2.2.4 Update - Rules not working correctly

Click on the red error box?
It takes me to the rule

I'm seeing something similar (I think). I applied the 2.2.4 update today, and one of my rules that activates a few scenes at different times didn't work tonight. In the logs I am seeing this when it tried to activate a scene:

Clicking on the red error box just takes me to the rule in RM that is having the issue. Prior to today, this rule has been running fine for months. Anyone know what's happening here?

Speaking of scenes, when I make a rule now, certain scenes are not included in the choices list.
Is it something wrong with rules, or scenes? Or both?

This bug was identified, and a fix will be in the next hot fix release.

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Will rebuilding all of the rules in RM help in the meantime?
None of my pre-update rules are working at present (well, most aren't)

Open Groups and Scenes, the parent app for Scene-1.2. Hit Done.

That should make them all show up in Rule Machine. Do a page refresh for any open rule.

@bravenel upgrading from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 corrupted one of my rules and I cannot edit it any more. I get unexpected error:

Here is the log error:

Do I need to recreate this rule or is there a bug to fix? It’s a long rule that I will need to restore a backup to my dev hub to recreate.

You might try rolling back to the oldest version of the platform you can, and see if it's still broken there. Let me know...

I have an idea about your rule. If you would export it and send me the json file, I may be able to repair it. No promises, but worth taking a quick look at. Also, it would help if you would post the Application State for the App Status page -- gear icon.

@bravenel thank you sir, composing a PM now!