[] C8 Z-Wave dropout at random times of the day


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Buy-it-now says Friday!

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@brad5 , can I ask were you got that awesome graph.

@jtp10181 can I ask were you get that cpu graph?

Hub info driver stats sent to InfluxDB and charted on Grafana.

And here's what is meant by "Hub Info Driver:"

ah, so you setup influxDB/Grafana on a separate system and are externally monitoring you Hubitat, is that correct? By chance did you setup InfruxDB/Grafana on a raspberryPi or did you use a PC?

I used to have it on Windows, but now it is on a VM running "DietPi" which is just a lightweight debian build. It can work on pretty much any platform.

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We are officially off of the POE adapter, and running the OEM power cable. So far everything is good. Devices are nice and responsive, and everything has been updating well. Going to holdout on updating to the update, just to only change one variable at a time. Time will tell whether this fixes things or not. Looking forward to hearing others experience swapping out as well!


A combination of the hub info driver from @thebearmay and Hubigraphs, which I think is still available via HPM


OMG OMG OMG I was actually able to use my ring security keypad this evening to disarm my alarm system! Big plus for the police not showing up!

Not ready to declare victory yet but positive signs ditching the PoE splitter. 4am bathroom run (hey iā€™m of that age) will seal the deal.


I have had very good results since removing the hub from the POE splitter. Everything is snappy and responsive. Ghost nodes that couldn't be removed were easily dispatched. It's only been about 4 hours and I intend to test it for several days but so far it is working far better than it ever has. For the last 4 hours I have been happy I migrated to the C8, even my 3 Schlage locks are working the best they ever have. Finger crossed!!!


I am using a Unifi 8 port POE, which is powering 5 Hubitats and 2 Harmony Hubs. No issues with it prior to the C8s being introduced.

Its just been a few hours for me, but things so far seem better too. Devices seem more responsive, and the delays that happened when toggling a device seem to be reduced. Dashboard also updates more quickly, showing a switch has been turned on or off.

So far, its been very good!

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This morning things still seem pretty good. I did have a slow response from my ring keypad this morning but it did eventually respond and it functioned correctly all night. No 5am blackout either. I did also move backups to 9am so we'll see but so far things are looking a lot better.

Just had the same z-wave dropout I've been having... so I have to say at least in my case it is not all the PoE sensor.

Multiple z-wave devices are not reporting in though I can see by their indicator lights they are sensing motion.

I changed the backups to kick off at 9:15, the spike occurs shortly thereafter, and my z-wave network ceases to function. I also noticed that although the local backup ran, the cloud backup failed.

At this point I think I can say pretty conclusively that something in the scheduled backup process is causing my z-wave network to fail. That may not be the ONLY problem but it is definitely A problem

You may want to try and isolate it between local and cloud backups. At least in the past only the cloud backups did the radio NVM backup, so it could be that only the cloud backups are triggering it.

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A simple reboot seems to be restoring functionality.

And yes that's an excellent idea. I have disabled cloud backups and I'll try it manually.

Well... neither a cloud nor a local backup executed manually seems to cause the issue. But I noticed you cannot set the two to automatically run at a different time. Perhaps it is the confluence of the two causing the issue? Or perhaps when you fire off a manual backup the same cleanup does not occur?

I'll try disabling one for a while and then the other.

@bobbyd is there anything you guys could gain by looking at the engineering logs and seeing what's going on during those automated backups?

Yeah ring keypads offline again. PoE splitter was not the issue. I think my earlier good news was just the placebo effect. Definitely a hub process or something related breaking z-wave,