2.07 New dashboards

When it's ready. We don't set release dates. We release when we have the build tested and issues are resolved.

Some builds take longer to bake than others. However, we have been pretty good at averaging about every 2-3 weeks.


is there anyway to get the image tiles to stretch the image to fill the tile?

While we're on the topic of feature requests... how about being able to build our own custom tiles?

Background: I have Aeon Multisensor 6's around my house. They report temperature, humidity, illuminance, UV, motion and vibration. When I select the "Multisensor" template, I get this:

That's the temperature in the top left, battery strength in top middle, then a whole lot of waste space without showing me the other metrics available.

Sorry to say this hasn't been fixed in 2.0.9.

What browser? I've lost the details on this. Please provide step by step instructions on how to reproduce the issue.

@Patrick post 196
Using chrome on my mobile and pc.
Hard refreshed both and it's still happening.

I can confirm this is now fixed.

I didn't see the answer to this question. I used
ColorZilla that installs via add on in your browser:
and came up with this for
red hex # 800000
green hex # 008000

Hi @patrick
On my hub I use the 24hr clock.
If I open a tile, a switch for arguments sake, and then click on history, I can see the times when the switch turned on and off.
Unfortunately if the time is between 00:00 and 00:59 the time will be displayed as 12:00 and 12:59.
This means it could be interpreted as between noon and 13:00 not midnight and 01:00.
Is this just something wrong with my setup or are you seeing this as well.

Do you want me to raise a ticket?

Hi @patrick
So what do you want me to with this.
I appreciate your busy but......

Ticket raised to try and get some traction on this bug. 13155

Thanks for reporting, it appears to be a display issue / bug. Haven't had time to look into it. In the mean time you can always switch to am/pm as a workaround to adjust. Or use the web ui to confirm.

Appreciate the bug report.

Agree. Custom tile text is particularly needed for multi function devices. For example I have a contact/temp sensor that monitors both a tank water level and a separate enclosure's temperature. It would be nice to have one tile that says "Tank full" and, (on another Dashboard), another tile monitoring a different parameter and labeled "Controller Temp" I have several other examples of this need here as well.

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On your dashboard. Are you able to change the background of the Modes tile? If so how?

Is there a way to deal with linked device names better?

I have 1 master hub that runs all the processes and then 2 hubs that all the actual devices are connected to. So, all my devices end up with horrible names like:
Master Tub on MillerTime Living Rm

I'd REALLY like to get rid of the name of the hub that is hosting the device.

Did you enter a Label for the device? Then the dashboard will use that instead of Device Name.

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woot woot! thanks! A gajillion times better now!

I put a :link: at end of Device label so I know it is actually paired to other hub and :house: at end of devices coming in from Home Assistant Device Bridge.

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