Add Meross app

Hello all. New ST castaway trying to add the Meross app, can only seem to find the drivers. Am I missing something?

You would incorporate the hardware directly and then use hubitat, not the Meross app itself. You would then use a dashboard created by yourself to control those devices manually or use rules to control the hardware


If they are Wifi devices then I am not sure if you will be able to get them into Hubitat directly. If they are Zigbee or Zwave, you would want to pair them directly with the Hubitat hub and that's where the drivers come in. No special app would be needed in that case.

Thank you for the reply. I’ve been using the Meross app along with devices fine for some time along with ST.

I’m struggling to find no use the Meross switches in HE. I added the driver in HE, but then what? I created a virtual device but I’m stuck as I don’t know how to configure to make it operate in the hub. Not even sure if I’m on the right path.

Thank you in advance for the patience. Newbee here.


Edit: both Meross switches are wifi.

I just did a search and found this driver: GitHub - ithinkdancan/hubitat-meross: Hubitat Drivers for Meross Smart Plugs
Is that what you are using and did you follow the instructions?

Yes you will need to create a virtual device, then select the proper user driver that you installed.
Once you do that it should have some options to provide a device IP or key of some sort so it knows what device to talk to. The instructions have some info about getting keys/credentials.

There is also this thread I found: Meross


Those links are exactly what I’ve found on the topic. I guess I need to hone my HE skills with some trial and error.

Yeah I would say that looks like a fairly advanced setup. Not your typical pair the device and your done like with Zwave and Zigbee.

Any Wifi devices are typically more of a challenge since they are not designed to be integrated into smart hubs like this and any support often comes from user created drivers or apps.

Agreed. I did setup all of Zigbee and Zwave devices in no time this morning, spent the rest of my day trying to add the Meross ones. It’s a shame, Royce point vs value those are hard to beat. Also have their garage opener dongle which looks a bit more complicated to setup. Baby steps I suppose.

You could try posting in one of those other threads with more specific issues you are having. Maybe other Meross users on that post will reply back. Worst they will do is ignore you. I don't have any of the devices myself so cant be of much more help.

How did you make out, I am new to HE but stepped through everything from @ithinkdancan drivers. Found the other script to get the UUID as well, I am not getting anything in current status except opening.

Device Network ID, I used the mac of the door opener with out spaces or colons.
everything else i put in normal format, no quotes or anything and copied right out of the console from the scripts..


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