ZWave Switch -> to ZWave Outlet - Simple Automation Rule SOOOO slow

rule is so slow, its so simple too
switch on, turn outlet on and the anti version of that
you can see in log, the physical switch off at 05:47:14.665
the rule runs and turned off the lamp at 05:47:31.041
thats a long time! sometimes its faster, but i need 1 second max to be acceptable
and even 1 second is too slow...

dev:402020-05-02 05:47:31.041 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp was turned off [digital]
dev:1632020-05-02 05:47:14.665 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp Switch is off [physical]

is just ZWAVE SLOW... i did a test, paused the rule...
added the node for the outlet into association group 2 of the switch...
there is still a good delay...(2 -3 seconds)

Without details of the switch and outlet, its hard to tell what's going on. Suffice it to say that is very slow.

How robust is your z-wave network? The Hubitat documentation has an excellent guide on how to build a solid z-wave network.

In any event, I'd recommend running a z-wave repair. By way of comparison, my z-wave network has about 60 nodes, of which 35 are powered (i.e. they can function as z-wave repeaters). On the average, it takes about 20 minutes to complete a z-wave repair. Also, the response time for my z-wave automations is about 150-300 ms.

that you for help... my zwave network is robust... i have plenty of devices spaced out
the hub is close too, and the switch and outlet are close too (15feet tops)
i did a z-wave repair and reboot of hub (going nuts)
i can live with 300ms

the switch is a brand new GE Embrighten(jasco) the outlet is a plug in type Leviton(DZPA1-15A)
i only got 15 nodes

maybe the switch itself...
maybe throw $$$ at it and try another brand
Innovelli or Zooz

Do you have something else you can use to see if the switch works faster. Maybe a light.

look at this ugly time
the rule ran, but look how long from rule log to turned on
(and in the room it was dang long)

dev:402020-05-02 06:38:30.323 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp was turned on [digital]
app:1932020-05-02 06:38:12.343 pm infoTurn On Office Torchiere Lamp when Office Torchiere Lamp Switch turns on Turn On
dev:1632020-05-02 06:38:12.260 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp Switch is on

@JohnRob, Define "Light" cause this is a light connected to an outlet
you mean a bulb that is zwave... not got that...
i have another outlet, my outdoor flood... i can try that, thats a jasco zw+ outlet

i did my outdoor holiday lights with is a GE(Jason) outdoor outlet... grabbed it connected inside to same office light

terrible, from the time the rule at 06;49:15 to 06:49:29
in the room it felt like forever!

dev:12020-05-02 06:49:29.323 pm infoOutdoor Holiday Lights was turned on [digital]
app:2262020-05-02 06:49:15.297 pm infoTurn On Outdoor Holiday Lights when Office Torchiere Lamp Switch turns on Turn On
dev:1632020-05-02 06:49:15.211 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp Switch is on
dev:1632020-05-02 06:49:15.178 pm warnOffice Torchiere Lamp Switch received unhandled command: CentralSceneNotification(keyAttributes:0, sceneNumber:1, sequenceNumber:88, slowRefresh:true)


How many line powered zwave devices do you have? Battery powered devices don't function as repeaters.

lots... only 1 battery powered device (remote)
i got 2 offline devices can that hurt?
HE needs to add stinking online/offline in the zwave details page, ugh

i just set up a rule to use my innovelli red switch in kitchen the button 7 (small button)
to toggle it on off...

some times fast, some times not

dev:402020-05-02 10:55:29.123 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp was turned off [digital]
app:2272020-05-02 10:55:06.997 pm infoToggle Office Torchiere Lamp when Kitchen Lights button 7 pushed Toggle
dev:1292020-05-02 10:55:06.874 pm infoKitchen Lights: Button 7 was pushed

it didnt get the command out quick enough

Do you have any Z-Wave devices on your network that are capable of producing Power Monitoring data? These devices often flood a Z-Wave network with too much data slowing everything down to a crawl. As a test, I strongly recommend you DISABLE all power monitoring features of all devices that are capable of this feature, then be sure to click SAVE, and then CONFIGURE. Afterwards, let things settle down for a few minutes and then try your test again.

