3 Speed Fan based on temp

One of the custom apps I used most on smart things was the dcoffing 3 speed thermostat. It kept my bedroom fan at exactly the right speed per temp. I tried porting it over using the known tricks, but it errors out when trying to create a new automation. Don't suppose anyone has gotten this to work? All the ones ive been able to find are only turning the fan on at a certain temp, and I liked the ability for the fan to increase based on how far above the temp it was.

original source:

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You should be able to replicate this functionality in Rule Machine using a temp sensor as a trigger.

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yeah I tried, but I had trouble getting it to fire on anything more than just the first temp. I could get it to work with 3 or more rules, but that seems like a invitation for conflict.

Looking at the code, it just seems to use the ‘setLevel’ or switchLevel command, like a dimmer or bulb.
Does you fan have the ‘setLevel’ or ‘switchLevel’ command on it’s device page?


Yeah my GE Fan switch has that. Also works with Low medium high

Should be easy enough to create it from scratch.
Depends really what you want it to do.

I assume this is a cooling fan?

Yeah. I fully accept it could probably be done with the rules engine, but it hurts my brain.

And I thought I’d just got my next project :slight_smile:


I have GE smart fan switches and my handler doesn't look like yours. Is that something special to get the High/medium/low option?

The problem you are having is because Dale, like many devs in ST, is using a hybrid method that allows you to merge the child and parent apps into one "hybrid" app. You will need to split the app into 2 separate apps for it to work in HE.

First delete the hybrid app you have installed.
Then install the parent app
then the child app.
See code below.

///   Virtual Thermostat for 3 Speed Ceiling Fan Control (PARENT)
///   Copyright 2016 SmartThings, Dale Coffing
    name: "3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - Parent",
    namespace: "dcoffing",
    author: "Dale Coffing",
    description: "Automatic control for 3 Speed Ceiling Fan using Low, Medium, High speeds with any temperature sensor.",
    category: "My Apps",
    singleInstance: true,
	iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft125x125.png", 
   	iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft250x250.png",
	iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft250x250.png",

preferences {
        page(name: "parentPage")
        page(name: "aboutPage")

def parentPage() {
	return dynamicPage(name: "parentPage", title: "", nextPage: "", install: true, uninstall: true) {
        section("Create a new fan automation.") {
            app(name: "childApps", appName: "3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat" , namespace: "dcoffing", title: "New Fan Automation", multiple: true)

