[] With Thermostat Schedulers (2.0.1), one of the children is not set to hold ON by Rule Machine (5.1.4)

I would like to report what seems to be an issue (potential bug?) Please apologize if this is not the appropriate channel, as it is not clear for me how to direct this request to the technical support team.

The setup:
Platform version:
Rule Machine: Version 5.1.4 (1/15/2033)
Thermostat Schedulers: Version 2.0.1 (1/1/2023)
2 Devices:

  • Thermostat 1: manufacturer: Sinope Technologies / model: TH1400ZB / softwareBuild: 00000703
  • Thermostat 2: manufacturer: Sinope Technologies / model: TH1124ZB / softwareBuild: 02400203
    One instance of Thermostat Schedulers, with 2 children (each thermostat).

My use case is to put the 2 Thermostat Schedulers children on hold momentarily, to set the temperature by a rule. This action is triggered by a virtual switch at a specific time.

For this, I created a rule which:

  • needs a Virtual Switch to be ON (Required Expression)
  • is triggered at a specific time (such as 4AM today)
  • set the Thermostat Schedulers children to Hold On on the 2 thermostats mentioned above
    The action reads: Thermostat Scheduler for Thermostat 1, Thermostat 2: Set Hold on
  • set the temperature at a specific value
  • set the Thermostat Schedulers to Hold Off after a specific time, so the Scheduler could resume with their regular time schedules.

This rule was triggered this morning at 4AM.

The Rule Machine logic runs fine (everything was triggered when it should be, and all actions were ran) This is confirmed from the log file.

However, the Thermostat Scheduler: Thermostat 1 was not set to hold ON ! (while the Thermostat Scheduler: Thermostat 2 was)

When looking at the log files, I find the following entry for the Thermostat Scheduler: Thermostat 2
app:259 2023-01-25 04:00:00.545 info Hold On from External
This is expected.

But this info cannot be found for the Thermostat Scheduler: Thermostat 1

To be noted that the temperature on both thermostat was changed to the correct setpoint.
The only issue was that the Set Hold on action was not apply consistently to all selected children.

If needs be, I can provide more info to troubleshoot this issue. Thanks in advance for looking into this!

This needs to be 2 separate actions, one for each Thermostat Scheduler.

Hello Bruce, thanks for the quick feedback!
I will update my rules accordingly and monitor the situation for the next time the rule are triggered.

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