Zwave intermittent pause

Not exactly :slight_smile:

Use this guide to understand the requirements:

I have a dedicated ZWave stick (SiLabs from Digikey) that has been flashed with the Zniffer code. It's theoretically possible to flash it back, but you'd have to capture the original code, since I'm not aware of SiLabs distributing it.

That single Zniffer (along with SiLab's Zniffer tool for a PC) allow me to watch any of my 5 hubs and their traffic. Be aware though that it's a radio too.. interference and distance are always a factor.

I have, as I mentioned, 5 Hubitat hubs (active. 2 more are older and packed away) so I'm the last person that will try and dissuade anyone from implementing multiple hubs.

Since you have one, fire it up and get HubMesh running. Mirror a bunch of devices to it. (That way you can have it working in an hour, vs Exclude/Include a dozen devices before you can even experiment.) You'll find it's faster than you can detect. Turn a light on from the second hub and it will be exactly the same as done from the first hub. Ethernet is very fast and we humans can't really "see" 12 ms or less. If that seems good, then you can take the time to start planning for and implementing a migration. I chose to split the devices in my home by area. I'm mostly a ZWave house, so I have an Upstairs Hub and a Downstairs hub... then when I crossed an imaginary line I set for myself on device count, I got another hub and took devices from both Upstairs and Downstairs to become "Front"

Here's the split of my hubs today:

Hub	  ZWave	Zigbee	   Total
Down: 	26 / 	0  		[70]
Up: 	29 / 	27 		[77]
Coord: 	 0 / 	0  		[169]
Front: 	33 / 	0  		[49]

As you can see, I have 3 ZWave meshes an 1 Zigbee. I have a hub dedicated to outward facing traffic, such as Dashboards, Homebridge, Weather, etc.