I use this for logging from inside a rule, using an HTTP GET, for saving data from Maker API to disk on a Windows host.
I will probably add emailing to this app soon so I can send the files as attachments to IFTTT and have them save the attachment to Google drive, I imagine.
Here is the rule
C# Code Here
Heres the Project Blog
And the possibility of using the maker API to run real-time graphs and gauges like in Node-Red.
I'm working on a wee project building an ERV system using my Hubitat, Arduino and Xiaomi.
HTTP call in rule machine
You can see how the above URL works ?csv=name of device 1, name of device 2
?csv=name of device 1, name of device 2
Makes the logger log a file on the Windows host for the whole day, and return all the rows currently in the file.
?json=name of device 1, name of device 2
Makes a log for the yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss
The file name is logNAME-yyyy-MM-dd.txtx for CSV data and logNAME-yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss.json for the JSON format.
As long as the call begins with log and has the .svs extension it will work.
if you use, for example, you get back JSON
The JSON with the current device value and is stored here, a new file for every second.
You need to set the Get All Devices URL e.g. to point to your Hub in App.Config
A JavaScript usage example
$.getJSON('', function(json){
var val = json[0].attributes[6].currentValue;
The zip file has a few JavaScipt examples
The C# that does the work
static void HTTPserver_SVSrequest(object o, HTTPrequest Request)
if (Request.Action != null)
Console.WriteLine("Action: " + Request.Action.Trim());
if (Request.Args != null)
Console.WriteLine("Post Args: " + Request.Args);
if (Request.Action.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(".svs"))
if (Request.Action.ToLower().StartsWith("log"))
JArray deviceJSON = new JArray();
string args = "";
if (Request.Method.Trim() == "POST")
args = Request.Args.TrimEnd('#').Replace("%20", " ");
else if (Request.Method.Trim() == "GET")
args = Request.RawURL.Replace("%20", " ");
string[] dlabs = args.Split('=')[1].Split(',');
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
string url = Settings.Default.GetAllDevicesURL;
string sjson = wc.DownloadString(url);
DeviceList = JArray.Parse(sjson);
string CSVline = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss") + ",";
//Each ID
foreach (string dlab in dlabs)
//Find Device
foreach (JObject jo in DeviceList)
"name":"Xiaomi Temperature Humidity Sensor",
"label":"Hallway Climate"
if (jo["label"].ToString() == dlab)
string did = jo["id"].ToString();
CSVline += ("device," + dlab + ",ld," + did + ",");
using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
string url = string.Format("{0}?access_token=ae6f8845-6916-4b8a-a9b2-67f7f5261ef7", did);
string sjson = wc.DownloadString(url);
JObject jod = JObject.Parse(sjson);
"currentValue":"Jul 20 2020",
"currentValue":"Oct 2, 2020 11:38:47 AM",
string rejectAttr = "lastCheckinTime,lastCheckinEpoch,batteryLastReplaced";
JArray attrs = JArray.Parse(jod["attributes"].ToString());
foreach(JObject attr in attrs)
if(!rejectAttr.Contains(attr["name"].ToString()) )
CSVline += (attr["name"].ToString() + "," + attr["currentValue"].ToString() + ",");
}//End of using (WebClient wc = new WebClient())
break;//Whole device done
}//End of if (jo["label"].ToString() == dlab)
}//End of foreach (JObject jo in DeviceList)
}//End of foreach (string dlab in dlabs)
CSVline = CSVline.TrimEnd(',');
if (args.Contains("json"))
string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\json\";
if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
string file = folder + Request.Action.Replace("/", "\\") + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss") + ".json";
string sjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deviceJSON);
File.WriteAllText(file, sjson);
//Send back last value usefull
else if (args.Contains("csv"))
string folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + @"\data\";
if (!Directory.Exists(folder))
string file = folder + Request.Action.Replace("/", "\\") + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".txt";
//Add this line
File.AppendAllText(file, CSVline + "\r\n");
//Get whole file so far
string CSVlines = File.ReadAllText(file);
}//End of if (Request.Action.ToLower().StartsWith("logclimate"))
}//End of else if (Request.Action.Trim().ToLower().EndsWith(".svs"))
Hubitat I may be missing something, but if not, when are you going to add some JSON handling into your marvellous product, please?