Add distance from circle to Life360 built-in app

I would like to request that the Life360 built-in app include distance from circle into the family members devices.

I have been using the Life360 with States custom app and associated device driver to get this information for use in determining how far away we are from the house and whether it should trigger vacation mode rules for the house. Since Life360 with States is not being maintained anymore, it is throwing errors, so I would like to go back to using the built-in app, but that miles from circle attribute is too useful to my automations. Thank You.

It may be throwing errors because Life360 has started restricting API access. It is unlikely these restriction can be overcome by the built-in integration. I would suggest investigating alternative means to achieve your geofencing needs. Such as using OwnTracks.

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Interesting. I was not aware that Life360 was starting to restrict access. For Life360 with States, I only get errors when I try to open the management app. For now, I don't need to make any changes in there. Otherwise, it appears to still be updating the presence devices. I'll wait until it fully breaks, to explore alternates.

The reason I asked for features to the built-in app, is that I don't really like relying on custom apps much. Many times the developers move on to other platforms/approaches/etc and then I am left with a custom app dependency that is not maintained and inevitably breaks. I could of course create my own app/solution, which solves my dependency problem, but adds to my maintenance problems.

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