Zwave device trouble

I have a C7 running Starting this afternoon, a lot of Zwave devices are not responding. The ones that are responding are taking a long time to do so. I also noticed a message saying "Last cloud backup failed. Failed steps: Z-Wave."

I've tried rebooting the hub, and doing a Zwave repair. Neither have worked.

Anyone know what to do from here?

Shutdown the hub, remove power for about 30 seconds (this will empty the zwave radio cache and force a rebuild on power up), and then plug it back in. Once you’re back up try doing a cloud backup.

Thank you. I tried the shutdown/remove power. That didn't work either, but I found this article and followed the instructions and that resolved the issue:


Update. This problem reoccurred today, with all Zwave control lost and last cloud backups have failed citing "Zwave" as the cause.

Since running this procedure in the link below 9 days ago to fix the first occurrence, I've updated to on my C7.

I tried shutting down the hub and removing power, this time it fixed the issue.

If there is anything I can do to further troubleshoot the root cause either now or if this happens again, please let me know.

This happened again. Does anyone know about the status of a fix for this?