Zwave LR 700 Series of Sensors

  1. Does anyone know if the Zwave 700 sensors that are put out by Zooz are LR devices?
  2. Does the Hubitat C7 do LR or is it only the C8?
  3. Does anyone know by how much the new LR sensors are more battery efficient?

Thank you in advance.

  1. AFAIK, none of their 700 sensors are LR capable. If you are referring to battery sensors in particular, I doubt they are going to enable LR for those (if that would even be possible). Instead, I think they're just moving to 800LR version hardware.

  2. C7 can not do LR. Staff have not committed to bringing LR to C7, so unclear if that will ever happen.

  3. @JasonJoel did some battery testing a while ago, and I believe his nutshell results were that 800 devices showed notable battery efficiency gains over 700/500, but there were no appreciable differences between LR-vs-mesh pairing.