Also, depending on your device being used to trigger the other device, it may only report a change of state AFTER it completes ramping up to 'on', or ramping down to 'off'. If this is the case, then the issue may be alleviated by changing the ramp duration for that dimmable device to 0 seconds.

This may easily explain what you're seeing in the following logs your posted. We can see Button 7 was seen by Hubitat at 10:55:06.874. Hubitat then toggled the "Office Torchiere" state within 123ms. That's pretty fast. The "Office Torchiere" device then responded back that it had changed its state to OFF about 2 seconds later. If the "Office Torchiere" device is a dimmer, it may have taken 2 seconds to ramp down to "Off" before it reported the change to Hubitat.

dev:402020-05-02 10:55:29.123 pm infoOffice Torchiere Lamp was turned off [digital]
app:2272020-05-02 10:55:06.997 pm infoToggle Office Torchiere Lamp when Kitchen Lights button 7 pushed Toggle
dev:1292020-05-02 10:55:06.874 pm infoKitchen Lights: Button 7 was pushed

Just a few ideas... :thinking:

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not sure on the power monitoring... ill check...

yes, the rule seemed to run fast... the lamp reported or was turned off 22 seconds later, its just a leviton zwave on/off module (plugs into outlet) no dimmer...
in the room, it did take forever...

Ooops! My bad... Not sure how I read that as only 2 seconds. Sorry about that.

22 seconds is forever. I would suspect some device is spamming your Z-Wave mesh.

Some of the older Leviton Switch/Dimmer devices require a firmware upgrade to behave properly with Hubitat. I wonder if your plug-in outlet is the same? Not sure if @bcopeland has helped users upgrade the firmware on any Leviton devices, yet...? He has a tool to perform Z-wave device firmware upgrades directly from the Hubitat hub.

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I doubt the Leviton outlet the issue... also I think the fw update is for Leviton Decora dimmers

Many times I push the wall button and it is responsive within a second or so... but enough times it’s lagged... that we sec was one of the worst... I do feel it’s the hubitat
I had a 2gig gc2 doing this stuff before Hubitat and no issues
It was all responsive...
Calling it a night... more messing with it tomorrow
Thanks for your help

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How fast is the switch when you press ON on the device details page?

If it is fast, then the issue has nothing to do with the mesh, and everything to do with the automation.

If it is slow when doing on/off from the device details page, then you have a mesh or device issue, and it has nothing to do with the automation rule.

Sorry if you already shared this info, and I missed it.

@JasonJoel, its like instant when i do it from the devices pages!
its on or off by the time i lift my finger off the mouse!

Then ignore any of the comments around zwave mesh or device issues. If it works quickly from the device page, then the mesh and switch are fine.

(with the caveat that is assuming there isn't "transient" mesh issues - which there usually is not)

Then it is either the hub is bogged down overall, or the automation/rule is delayed for unknown reasons.

For something like this I would:

  1. Turn on debug logging on all devices involved
  2. Open LOG screen in its own window

Then time:

  1. How long it takes to turn on/off switch from device details page
  2. How long it takes for the switch status to update in the logs
  3. How long it takes for the initiator (button press, other) from the device to show up in the log

If those are all fast, then it is the rule. If any of them are slower than expected, then it is the hub/mesh/device.

If you reboot the hub is the automation/rule fast/normal speed after a reboot, then slow down over time? Or is it always random on how long it takes?

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i feel at times the hubitat is busy dealing with say a refresh from themostat or something
and its too busy to send out the zwave command...

its random i feel, i did reboots and nothing changed....
i pulled the brand new GE Embrighten switch out... i was using it without load, and maybe it didnt like that... so waiting for innovelli to show up... but as i stated a made the little button on my existing innovelli switch do this light... and thats where the 1 time it took 22 seconds! (ouch)

i was getting frustrated, i needed to just walk away and take a day off...
im coming from a 2gig system run by, and it was WAY faster
i had 345mhz sensor connected to a dumb switch in wall, it would trigger on/off and turn this lamp on, always within 1 second... and im guessing it was coming from cloud