I just moved and the movers lost the box with my mailbox contact sensor in it. After clearing up the wave table and removing the old sensor, I got a new one, but when I went to use smart start manager and the app to add it to wave LR, the table exploded with blank LR entries. It won't pair in LR at all.
What do I do? Here's 3 screenshots but there's probably 7 and they just keep counting up sequentially
Disable the Smart Start entry for now.
Check the logs for pairing errors.
Shut down hub and unplug for 30 seconds.
The "ghost" nodes should go away after booting back up.
You can try pairing it again via SS after booting back up.
Watch the logs for any errors about pairing.
I did that and the ghosts are gone thanks. Now I canโt get it to smart Star pair for the life of me. Do I need to factory reset it and pull the battery?
Possibly, and it wont hurt anything. Did you watch the logs at all? First thing you would see is an info log saying something about SmartStart Join is starting.
If you do factory reset it, it will start trying to join as soon as it reboots so dont pull the battery right away if SS is still enabled or you may interrupt it.