I took a stab at making the same tweaks @stephack made for the 3-speed to the 4-speed version. I haven't tested it, but it does at least load on the hub and you can create a child app without throwing errors.
At this point, I am not sure I can be much more help. I hope this gets you what you need!
Here is the Parent code
// ZigBee 4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat Control
def version() {return "v0.1b.20170609" }
/* Change Log
2017-06-09 removed the delay line for LOW speed start until ST platform issues are resolved
2017-06-01 removed singleInstance since we don't use a Service Manager, move Version Info, User Guide to Parent screen
2017-05-04 fixed user manual title to 4Speed, icons moved to KOF repo, user manual content revised
bugfix, even though published and I load this from MyApps it still is using the older version code from zwave parent/child
2017-04-27 starting modifications for zigbee
2017-04-11 Added 10.0 selection for Fan Differential Temp to mimic single speed control
2016-10-19 Ver2 Parent / Child app to allow for multiple use cases with a single install - @ericvitale
name: "4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - ZigBee - Parent",
namespace: "dcoffing",
author: "Dale Coffing",
description: "Thermostat control for ZigBee 4 Speed Ceiling Fan device (Home Decorators Ceiling Fan/Light Controller MR101Z) staging each speeds with any temperature sensor.",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "",
preferences {
page(name: "parentPage")
page(name: "aboutPage")
def parentPage() {
return dynamicPage(name: "parentPage", title: "", nextPage: "", install: true, uninstall: true) {
section("Create a new fan automation.") {
app(name: "childApps", appName: "4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - ZigBee", namespace: "dcoffing", title: "New ZigBee Ceiling Fan Automation", multiple: true)
section("Version Info, User's Guide") {
href (name: "aboutPage",
title: "4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat \n"+ version() +" \n"+"Copyright © 2017 Dale Coffing",
description: "Tap for SmartApp info & User's Guide",
image: "",
required: false,
page: "aboutPage"
def aboutPage() {
dynamicPage(name: "aboutPage", title: none, install: true, uninstall: true) {
section("User's Guide; 4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - ZigBee") {
paragraph textHelp()
def installed() {
def initialize() {
log.debug "Parent Initialized"
def initParent() {
log.debug "Parent Initialized"
private def textHelp() {
def text =
"This smartapp provides automatic control of 4 speeds on a"+
" ZigBee ceiling fan using any temperature sensor based on its' temperature setpoint"+
" turning on each speed automatically in 1 degree differential increments."+
" For example, if the desired room temperature setpoint is 72, speed 1 (low)"+
" turns on at 73, then speed 2 (medium) at 74, then speed 3 (med-high) at 75, then"+
" speed 4 (high) at 76. And vice versa on decreasing temperature until at 72 the ceiling"+
" fan turns off. The differential is adjustable from 0.5 to 2.0 in half degree increments. \n\n" +
"A notable feature is when low speed is initially requested from"+
" the off condition, high speed is turned on briefly to overcome the startup load"+
" then low speed is engaged. This mimics the pull chain switches that most"+
" manufacturers use by always starting in high speed. \n\n"+
"A motion option turns off automatic mode when no motion is detected. A thermostat"+
" mode option will disable the smartapp and pass control to manual control.\n\n"+
"This app written specifically for the 'KOF ZigBee Fan Controller Custom Device Handler' used"+
" in the Hampton Bay Wink Ceiling Fan MR101Z receiver in the Gardinier 52' Ceiling Fan or"+
" Universal Ceiling Fan Premier Remote from Home Depot."
