Zwave outdoor switch question

Hello all this is an intermittent issue.
I have an outdoor water feature. 3 stones with water coming out. Its wired to a Zwave outdoor switch

Enbrighten Z-Wave Direct-Wire Outdoor/Indoor Smart Switch, 40 Amp, Gray

I have it set when everyone leaves the house. The switch is supposed to turn OFF. This is among many other devices that are set to turn OFF when everyone leaves.

I have noticed that this Water Feature switch doesnt Always turn OFF when everyone leaves. This happens sometimes. I have No Zwave Ghosts.

Do i need to do a device Refresh or Repair?

Its not critical but i would like to address it....on what i need to do to rectify it

Or is it something sometimes that not ALL zwave devices get the signal ?

When i go into my dashboard i can Turn Off and Turn On without any problems.

Its just the automation of turning OFF is the issue

Thankyou in advance

It could be that you're turning off a lot of stuff at the same time. Sometimes, things get missed. There are ways around this, but someone more knowledgeable than I would have to tell you what they are. :slight_smile:

Lets see a screenshot of the rule.

I would add 1s delay for a separate off command for any problematic devices.
You can also a second round of off commands with a slightly longer delay if you want to be really sure they all turn off.
Also you can use the "command only devices that are on" function in RM to cut down on extra mesh traffic.

Labeled Waterfall

I will do that. I will set a delay for Waterfall

That looks like it is in basic rules? If it was in RM I would suggest to use the option to only command devices that are ON to cut down traffic.

I would break it up into two waves with a slight delay, with that many switches, and then maybe even do the waterfall as another further delay.

This is my goodnight rule with a second wave of switches on a 2s delay.



I dont really know how to use Rule Machine

Im still primitive / basic guy treading into the Hubitat world

From SmartThings Version 1 till now
Im still a novice ! Lol

I will look into doing all that you suggested


I set a seperate 25 min delay for the waterfall on the automation. So far so good on shutting off.


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Probably a bit extreme, could have just done 1 minute, but as long as it works for you.