2 way Zigbee relay for door Control

I have just installed a relay for a door, for my robot hoover. I need to set a max opening time on the switch is this possible. I came up with this but it doesn't work

I don't use RM at all but surely this is as simple as, if relay is open for x mins, then close

That rule looks like it would do what you are looking for. Could you turn on all logging and post those logs? This will allow us to see what it is actually doing.

I worked it out getting the hang of it sort of

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is there any way to only run the open door action if the door is closed as the automation can run twice opening the door and jamming if the robot gets asked to clean twice and it would be nice to have a safety to prevent the open button being pressed if the door hasn't already closed

Yes, you can try a “Required Expression” of “Door is closed” and see if that works.

does that look right ?

It looks right. If it doesn’t run correctly, turn on logging and take a screenshot of the results. That will help us determine the issue.

I really don't know what to do with the expressions part of the rules yet need more help on this one coz the door opener I made will soon break like this, maybe tomorrow, pleased with what I have done and tired now

tried everything

The second screenshot will not run because there is an “AND” and no expression before it. The “AND” needs to be removed.

On the left, towards the bottom, there is a drop-down called “Logging”. Select all the options and then when the run ran, check the logs (on the left bottom of the screen, in the menu (dark) area.

You will be able to see Current Logs (logs that happened since you opened it) and past logs. On the top, select “Opening door times”. Selecting this will filter the logs to show only those for this rule. Take a screenshot of these logs and it post it here so that we may see what happens.

still not working and not much info to go with from the logs

@postmanjess are you using just one of the relay dry contacts to control your garage opener?
One On/Off sequence of the relay opens the door, next relay activation closes the door?

Or the door opening or the closing is controlled individually, each operation by a different relay?

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each operation is a different relay I think https://www.amazon.co.uk/MHCOZY-Adjustable-Self-Lock-Momentary-SmartThings/dp/B08YY7XFS3/ref=asc_df_B08YY7XFS3/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=570384070781&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14257850191983939689&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045006&hvtargid=pla-1245420234403&psc=1

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This is a general-purpose relay board, my question was about your door opener. What make/model is it? Is it controlled by a single momentary push button, or provide separate 'open' and 'close' inputs for control?

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its something like that

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This will be a very interesting project... I have a similar need to automatically close and open one of the doors inside my house.

You mentioned a cupboard door in the other thread and this actuator has a load capacity of 750N. Can the door be also opened manually when the actuator is mounted?

this relay has no hard wired switch but I read it can be paired with 400mhz I think, but I was just going to set up a zigbee switch and set a rule to open and close it manually f I can get there

that got to be close

I come up with that but it still doesn't work