[2.2.4] Automations using Ecolink (and other battery powered) sensors delayed or unresponsive

That is strange.. But useful

I originally reported the problem as something with RM because of this, but was clearly wrong.

Also, the time it took to recreate the automation may have been enough time to get beyond the "delay time" so it might not be related at all.

std contact sensor driver as everyone else..

have seen delay in rule machine, simple automation and event engine..
my sensors are all the ver 2.5 zwave plus variant.

it might be interesting if there was an older non stock driver floating around that could be tried..

my automations i saw problems with were these







here are the Ecolink door tilt sensors:

i have a sniffer now if you want me to try and update and run my automations again.. as long as you are sure i can go back to 2.2.3 if need be..


I think I found the issue.. To confirm.. Can y'all switch to "Ring Alarm Contact Sensor" driver which should be compatible at it's base.. and run on


Not the G2 version?


Should I do the Ecolink tilt sensors as well?

you can try.. Iā€™m not familiar with their messaging though

If this works.. There may be some other battery devices that may be having the same issue that will be addressed... Just need confirmation that it fixes this device.


Done. 6 Ecolink contact sensors and 3 Ecolink tilt sensors

Let me know

Might be a while.

You are still getting open/closed events on the new driver right?

This was most often an overnight thing, right?

If my theory is correct .. it was happening roughly every 12 hours per device.. Well it's possible not every device.. depending on when the last battery report was.

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FWIW, I have been experiencing very similar issues as @velvetfoot (automations slow, stop working, start working again at random), but I am using an Aeotec Door/Windows Sensor 6. I just switched the driver to the Ring one and everything just started working...I will monitor as well...


All of the contact sensors' rules work.
I checked operation of one tilt sensor, and that registered when garage door operated.


what about the one motion sensor i was seeing with the issue.. obviously cannot chage that to the same driver.. anyway i am not on 2.2.4 again yet.. so hoping this works.