and here is the Child code
// ZigBee 4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat Control
def version() {return "v0.1b.20170609" }
/* Change Log
2017-06-09 removed the delay line for LOW speed start until ST platform issues are resolved
2017-06-01 removed singleInstance since we don't use a Service Manager, move Version Info, User Guide to Parent screen
2017-05-04 fixed user manual title to 4Speed, icons moved to KOF repo, user manual content revised
bugfix, even though published and I load this from MyApps it still is using the older version code from zwave parent/child
2017-04-27 starting modifications for zigbee
2017-04-11 Added 10.0 selection for Fan Differential Temp to mimic single speed control
2016-10-19 Ver2 Parent / Child app to allow for multiple use cases with a single install - @ericvitale
name: "4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - ZigBee",
namespace: "dcoffing",
author: "Dale Coffing",
description: "Thermostat control for ZigBee 4 Speed Ceiling Fan device (Home Decorators Ceiling Fan/Light Controller MR101Z) staging each speeds with any temperature sensor.",
category: "My Apps",
parent: "dcoffing:4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - ZigBee - Parent",
singleInstance: false,
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: "",
preferences {
page(name: "childStartPage")
page(name: "optionsPage")
page(name: "aboutPage")
def childStartPage() {
dynamicPage(name: "childStartPage", title: "Select your devices and settings", install: true, uninstall: true) {
section("Select a room temperature sensor to control the fan..."){
input "tempSensor", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", multiple:false, title: "Temperature Sensor", required: true, submitOnChange: true
if (tempSensor) { //protects from a null error
section("Enter the desired room temperature setpoint...\n" + "NOTE: ${tempSensor.displayName} room temp is ${tempSensor.currentTemperature}° currently"){
input "setpoint", "decimal", title: "Room Setpoint Temp", defaultValue: tempSensor.currentTemperature, required: true
section("Enter the desired room temperature setpoint..."){
input "setpoint", "decimal", title: "Room Setpoint Temp", required: true
section("Select the Parent ceiling fan/light control hardware... (NOT the Light or Fan Speed Child )"){
// fanDimmer
input "fanSwitch", "capability.switch", multiple:false, title: "ZigBee Fan Control device", required: true
section("Optional Settings (Diff Temp, Timers, Motion, etc)") {
href (name: "optionsPage",
title: "Configure Optional settings",
description: none,
image: "",
required: false,
page: "optionsPage"
section("Name") {
label(title: "Assign a name", required: false)
/* section("Version Info, User's Guide") {
href (name: "aboutPage",
title: "4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat \n"+ version() +" \n"+"Copyright © 2017 Dale Coffing",
description: "Tap to get user's guide.",
image: "",
required: false,
page: "aboutPage"
*/ }
def optionsPage() {
dynamicPage(name: "optionsPage", title: "Configure Optional Settings", install: false, uninstall: false) {
section("Enter the desired differential temp between fan speeds (default=1.0)..."){
input "fanDiffTempString", "enum", title: "Fan Differential Temp", options: ["0.5","1.0","1.5","2.0","10.0"], required: false
section("Enable ceiling fan thermostat only if motion is detected at (optional, leave blank to not require motion)..."){
input "motionSensor", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Select Motion device", required: false, submitOnChange: true
if (motionSensor) {
section("Turn off ceiling fan thermostat when there's been no motion detected for..."){
input "minutesNoMotion", "number", title: "Minutes?", required: true
section("Select ceiling fan operating mode desired (default to 'YES-Auto'..."){
input "autoMode", "enum", title: "Enable Ceiling Fan Thermostat?", options: ["NO-Manual","YES-Auto"], required: false
section ("Change SmartApp name, Mode selector") {
mode title: "Set for specific mode(s)", required: false
def aboutPage() {
dynamicPage(name: "aboutPage", title: none, install: true, uninstall: true) {
section("User's Guide; 4 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - ZigBee") {
paragraph textHelp()
def installed() {
log.debug "def INSTALLED with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "def UPDATED with settings: ${settings}"
handleTemperature(tempSensor.currentTemperature) //call handleTemperature to bypass temperatureHandler method
def initialize() {
log.debug "def INITIALIZE with settings: ${settings}"
subscribe(tempSensor, "temperature", temperatureHandler) //call temperatureHandler method when any reported change to "temperature" attribute
if (motionSensor) {
subscribe(motionSensor, "motion", motionHandler) //call the motionHandler method when there is any reported change to the "motion" attribute
//Event Handler Methods
def temperatureHandler(evt) {
log.debug "temperatureHandler called: $evt"
log.debug "temperatureHandler evt.doubleValue : $evt"
def handleTemperature(temp) { //
log.debug "handleTemperature called: $evt"
def isActive = hasBeenRecentMotion()
if (isActive) {
//motion detected recently
