Zwave firmware for Zen 17

This on C7. I have downloaded updated driver from Zooz gbi for this relay. I go to app Zwave firmware. I click Device Firmware Updater|Update Firmware, select the device, target shows current firmware, but when I Firmware File, nothing happens. I pick the GBL file and nothing changes.

Is the Z17 paired with S2 security or just "None" security?

Paired with none security as I recall

  • deviceId: 40970
  • deviceType: 28672
  • firmwareVersion: 1.2
  • hardwareVersion: 1
  • inClusters: 0x5E,0x25,0x20,0x85,0x8E,0x59,0x55,0x86,0x72,0x5A,0x73,0x70,0x60,0x9F,0x6C,0x7A
  • manufacturer: 634
  • protocolVersion: 7.13
  • serialNumber: B43A31FFFE4D5E02
  • zwNodeInfo: D3 9C 00 04 10 00 5E 25 20 85 5C 8E 59 55 86 72 5A 73 70 60 9F 6C 7A 68 23

Huh, well, the built-in firmware updater should work then... But you can try these steps instead -- I wrote them to accomodate S2-paired devices (since the built-in updater cannot handle those), but these steps should work fine for non-S2 stuff too.

[GUIDE] Z-Wave device - how to update firmware using the driver method - :bellhop_bell: Get Help / Devices - Hubitat

ETA -- backing up a bit first... Did you exactly follow all the steps as descibed here?

Device Firmware Updater | Hubitat Documentation

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You are absolutely correct. I was not using those instructions. It is updating now. Thank you!

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