Hi All;
After spend hours trying to find something on the forum regarding this I have to ask you:
Is there any way to see on my dashboard the video stream of my ip camera using RSTP URL?
Sorry the lack of details... I just discovered RSTP protocol right now.
I can tell you I see my cameras with VLC (Firefox send me to a player and VLC works ok) but I would like to see it in my dashboard.
You can see it on your dashboard. Create a dashboard, then create a tile for it (if you try to incorporate it on a tile with others, the picture will be too small to be of use). For the tile type, leave the device blank and choose the Video Player Template.
I found the RTSP protocol did not work for my camera and the dashboard tile. I did find out that I can use http://(camera's URL)/img/snapshot.cgi?img=vga for the URL with a refresh interval of 1 second. This does not give video as such, but the frequent update is pretty good for viewing the camera's output without overburdening the Hubitat's system. Longer intervals would have even less impact.
You would need to refer to your camera's documentation to see if you can get it to display an image this way. I am using Lowe's Iris cameras which are Sercom cameras under the Iris name.
You cannot use RTSP on a dashboard because your browser can't translate it. You also cannot access an RTSP stream on your browser natively. You need an MP4 or MPEG stream in order to view a cam on a dashboard. Some IP cameras will dual-cast with an MP4 stream also but if it doesn't, you will have to have some other software generate an MP4 stream from the RTSP. This can be done quite easily with very lightweight programs like foobar or with full-fledged surveillance camera software like Blue Iris or MotionEye. You can also do this with programs on your phone (or wall mounted tablet) with programs like Tiny Cam.
Thank you for the clarification. I have since deleted the tile and recreated it but could not get the same snapshot.cgi image to display. It is flaky at best. VLC does a much better job. However, if you are using an app like Motion (Linux version is what I use) or Zoneminder, you may be able to have video display with an rtsp URL in your web browser. It just isn't in the Hubitat dashboard.
Another option to translate RTSP stream into a MJPEG stream is to use Surveillance Station (a package found on Synology Nas devices).
If you already have a Synology NAS, and it's running anyway, this may be a good alternative.
Another long shot:
After investigating this topic extensively, I found that none other than a young @patrick developed something to do this in a competitors package, many years ago. Who knows? Maybe it will come to Hubitat some day!
In theory, http://cameraurl/img/video.mjpeg should work. The browser only shows a blank screen instead of a 404 error. I haven't gotten an image yet, but it may be a browser issue. I don't have time to try more now, but I will later.
It appears that Hubitat doesn't allow for basic user authentication in an image tile. If i supply the username and password to a steam that requires basic user authentication, it doesn't display the image. However, if I go directly to the stream and enter the user credentials (so they are cookied) then it does display correctly in a dashboard opened in a home screen web app or in Chrome but not in the Hubitat App.
So, given those issues, you might not be able to have user authentication set up if you want to view your streams on a dashboard. And if you want to view them on a cloud dashboard, they would have to be port-forwarded. I would advice finding a solution like TinyCam Pro that does support user authentication to view your cams when away from home.
You are totally right..... I do that I use an app to see the cameras from outside (internet)
But now this drives me to a question:
Is there any way to see from the cloud an IP camera (RSTP stream) on the HE dashboard without compromise security? I saw many of you have dashboards with cameras streams too...
There's a free service that allows you to use a static address even if you have a dynamic IP. It's called noip.com. It's totally free and they have a small client you can run on your home PC to update your IP address when it changes. Some routers also include a function to update a dynamic IP service automatically. I know Netgear does (that's what I have). The only thing the service requires you to do is to open and link sent to your email every 21 days to confirm you are still using it. In this case, you can point your VPN client to the static address the noip gives you.
A rule? I don't think so. How? We don't have access to the IP address let alone to detect a change in the WAN address obtained by the router within Rule Machine. This talks about a client you would have to run on some other system..