This is a strange one I have been after for a bit. I have a basic webcore routine that a zigbee motion sensor turns on the bathroom light, and at night it doesn't always work. I am certain the code works. It works other times and early in the night. Here is what I have changed and the problem has persisted and other facts:
- New zooz zwave plus LR switch,
- Ran zwave repair
- Double and triple checked the code and ran different code to same result.
- New HUB, went from C7 to C8 pro
- The zwave network looks very healthy
- When its not responding, I can go into the hub and turn on the bathroom light and it takes multiple tries or there is huge delay.
- I am not a subscribed member to cloud backups.
- Still had the issue when the zwave bathroom switch had a direct zwave connection.
The only thing I am now not sure of is if other zwave devices are having trouble. I will need to try to turn on other zwave lights via the hub control. It's not the easiest to troubleshoot since it's only happening late at night when the house is fairly dormant. I am not sure when the issue started. It wasn't always like this though. It worked fine for years.
I'm not a Webcore user myself -- is there a debug-log equivalent available for it?
Beyond that, the device logs are likely to hold some answers... For the corresponding devices in this mix (motion sensor and switch, I'm guessing), check their Events and Logs tabs (available on each Device page) for add'l clues.
That right there tells me it is a zwave issue.
Post your Z-wave details after clicking the Refresh Stats button.
Post the red/blue topology also.
I have done that and found nothing useful sadly. I know i am getting the motion event and sending the light turn on event.
Maybe tonight I will make some new code that spams the light with on commands every 1 second until it turns on just to see if that works.
You pressed Refresh Stats before that right?
How long had hub been running since reboot when you took that screenshot?
You can get Uptime from Logs > Device Stats if not sure.
I would like to see it after at least 24hrs uptime if you can recently rebooted when you did the one above.
What model / firmware is the Zooz switch in the bathroom? The older ZEN30 has antenna issues so just thinking of that as a possible issue. Any other Zooz should be fine. We are talking about Node (64) right?
Haha, this hub is BRAND NEW. I just changed to the C8 pro and it hasn't been 24 hours yet. But this is a long standing issue that is continuing on this new hub. I can get back to you tonight when it's been 24 hours. About 7pm.
It is a brand new zen72. The actual switch works wonderfully and the switch before it also had the same issue and it was an old inovelli. I don't think the switch itself is the issue. It is also in a 3 gang plastic box. There is another zwave switch in there with it. I pulled the reset tab on that one overnight once just to rule out some kind of weird interference issue, and that did not help either. It only happens at night oddly. During the day the automation of that switch works great and is fast. I need to try to rule out tonight if it is an issue limited to this device, or the whole zwave network.
In my logs I see the motion sensor trigger, then in the light logs I see the bathroom light being sent the turn on commands, yet it was delayed and took a minute or 2 to turn on. This just happened now, It almost seems like once it wakes up its fine because then I was able to turn it on and off rapid fire from hubitat no problem.