Added presetColor and presetColorTemperature to Inovelli and LIFX bulb drivers. Issue

How do we set the brightness level without turning on the bulb now? Seems there should be a presetBrightness option also? Thanks

Commands to preset color and color temperature are not (yet?) part of any Hubitat capability, so what you've asked for is unlikely to happen until that is. (I recently asked for it and they seem receptive; it would be analogous to what exists now for level.) The command to preset brightness/level is standardized, presetLevel(), but standardized--part of a capability--or not, none of these will work unless the device itself supports a way to do it. The fact that the LIFX drivers don't make me suspect that it's because the devices themselves can't (or at least the public API doesn't provide a way). But someone more familiar with the devices and API would have to say for sure...

EDIT: These commands (though still not standardized as of my writing) were added in 2.3.2 hotfix--for color and CT only (not level).


Ah this was added in the latest beta release… and exposed to webCoRE. But the ability to control brightness “preset” is no longer. It used to be via the SetLevel command!

The Lifx built-in color driver does support preset temperature change. Applying it from the device page does not turn on the bulb. I am looking forward to this becoming available in actions for bulbs. It should work the same as color prestaging does for Sengled.

Right.. preset colour and colour temp is in the latest beta. However preset level isn’t…
Edit… ah its Part of the colour temp

There is no current beta, just the public 2.3.2 release, unless you're talking about some custom driver maybe. I missed that these command were there. It does seem odd that presetLevel(), the one actually standard command among these, wouldn't be there if the device can't actually do this (and the fact that color and CT are there would suggest so).

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I did finally figure out how to get preset color temperature to work with my Lifx color bulbs without turning them on. I was looking for a custom action which is not available for bulbs. Decided to try "dimmer" and there it was. Preset color temperature is available as a custom action for "dimmer" and it works to set color without turning on the bulb. Just need to work out change color over time.

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