- Mode Manager switching to incorrect mode on reboot

Thanks @tray_e , I've been on the platform for over 4 years, still running a C3 and never heard the term shadow mode. Learn something new everyday


I had not noticed it until today either (presumably for the same reason as you.... checking my logs to see what modes transitioned when after I rebooted). I noticed the shadow modes and figured it out based on the times and the fact that it remained in away even though shadow mode was following the schedule.

The upside is I now have an RM rule to effectively fix my modes on reboot if something like this happens again. I have it stopped now that they fixed it.

Happy new year @bravenel and all.
Still having a problem when hub reboots if a mode is being set by switch after upgradeing. Let me elaborate:
I have two modes, Home and Night (from the days of Smartthings); Night triggers at sunset and Home triggers at sunrise. When we go to bed, we say good night to Alexa, who then turns on a virtual switch to change the mode to asleep (if the switch is switched off during the night the mode goes back to night). In the morning at sunrise, the hub changes back to home whether it was in sleeping or night. This morning when I updated and when the hub rebooted, it switched from asleep to night, when it should have stayed in sleep and waited for sunrise to switch to home.
Perhaps a way to disable the restore hub on reboot would be a good pathway out of this?

Did you update to

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Yes. The behaviour I am describing was after I updated to


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I had the original issue with .127 when hub rebooted while we were home it set mode to away. I just updated to .128 and rebooted....I was not home at the time and the hub was "away" when it rebooted it switched the hub to "morning" it's never done that before.

Tagging @bravenel @gopher.ny


After .128 the hub rebooted and the mode was fine

Went to bed at about 10:00, at midnight the mode changed back to Evening "by update"

Not good to deal with after just 2 hours of sleep

I just rebooted again and it is consistent. Set my mode back to Morning.

Something is really goofy with my modes. This is in my logs:

The hub is telling me it's in "Day" mode. My Room Lighting apps thinks it's "Morning" mode.

What mode was your hub in when you rebooted it? And was that mode set from the Times table in Mode Manager, or by some other mechanism? Please post a screenshot of the Times table from Mode Manager.

I was remote and hub was in Away mode. I remotely rebooted hub and it switched to morning mode when it rebooted.

Away mode would have been set by presence in the Mode Manager.

Thanks. That will be fixed in the next release.


Mine did the same thing.

How about the issue I saw with my post above, here:

You can see in the logs the hub thought it was in Day and Morning mode at the same time.

Please show the RL setup page.

Here is the one that activated for "morning" even thought it was Day.

It's as if it missed the mode change when you changed it to Day mode, after Mode Manager erroneously set it to Morning. Yet, it shows Day mode for the condition.

It logs mode changes...

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In my case, it went to Sleep mode at 9:55pm as part of my good night routine, at midnight it went to Evening Mode by Update, no reboot was performed