tempCheck(temp, setpoint)
log.debug "handleTemperature ISACTIVE($isActive)"
else {
def motionHandler(evt) {
if (evt.value == "active") {
//motion detected
def lastTemp = tempSensor.currentTemperature
log.debug "motionHandler ACTIVE($isActive)"
if (lastTemp != null) {
tempCheck(lastTemp, setpoint)
} else if (evt.value == "inactive") { //testing to see if evt.value is indeed equal to "inactive" (vs evt.value to "active")
//motion stopped
def isActive = hasBeenRecentMotion() //define isActive local variable to returned true or false
log.debug "motionHandler INACTIVE($isActive)"
if (isActive) {
def lastTemp = tempSensor.currentTemperature
if (lastTemp != null) { //lastTemp not equal to null (value never been set)
tempCheck(lastTemp, setpoint)
else {
private tempCheck(currentTemp, desiredTemp)
log.debug "TEMPCHECK#1(CT=$currentTemp,SP=$desiredTemp,FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch,automode=$autoMode,FDTstring=$fanDiffTempString, FDTvalue=$fanDiffTempValue)"
//convert Fan Diff Temp input enum string to number value and if user doesn't select a Fan Diff Temp default to 1.0
def fanDiffTempValue = (settings.fanDiffTempString != null && settings.fanDiffTempString != "") ? Double.parseDouble(settings.fanDiffTempString): 1.0
//if user doesn't select autoMode then default to "YES-Auto"
def autoModeValue = (settings.autoMode != null && settings.autoMode != "") ? settings.autoMode : "YES-Auto"
def LowDiff = fanDiffTempValue*1
def MedDiff = fanDiffTempValue*2
def MedHighDiff = fanDiffTempValue*3
def HighDiff = fanDiffTempValue*4
log.debug "TEMPCHECK#2(CT=$currentTemp,SP=$desiredTemp,FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, automode=$autoMode,FDTstring=$fanDiffTempString, FDTvalue=$fanDiffTempValue)"
if (autoModeValue == "YES-Auto") {
switch (currentTemp - desiredTemp) {
case { it >= HighDiff }:
// turn on fan HIGH speed4
log.debug "HI speed(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, Speed=$currentsetFanSpeed, HighDiff=$HighDiff)"
case { it >= MedHighDiff }:
// turn on fan MED-HIGH speed3
log.debug "HI speed(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, Speed=$currentsetFanSpeed, HighDiff=$HighDiff)"
case { it >= MedDiff }:
// turn on fan MEDIUM speed2
log.debug "MED speed(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, MedDiff=$MedDiff)"
case { it >= LowDiff }:
// turn on fan LOW speed1
if (fanSwitch.currentSwitch == "off") { // if fan is OFF to make it easier on motor by
// fanSwitch.setSpeed(4) // starting fan in High speed temporarily then
// fanSwitch.setSpeed(1, [delay: 500]) // change to Low speed after 1/2 second
fanSwitch.setSpeed(1) // took out Hi speed start delay until ST platform issues are resolved causing HI speed stuck on
log.debug "LO speed after HI 3secs(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, LowDiff=$LowDiff)"
} else {
fanSwitch.setSpeed(1) //fan is already running, not necessary to protect motor
} //set Low speed immediately
log.debug "LO speed immediately(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, LowDiff=$LowDiff)"
// check to see if fan should be turned off
if (desiredTemp - currentTemp >= 0 ) { //below or equal to setpoint, turn off fan, zero level
log.debug "below SP+Diff=fan OFF (CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, autoMode=$autoMode,)"
log.debug "autoMode YES-MANUAL? else OFF(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FS=$fanSwitch.currentSwitch, autoMode=$autoMode,)"
private hasBeenRecentMotion()
def isActive = false
if (motionSensor && minutes) {
def deltaMinutes = minutes as Long
if (deltaMinutes) {
def motionEvents = motionSensor.eventsSince(new Date(now() - (60000 * deltaMinutes)))
log.trace "Found ${motionEvents?.size() ?: 0} events in the last $deltaMinutes minutes"
if (motionEvents.find { it.value == "active" }) {
isActive = true
else {
isActive = true
private def textHelp() {
def text =
"This smartapp provides automatic control of 4 speeds on a"+
" ZigBee ceiling fan using any temperature sensor based on its' temperature setpoint"+
" turning on each speed automatically in 1 degree differential increments."+
" For example, if the desired room temperature setpoint is 72, speed 1 (low)"+
" turns on at 73, then speed 2 (medium) at 74, then speed 3 (med-high) at 75, then"+
" speed 4 (high) at 76. And vice versa on decreasing temperature until at 72 the ceiling"+
" fan turns off. The differential is adjustable from 0.5 to 2.0 in half degree increments. \n\n" +
"A notable feature is when low speed is initially requested from"+
" the off condition, high speed is turned on briefly to overcome the startup load"+
" then low speed is engaged. This mimics the pull chain switches that most"+
" manufacturers use by always starting in high speed. \n\n"+
"A motion option turns off automatic mode when no motion is detected. A thermostat"+
" mode option will disable the smartapp and pass control to manual control.\n\n"+
"This app written specifically for the 'KOF ZigBee Fan Controller Custom Device Handler' used"+
" in the Hampton Bay Wink Ceiling Fan MR101Z receiver in the Gardinier 52' Ceiling Fan or"+
" Universal Ceiling Fan Premier Remote from Home Depot."