Zwave Ghost Device - Can't remove


I have a zwave device I was adding and it got stuck in bootstrapping. Now I have a ghost z-wave device. I can not get it to be removed.

  • I have removed the power from the device (it is an Ultrapro zwave switch)
  • I have tried to remove it MANY times from the zwave details page
  • I have shutdown the HE and removed power from it for 5-10 minutes, SEVERAL times.

I get this in the log: "Failed node 59 remove status: no reply", and then when it doesn't get removed and I try it again, the logs change to this: "Failed node 59 remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list."

I read in the community that "0 SDK means it's getting power... but I have turned off the breaker. And yes, I am sure.

What do I do?

This has been found to happen if the node is showing multiple neighbors.
Post a screenshot of that node from the Z-wave details page.

It only shows 1 neighbor. You want to see the device detail page from that neighbor?

This is the data from the single neighbor to ghost device...

  • deviceId: 40970
  • deviceType: 28672
  • firmwareVersion: 2.0
  • hardwareVersion: 2
  • inClusters: 0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x25,0x8E,0x59,0x85,0x86,0x6C,0x73,0x60,0x72,0x87,0x7A,0x5A,0x70
  • manufacturer: 634
  • protocolVersion: 7.19
  • serialNumber: 7CC6B6FFFE576C4E
  • zwNodeInfo: D3 9C 00 04 10 00 5E 9F 55 25 8E 59 85 5C 86 6C 73 60 72 87 7A 5A 70 68 23

If the single neighbor is another device and not the hub, that can prevent it from getting removed. Especially if that one neighbor is a battery device (I think yours is since it has class 0x55). I think its a bug in the SiLabs software/firmware used on the hub. I am guessing it tries to ask the neighbors about the device and since battery devices don't respond it fails.

You could test something.... on your device list first check the box next to this neighbor device to disable it (so the driver wont reply to a wake up). Then get the device you want to remove ready in z-wave details by hitting refresh until you get the remove button. Then manually wake the battery neighbor device, and within 60 seconds click remove on the ghost.

That is totally untested but it may just work....

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The neighbor is a powered repeater (Zooz ZEN17 Relay). I unplugged it a while ago to see if that helps, and nothing.

Now, I'll give this a shot and see if it helps.

Well my theory wont work at all then, a plugged in device is always awake. It must not be 0x55 that is for battery, remembering wrong.

Unplugging things does absolutely nothing also, BTW. IMO its an Urban Legend / Myth.

You would probably need a USB stick to remove it: How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick

Yeah, thanks. Unfortunately I am leaving town tomorrow so just have to hope it doesn’t kill my entire mesh.

I know this isn’t your fault, you’ve been nothing but helpful, but this simply can’t be the solution. I know it’s a third party for Hubitat, but still.

Anyway, fingers crossed. And, thanks again.

I highly doubt it will cause any problems, don't stress about it.