[] Thermostat tile highlighted for “off” mode, and non-existent modes show as empty

@gopher.ny - 2 dashboard issues to note yet on thermostats.

  • My thermostat modes are off, but the background and icon are highlighted as if they are on.
  • I’m getting some “empties” in my fan modes and also in my floor thermostat operating modes. See images below with supported fan and operating modes. I’m assuming the empties are happening because there are missing modes that the tile configuration is expecting? I’m not sure why the Zen thermostat Hubitat driver doesn’t have an “off” fan mode, but for the floor thermostats, there is no fan capability (physically), and it only has heat or off since they are solely controlling an electric heating cable and have no cooling capability.

The “floor heat” thermostats are a custom driver, so maybe something going on there, but the “Guest Rooms Thermostat” is a Zen thermostat on the Hubitat driver and “Heat Pump” thermostats are virtual thermostats, so not sure why they aren’t working correctly.

Floor Thermostats:

Zen Thermostats:

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Checking that.


Confirming the tile/icon highlighting looks good in

Any progress on looking into the “empty” value being displayed for “missing” modes?

How about .147, it should no longer show "empty" selections?

Doesn't look like it's fixed in all cases. The "Heat Pump" thermostats, which are virtual thermostats are fine, but the others are still showing the issue. (I did clear cache, add/remove devices, and then created a whole new test dashboard... all with no success.)

Figured the issue with "empty", fix coming soon.


That did it. No “empties” showing, and only show the modes available for the thermostat.

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Thanks for your feedback. Since this is a message from the future (the fix is currently in beta) I am not going to move this post as the update is coming out shortly for everyone.

Thanks. Doing so much beta testing recently, forgot this one was on the prod release.

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Just a note .. I too have this ...

This should be fixed in the next general release. I inadvertently posted the results of my beta tests in this non-beta thread.

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The public release has arrived, please update and let us know if you still have problems.


Yeap fixed .. great job guys :slight_smile:

However the new helper tiles are weird .. text is not centered ?
I would guess most would want it centered.
