If I were in the market for blinds, these would be a possibility.
Did a quick read and see they are charged via USB but I didn’t see how to charge them. Get on a ladder and plug in a cable or is the battery removable like the IKEA?
According to the Amazon FAQ, the AM260 motor is charged by a micro USB cord as you pointed out, so a small DC wall plug is required or a generic USB battery pack that would need to be recharged on a periodic basis. For AM270, it's charged by type C USB cord which still allows various power options (AC wall plug, battery, etc).
As a side note, for connection, the AM260 model demands a Zigbee capable hub and AM270 integrates directly with 5 Alexa devices (cannot work with the App).
As an owner of very expensive Zebra Z-Wave blinds we purchased over 5+ years and the quality and operability is still outstanding, the Zebra blinds were 5x more expensive than these products.
The Astomi afer-sale service and return policy is as follows:
Reissue Free: The Size Wrong, Transportation Damage or Parts Lost;
Provide two-year reissue service for the motorized blind motor.
I might consider purchasing one of these motorized blinks for one of our non motorized window shades, especially for $99 as a toe in the water. Just not sure about the product's quality, connection stability, etc even though many people on Amazon seem happy with their purchases for the most part!
Update: I didn't realize they charge an additional fee for window widths and lengths that are more than 22" x 39". So now I am looking $200+ for each bedroom window which we have 3. Equivalent Zebra/Graber motorized blinds at same dimensions are $386
This doesn't make much sense... Astomi blinds are based on Tuya Zigbee SoC. By 'Zigbee capable hub' they mean their own hub (Tuya compatible), because they don't know any other hubs different than Tuya. By 'Works with Alexa, Google Home, etc, etc..' they mean the cloud integrations between the Tuya Cloud and the Amazon/Google clouds. There is no way that Amazon Zigbee hubs will talk directly Tuya Zigbee dialect..
This is a typical Chinese product (note the broken English description...), but at this price it is worth the risk.
I agree with your comments, not 100% sure about integration with all Zigbee hubs like Hubitat without someone who owns them can verify, especially since one AMAZON buyer stated "I bought a Tuya hub to control them from Alexa which also works quite well."
A quick check of their Tuya App at https://www.tuya.com/ shows that that app works with SmartThings and other hubs (which would mean it most likely works with Hubitat if Zigbee is the protocol and they implement it to the Zigbee standard).
So, I will wait till I hear from other Hubitat owners of these blinds and not integrating with Hubitat is a deal breaker for me!
No, the Tuya SmartLife app has a Cloud integration with SmartThings Cloud (for a limited number of devices). Unfortunately, a lot of Tuya devices do not conform to Zigbee standards. ST direct connection is ensured by SmartThings community Edge drivers.
@user2574 confirms in this post that they work with the community-supported Zemsimsart blinds driver.
I will verify your statements above, which seem correct and factual, with info@astomishower.com and see what they state for native zigbee direct integration with Hubitat.
I suspect that they will not answer or obfuscate their response saying they have not tested with Hubitat. If that is the case, I agree totally with you that their 'hub' integration may be a special Zigbee proprietary connection and/or cloud based and not what one might expect one they have purchased and cannot return since 'working as expected' is not a reason for a refund.
I find that I'm running into a lot of that on Amazon lately.
My blinds per window would come out at around $140. Still cheap but I might go with the IKEA Fyrtur (or whatever they call them) as I already own a few of them and have been happy with the battery life and operation.
These are not tied into habitat though as I wanted to retain the remote control function. They work via "Alexa open the living room shades" and all 3 in that room are synced together.
I wonder if you can tie your IKEA shades into Hubitat using Hubitat's virtual switch(s) that would be exposed to Alexa. You can control those virtual switch(s) via RM/WebCore and create an Alexa routine(s) to open/close those shades when that/those virtual switch(s) change state?
For example at sunrise/sunset or weather or ambient light value, etc.
So you're saying copy that code and driver to make a motion sensor device in hubitat. Then name that motion sensor and expose it to Alexa. Then make a virtual switch to control this virtual motion sensor via hubitat.
The code I posted is really basic, but will do the job. There's other examples on the forum too.
You'll notice it has capability "Motion Sensor" and capability "Switch", so it will serve both purposes.
You save a new driver in driver code section by pasting that code. Then make a new device and choose "Virtual motion with Switch" as the type and give it a device label you can recognize. Expose that device to Alexa and create the routine so whenever that virtual motion sensor is active, the Alexa routine action is [Customized] "open the living room shades".
You need to build a second routine for when the same virtual motion sensor is not active, the Alexa routine action is [Customized] "close the living room shades".
Then test is out from HE by toggling the device switch ON to see the shade open, and OFF to see them close. When you're satisfied it's working as it should, put it into your automation.