There's multiple ways to use the Topology map, none of them intuitive.
First, the horizontal is from a devices' viewpoint and the vertical is from the opposite direction. In other words, Node 6 might be able to see Node 1 but Node 1 cannot see Node 6. ie. Non-symmetricalities exist.
Another way to look at the map is purely political.. How many seats did Republicans win vs Democrats? Ok, so THAT joke fails instantly when it is revealed that the more blue (connectivity) exists, the healthier the Mesh. In other words, if you compare your Map to mine, the one with a higher percentage of Blue has the healthier mesh. And if it turns out I lose, then my task is to increase blue via repeaters or repositioning of existing repeaters.
Yet another way to review it is to confirm that there are at least two different paths possible between Node 1 and Node X, thus giving the potential to have a path, even as furniture gets moved around in the house.