fixed it however its now doing other odd things @mike.maxwell ?

Yes now I have lights that are not automatically updating their state, I have seen this awhile ago but it seemed to stop a few platform versions back.

So now a off turns it off but it stays in the on state.

I’m not seeing this with Ledvance rgbw lights.

A few month ago i had a issue with this advanced driver too. Bulbs did not go on or went to off unexpected. I found there was a problem with level=100 was acting as level=0, after changing my settings to 99%, it worked as expected. Not sure if it was the bulb, the driver or RL in this case, avoiding the 100% setting did the trick for me.

I'm now seeing issues with LEDVANCE RGBW strips. On version .134 when RL turns the strip on it still shows off and RL is showing the red circle which I believe means it isn't getting the state from the driver. I rolled back to .125 and it's working correctly again. I tried the generic driver while on .134 and the state was being reported correctly but I was unable to do a set level. I did hit configure. I will do more research before reporting to Mike.

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I'm seeing the same, I'm assuming you are not explicitly turning the device "ON" and instead turning it on via a level or colour?

It's however room lighting is sending the commands. I didn't play with it much. I had recalled reading this thread while on vacation so immediately just switched to the generic driver and thought it was all good. I later realized that I can't set level with the generic so rolled back and went to bed. I'll mess with it tonight. I noticed someone mentioned issues sending a level of 100%, which I was, so I might upgrade and see if using 99% fixes the issue. Hopefully, Mike will revert whatever change he made that is messing things up.

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He's trying to fix the refresh incorrectly changing the state, which he seems to have fixed. But looks like it uncovered another issue @mike.maxwell

There's nothing in the driver that checks or limits the values sent for level, if 99 works and 100 doesn't then this is likely a device issue.
Have you rolled back to a previous major platform version to verify?

Yes. I was on vacation for a couple weeks and updated to .134 when I got home and had the issues. When I reverted back to .125 everything works as it has since Bruce released Room Lighting. Whatever changed in the driver affected the LEDVANCE strips and my Sengled rgbw bulb in RL.

I'm on .125 now but can upgrade and provided anything you might need later this evening to help troubleshoot.

can you verify that the 99/100 issue exists (or doesn't) from the driver details page?
In other words, use the set level command from the driver to set the level to 100 and let me know the results, thanks

I'll upgrade to .134 tonight and change RL to 99 instead of 100 and let you know

My issue wasn't the 99/100 thing. I read that it might be Fix. My issue is that when RL turns the lights on the driver still shows that they are off

I had what seems to be the same issue using the Advanced Zigbee CT driver and switched to the generic zigbee CT driver to correct the problem. Not sure if its the same type bug but would like to bring it to someones attention. I am asking because Im not sure. if some one coild look at this short thread.


I upgraded and this has no bearing on what I am seeing. It was a long shot that someone said fixed an issue for them.

What I am seeing in is when certain devices using the advanced zigbee RGBW driver are turned on in Room Lighting, the on/off state is not updated and the device turns on but the switch state still shows it as being off. I tried hitting configure and the lights flash all of their colors and the switch state shows on. From the driver page I can then turn the light on/off, set color, etc and the switch state will show correctly. As soon as I use Room Lighting to turn on the light, the switch state does not update to on. This issue does not exist in firmware so it's definitely something that was changed with the advanced zigbee RGBW driver between .125 and .134. Maybe it has something to do with the way Room Lighting is turning on the lights? I am attaching a screenshot of a Room Lighting for your reference. Also, my testing was in no way thorough so there may indeed be issues from the driver page or using other apps.


I have also discovered that when I go back to .125, I have to hit configure to get things working again otherwise the switch state still doesn't work.

I tried using the Generic Zigbee RGBW driver but that driver will not change the level of my lights. Why, I don't know.

The devices that I have so far noticed that are affected are my Ledvance RGBW strips and my Sengled RGBW bulbs. Other users have mentioned other devices that are affected.

I have once again reverted back to .125 to keep the bride happy but can gather additional data. Just let me know if you need anything else.

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Similar issue here. Room lighting stopped turning off my Segled bulbs using the advanced zigbee drivers so I rolled back to .125 and all is good again. Thought about updating and giving the generic bulb drivers a try in the next few days if a fix doesnt come out

I didn't test the Sengled with the generic driver because the LEDVANCE didn't work and I need both in the kitchen.

I think @mike.maxwell changed the driver to accommodate other users devices who the driver didn't work for. Maybe he can just add the unmodified driver back into the mix as a driver for Sengled, LEDVANCE and whatever other devices need it and call it a day.

I don't think I need .134 over .125 so I'll just hang out on .125 until fixed. I might recreate my room lightning rule in Rule Machine just to see if it's an issue with the two of them combined.

It's so great that the HE can move between firmware versions so easily so we can test things without too much trouble.