Zwave - Daily slowdown

Every day, for the past several months, my zwave network becomes extremely slow between Noon and 1PM . All zwave devices can take 30+ seconds to respond. I originally blamed Backups but neither local nor cloud run during this period.
I can not see any app that could be running during this period that may cause such slowdowns.
The strange thing is that the problem goes away shortly after this daily slowdown period which suggest some process is running and hogging cpu.

I am at wits end at where to look next and am looking for some suggestions

What do the logs say? Look at hub events as well.

Also post your z-wave details page in it's entirety (use windows snip)

Might also look to see if there is a device that is logging a lot of events during that time frame - may have to open the ZWave live logging prior to the noon start time if its not obvious from the normal logs.