Zwave repair doesn't look right

guess what just showed up in my log. and I wasn't doing any zwave repair. Not sure if previous attempts was ever completed.

Neither have I (seen a Z-Wave Repair completion message in the logs).

just did one and mine did

Wow there is a zwave finished message. You don't have many zwave device at all.

No most of my stuff in still on ST as can't get everything functioning yet on HE. I have to buy and install loads of stuff soon though as i finish rooms. Got to make decision on z-wave blind controllers, motion sensors and dimmer switches with 2 inputs as well as install about 10 UBS to monitor temperature window contracts and doors! Going to be fun!

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I get the zwave finished as well.

I'm convince zwave repair stop after certain number of devices. So previously, it would always stop at node 43 for me, so I deleted that node by replacing it with another device which means node 43 is no longer use. Now when I do the repair, it stop at node 41.. I just added a bunch of iris plug repeater so I am hoping the repair will help. I have yet to see a repair finished message yet.

What other nodes do you have after 41? Look the list in settings then z wave information, the list has sometimes a weird order, the repair will follow that order

Here is the complete list of ID

64 (40)
2 (02)
3 (03)
67 (43)
4 (04)
5 (05)
6 (06)
7 (07)
71 (47)
8 (08)
72 (48)
9 (09)
73 (49)
74 (4A)
75 (4B)
13 (0D)
14 (0E)
79 (4F)
16 (10)
80 (50)
17 (11)
81 (51)
18 (12)
82 (52)
19 (13)
83 (53)
20 (14)
21 (15)
85 (55)
86 (56)
87 (57)
88 (58)
25 (19)
26 (1A)
90 (5A)
27 (1B)
91 (5B)
29 (1D)
94 (5E)
31 (1F)
95 (5F)
32 (20)
96 (60)
33 (21)
97 (61)
98 (62)
34 (22)
99 (63)
36 (24)
37 (25)
101 (65)
102 (66)
39 (27)
103 (67)
40 (28)
41 (29)
105 (69)
42 (2A)
107 (6B)
44 (2C)
45 (2D)
46 (2E)
47 (2F)
48 (30)
50 (32)
51 (33)
52 (34)
53 (35)
54 (36)
56 (38)
57 (39)
58 (3A)
60 (3C)
61 (3D)
62 (3E)
63 (3F)

What is node 105?

new Iris plug repeater

I had to leave my hub all night doing a repair, completed it but then in the morning my mesh was slow again, I did another repair in the morning and I saw it completely in the logs quickly, I seen the Iris plugs take a little more time than others to update in the repair but not to freeze the process, did you talk to Bobby about this?

I find it strange that only half of us are getting a "finished" notification.

I just check with the third party software. My zwave network seems ok. No ghost nodes anyway. Just weird that HE zwave repair seems to always stop 1/2 way for me.

You can do a repair with that third party software too.

I was going to try that next

I just tried a z-wave repair with my live logging open. The only output I got was:

Starting z-wave network repair

Nothing else, even after several minutes.

Is this normal or something to be concerned with? It seems like I used to get outputs similar to what's being done discussed here.

give it time. It could take awhile. I still see strange issue with it. it would show repair messages for about 25 repairs. It does not display any message beyond my device 41.

Not sure why I didn't noticed this before but z-wave repair is skipping all my light switches or outlets.

That’s strange! I find it to be very thorough. It follows the order of the devices as they appear on the z-wave information page, skipping only my non-repeating end devices.