Edit: forgot to edit the initialize() method...updated below

   Virtual Thermostat for 3 Speed Ceiling Fan Control
   Copyright 2016 SmartThings, Dale Coffing
   This smartapp provides automatic control of Low, Medium, High speeds of a ceiling fan using 
   any temperature sensor with optional motion override. 
   It requires two hardware devices; any temperature sensor and a dimmer type smart fan controller
   such as the GE 12730 or Leviton VRF01-1LX. Incorporates contributions from:
   Eric Vitale (https://github.com/ericvitale/SmartThingsPublic/blob/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.groovy)
  Change Log
  2017-04-11 Added 10.0 selection for Fan Differential Temp to mimic single speed control
  2016-10-19 Ver2 Parent / Child app to allow for multiple use cases with a single install - @ericvitale
  2016-06-30 added dynamic temperature display on temperature setpoint input text
  2016-06-28 x.1 version update
  			added submitOnChange for motion so to skip minutes input next if no motion selected
 			changed order of inputs for better logic flow
            added separate input page for Configuring Settings to reduce clutter on required inputs
            change to other mode techinque to see if it will force a reevaluate of methods
            renamed fanHiSpeed to fanSpeed for more generic use, added 0.0 on timer selection
            changed motion detector minutes input only if motion selected submitOnChange
  2016-06-03 modified the 3 second startup to 1 for low speed
  2016-5-30 added dynamicPages for user guide, combined version data with aboutPage parameters which
  			gives a larger icon image then if used alone in paragraph mode.
  2016-5-19 code clean up only
  2016-5-17 fanDiffTemp input changed to use enum with preselected values to overcome range:"0.1..2.0" bug
  2016-5-16 fixed typo with motion to motionSensor in hasBeenRecentMotion()
            fixed IDE integration with ST by making another change to file name specifics.
  2016-5-15 fixed fan differenial decimal point error by removing range: "1..99", removed all fanDimmer.setLevel(0)
 	         added iconX3Url, reworded preferences, rename evaluate to tempCheck for clarity,
 	         best practices to utilize initialize() method & replace motion with motionSensor,
  2016-5-14 Fan temperature differential variable added, best practices to change sensor to tempSensor,
  2016-5-13 best practices to replace ELSE IF for SWITCH statements on fan speeds, removed emergency temp control
  2016-5-12 added new icons for 3SFC, colored text in 3SFC125x125.png and 3sfc250x250.png
  2016-5-6  (e)minor changes to text, labels, for clarity, (^^^e)default to NO-Manual for thermostat mode 
  2016-5-5c clean code, added current ver section header, allow for multiple fan controllers,
            replace icons to ceiling fan, modify name from Control to Thermostat
  2016-5-5b @krlaframboise change to bypasses the temperatureHandler method and calls the tempCheck method
            with the current temperature and setpoint setting
  2016-5-5  autoMode added for manual override of auto control/*
  2016-5-4b cleaned debug logs, removed heat-cool selection, removed multiple stages
  2016-5-3  fixed error on not shutting down, huge shout out to my bro Stephen Coffing in the logic formation 
  I modified the SmartThngs original Virtual Thermostat code which is buggy. Known issues
  -[Fixed] when SP is updated, temp control isn't evaluated immediately, an event must trigger like change in temp, motion
  - if load is previously running when smartapp is loaded, it isn't evaluated immediately to turn off when SetPt>CurrTemp
  - temperature control is not evaluated when making a mode change, have to wait for something to change like temp
  Thanks to @krlaframboise, @MikeMaxwell for help in solving issues for a first time coder. @MichaelS for icon background
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
   in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
   on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
   for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    name: "3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat",
    namespace: "dcoffing",
    author: "Dale Coffing",
    description: "Automatic control for 3 Speed Ceiling Fan using Low, Medium, High speeds with any temperature sensor.",
    category: "My Apps",
    parent: "dcoffing:3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat - Parent",
    singleInstance: true,
	iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft125x125.png", 
   	iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft250x250.png",
	iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft250x250.png",

preferences {
        page(name: "childStartPage")
        page(name: "optionsPage")
        page(name: "aboutPage")

def childStartPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "childStartPage", title: "Select your devices and settings", install: true, uninstall: true) {
        section("Select a room temperature sensor to control the fan..."){
			input "tempSensor", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", multiple:false, title: "Temperature Sensor", required: true, submitOnChange: true  
        if (tempSensor) {  //protects from a null error
    		section("Enter the desired room temperature setpoint...\n" + "NOTE: ${tempSensor.displayName} room temp is ${tempSensor.currentTemperature}° currently"){
        		input "setpoint", "decimal", title: "Room Setpoint Temp", defaultValue: tempSensor.currentTemperature, required: true
        	section("Enter the desired room temperature setpoint..."){
        		input "setpoint", "decimal", title: "Room Setpoint Temp", required: true
        section("Select the ceiling fan control hardware..."){
			input "fanDimmer", "capability.switchLevel", 
	    	multiple:false, title: "Fan Control device", required: true
        section("Optional Settings (Diff Temp, Timers, Motion, etc)") {
			href (name: "optionsPage", 
        	title: "Configure Optional settings", 
        	description: none,
        	image: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/evap-cooler-thermostat.src/settings250x250.png",
        	required: false,
        	page: "optionsPage"
        section("Name") {
        	label(title: "Assign a name", required: false)
        section("Version Info, User's Guide") {
			href (name: "aboutPage", 
			title: "3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat \n"+"Version:2.170411 \n"+"Copyright © 2016 Dale Coffing", 
			description: "Tap to get user's guide.",
			image: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dcoffing/SmartThingsPublic/master/smartapps/dcoffing/3-speed-ceiling-fan-thermostat.src/3scft125x125.png",
			required: false,
			page: "aboutPage"

def optionsPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "optionsPage", title: "Configure Optional Settings", install: false, uninstall: false) {
       	section("Enter the desired differential temp between fan speeds (default=1.0)..."){
			input "fanDiffTempString", "enum", title: "Fan Differential Temp", options: ["0.5","1.0","1.5","2.0","10.0"], required: false
		section("Enable ceiling fan thermostat only if motion is detected at (optional, leave blank to not require motion)..."){
			input "motionSensor", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Select Motion device", required: false, submitOnChange: true
        if (motionSensor) {
			section("Turn off ceiling fan thermostat when there's been no motion detected for..."){
				input "minutesNoMotion", "number", title: "Minutes?", required: true
        section("Select ceiling fan operating mode desired (default to 'YES-Auto'..."){
			input "autoMode", "enum", title: "Enable Ceiling Fan Thermostat?", options: ["NO-Manual","YES-Auto"], required: false
    	section ("Change SmartApp name, Mode selector") {
		mode title: "Set for specific mode(s)", required: false

def aboutPage() {
	dynamicPage(name: "aboutPage", title: none, install: true, uninstall: true) {
     	section("User's Guide; 3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat") {
        	paragraph textHelp()

private def appName() { return "${parent ? "3 Speed Fan Automation" : "3 Speed Ceiling Fan Thermostat"}" }

def installed() {
	log.debug "def INSTALLED with settings: ${settings}"

def updated() {
	log.debug "def UPDATED with settings: ${settings}"
    handleTemperature(tempSensor.currentTemperature) //call handleTemperature to bypass temperatureHandler method 

def initialize() {
	log.debug "def INITIALIZE with settings: ${settings}"
	subscribe(tempSensor, "temperature", temperatureHandler) //call temperatureHandler method when any reported change to "temperature" attribute
	if (motionSensor) {
		subscribe(motionSensor, "motion", motionHandler) //call the motionHandler method when there is any reported change to the "motion" attribute
                                  //Event Handler Methods                     
def temperatureHandler(evt) {
	log.debug "temperatureHandler called: $evt"	
	log.debug "temperatureHandler evt.doubleValue : $evt"

def handleTemperature(temp) {		//
	log.debug "handleTemperature called: $evt"	
	def isActive = hasBeenRecentMotion()
	if (isActive) {
		//motion detected recently
		tempCheck(temp, setpoint)
		log.debug "handleTemperature ISACTIVE($isActive)"
	else {

def motionHandler(evt) {
	if (evt.value == "active") {
		//motion detected
		def lastTemp = tempSensor.currentTemperature
		log.debug "motionHandler ACTIVE($isActive)"
		if (lastTemp != null) {
			tempCheck(lastTemp, setpoint)
	} else if (evt.value == "inactive") {		//testing to see if evt.value is indeed equal to "inactive" (vs evt.value to "active")
		//motion stopped
		def isActive = hasBeenRecentMotion()	//define isActive local variable to returned true or false
		log.debug "motionHandler INACTIVE($isActive)"
		if (isActive) {
			def lastTemp = tempSensor.currentTemperature
			if (lastTemp != null) {				//lastTemp not equal to null (value never been set) 
				tempCheck(lastTemp, setpoint)
		else {

private tempCheck(currentTemp, desiredTemp)
	log.debug "TEMPCHECK#1(CT=$currentTemp,SP=$desiredTemp,FD=$fanDimmer.currentSwitch,FD_LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, automode=$autoMode,FDTstring=$fanDiffTempString, FDTvalue=$fanDiffTempValue)"
    //convert Fan Diff Temp input enum string to number value and if user doesn't select a Fan Diff Temp default to 1.0 
    def fanDiffTempValue = (settings.fanDiffTempString != null && settings.fanDiffTempString != "") ? Double.parseDouble(settings.fanDiffTempString): 1.0
    //if user doesn't select autoMode then default to "YES-Auto"
    def autoModeValue = (settings.autoMode != null && settings.autoMode != "") ? settings.autoMode : "YES-Auto"	
    def LowDiff = fanDiffTempValue*1 
    def MedDiff = fanDiffTempValue*2
    def HighDiff = fanDiffTempValue*3
	log.debug "TEMPCHECK#2(CT=$currentTemp,SP=$desiredTemp,FD=$fanDimmer.currentSwitch,FD_LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, automode=$autoMode,FDTstring=$fanDiffTempString, FDTvalue=$fanDiffTempValue)"
	if (autoModeValue == "YES-Auto") {
    	switch (currentTemp - desiredTemp) {
        	case { it  >= HighDiff }:
        		// turn on fan high speed
            	log.debug "HI speed(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FD-LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, HighDiff=$HighDiff)"
	        break  //exit switch statement 
		case { it >= MedDiff }:
            	// turn on fan medium speed
            	log.debug "MED speed(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FD-LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, MedDiff=$MedDiff)"
       		case { it >= LowDiff }:
            	// turn on fan low speed
            	if (fanDimmer.currentSwitch == "off") {		// if fan is OFF to make it easier on motor by   
            		fanDimmer.setLevel(90)					// starting fan in High speed temporarily then 
                	fanDimmer.setLevel(30, [delay: 1000])	// change to Low speed after 1 second
                	log.debug "LO speed after HI 3secs(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FD-LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, LowDiff=$LowDiff)"
          		} else {
                	fanDimmer.setLevel(30)	//fan is already running, not necessary to protect motor
            	}							//set Low speed immediately
            	log.debug "LO speed immediately(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FD-LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, LowDiff=$LowDiff)"
            	// check to see if fan should be turned off
            	if (desiredTemp - currentTemp >= 0 ) {	//below or equal to setpoint, turn off fan, zero level
            		log.debug "below SP+Diff=fan OFF (CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FD-LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, FD=$fanDimmer.currentSwitch,autoMode=$autoMode,)"
                log.debug "autoMode YES-MANUAL? else OFF(CT=$currentTemp, SP=$desiredTemp, FD-LVL=$fanDimmer.currentLevel, FD=$fanDimmer.currentSwitch,autoMode=$autoMode,)"

private hasBeenRecentMotion()
	def isActive = false
	if (motionSensor && minutes) {
		def deltaMinutes = minutes as Long
		if (deltaMinutes) {
			def motionEvents = motionSensor.eventsSince(new Date(now() - (60000 * deltaMinutes)))
			log.trace "Found ${motionEvents?.size() ?: 0} events in the last $deltaMinutes minutes"
			if (motionEvents.find { it.value == "active" }) {
				isActive = true
	else {
		isActive = true

private def textHelp() {
	def text =
		"This smartapp provides automatic control of Low, Medium, High speeds of a"+
		" ceiling fan using any temperature sensor based on its' temperature setpoint"+
        " turning on each speed automatically in 1 degree differential increments."+
        " For example, if the desired room temperature setpoint is 72, the low speed"+
        " turns on first at 73, the medium speed turns on at 74, the high speed turns"+
        " on at 75. And vice versa on decreasing temperature until at 72 the ceiling"+
        " fan turns off. The differential is adjustable from 0.5 to 2.0 in half degree increments. \n\n" +
        "A notable feature is when low speed is initially requested from"+
        " the off condition, high speed is turned on briefly to overcome the startup load"+
        " then low speed is engaged. This mimics the pull chain switches that most"+
        " manufacturers use by always starting in high speed. \n\n"+
      	"A motion option turns off automatic mode when no motion is detected. A thermostat"+
        " mode option will disable the smartapp and pass control to manual control.\n\n"+
        "@ChadCK's 'Z-Wave Smart Fan Control Custom Device Handler' along with hardware"+
        " designed specifically for motor control such as the GE 12730 Z-Wave Smart Fan Control or"+
        " Leviton VRF01-1LX works well together with this smartapp."

Does compile and run now, however the app doesn't show up in the App List after I configure one. If I try to load it again I do see the previous child app on that page.

I had something similat happen when I first ported ABC over. I can add the code for that and post for you later.

What happens is that you end up configuring the child before completely creating the parent. If you want to test it out now...delete the app from your app list (not the code). Then add it back..but his time click on done before setting up any child apps. This way it initialized the parent completely. Now you can go back in and create the child.

What I did in ABC was force you to hit done the first time the app is loaded. Then when you reopen the app it provides the options to create new children. Just a few lines of code.

That worked perfectly. Thank you. I had that happen previously but I didnt think of it. Seems like you should always click done prior to installing any child apps.

This app works great for one of my fans. But how do I add another fan for another room? When I click Add Fan Automation, instead of creating another child, it just replaces the one I had defined previously.

I don't know coding well enough to allow more than one fan to be installed.

NVM. Found the issue. After pouring over code of other apps, I had to remove the singleInstance: true statement in the child's definitions.

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I found this setting in the parent app, not child, and deleted it, but I still can get only one fan automation. Anything else special you had to do to get this to work?

The parent app still has singleInstance: true in it. But if you look at the child code in a few posts above, there is a singleInstance: true in it in the definition space. Right under the parent: section.

That is the one I deleted.